Hello~ It's your Aunty Muse (better known as Aunty 'cune on FF) This is my...erm...more 'pervy' account. And my attempt to be social. (HAH)
Anyway, I'm just some collage age chick moseying along in the world. eh, I enjoy character studies 'cause I love getting into character's heads and Emotion is a fascinating fascinating subject to me. I've been writing romance because the tension between couples is so much fun to write, but my original love is for Adventure Fantasy. (Someday, when I can get my stupid finicky rabbits to work I'll write one.) Currently I'm hoping to focus on just one kind of fandom, 'cause my ADD makes it hard for me to not spazz all over the place. (I'm a fandom whore) XD
I dislike cliche love scenes with all the flowers and soft light and choco's and stuff, 'cause I'm jaded like that. Therefore, while I don't always like to fill my stories with nothing but ANGST and DRAMA it's not gonna be all sweet and sappy either.
I have problems with details of my surroundings. >.< I focus too much on introspection, any help with detailing the surrounding area without halting the story completely would be greatly appreciated. Also, I has no beta. Sad Aunty Muse.
(I'm also an actual Aunt, yay me~ *drowns y'all with pictures of her nephew like Maes Hughs in FMA)