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Everything posted by Farlance

  1. smint45: So many reviews! Thank you! I can't say a lot, but I can say that fae in A&I aren't the happy-go-lucky wingaling fairies you'd expect in a story like this. Keep your eyes open! games for days: Thanks for another review! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to respond and update the story. I'll surely continue now that I've worked through my creative roadblock. Mignightsscream: You'll certainly find out more; I have dozens of pages of backstory, profiles, and history written about the fae. I plan on incorporating the majority of it into the story by the end. (It's going to be long!) Purgatorium: Oh there'll be many more sex scenes. I can resist manlove. :> Itrasheditgood: I'm glad it's more interesting than it initially was. D: I'm sorry for the slow start, but it'll ramp up quickly!
  2. smint45: Thank you for your comments; Even simple compliments keep my self-esteem up, and make me want to write more. :> games for days: I can only hope that it turns out to be as interesting as you hope, and I'll do my best to live up to those expectations. poohkie87: I hate when stories just slap you in the face with an unexpected description; So far Erin's been rather vaguely described -- He sort of flits in and out of the picture, just out of eyeshot, all mysterious and sexy. In Chapter 3, he'll be getting a more direct description, courtesy of Cameron ogling him like a dog in heat.
  3. Hey there; This'll be the place I post responses to all reviews for Ashes and Ice. I don't want to add them directly into the chapters because, well, I'm lazy. And until I get a proper beta, I won't be able to really look at my chapters much more than I already do without spending triple the time editing them, because I'm neurotic. Chapters should come rather quickly; I'm new-ish at this (Not writing, posting stories online), so I try to shell out as much as I can whenenver I have the time to do so. I have a lot of time invested into research and development for this project, and I want to see it come to fruition. Also, a little warning here; So far (As of chapter 3) this is mostly a somewhat dull, if sex-filled, Day in the Life of Cameron. That's not what it'll be for long -- Expect to see the story ramping up soon, and adding the modern fantasy in that I've promised.
  4. I could certainly use a beta for my story Ashes and Ice. It's my first bit of fiction posted online, though I've written in the past, and I'm only slightly comfortable with my writing skills. The first chapter is up already, and the second is in the works; This is going to likely be a multi-book work, as I have a lot (A LOT) of backstory, research, and time invested in the story. The first chapter is short; Basically a test to see how people like my writing style and if it catches anyone's attention. At the very least, feedback is appreciated.
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