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Everything posted by Leania

  1. I'm working on my first fic ( ) and I'm not sure how I'm doing so far. I'm up to chapter 4 (possibly) but I don't know if I'm rambling, not giving enough information, or if it's even interesting. It will be eventually slash (M/M), also a time travel fic, with mentions of abuse. It's AU (can't do cannon) and will have Dumbledore bashing and select Weasley bashing; I don't wan to give too much away. I've read a few time travel fics in the past and, while interesting in their own setting, sparked an idea that I haven't read; there's also been a lot more that have not been finished or updated in a long time. If your interested, either drop me a note here or e-mail leania07@gmail.com and I'll give you a synopsis of what I have so far; if it sounds like your cup of tea then I'll send you the first 2 chapters to look over. I'm not quite looking for critiques just yet, though if I continue with this fic then you may be asked to be the beta for the story.
  2. I've been so busy with my new laptop. I am writing, though I get new plunnies pestering me.

  3. YAY I got a new laptop...well I won't actually get it until tomorrow. Open box item (last one), awesome discount...phenomenal specs! Gaming laptop for under $1000, my husband's awesome!

  4. Why do I get my hopes up? I'd love a new laptop, and tax returns look promising...Oh wait, student loans to pay too. Grrr.

  5. Since I got that link from BW, I've been working like crazy on my original story. I may pop up now and then, but I'll be busy writing. Thanks again!

    1. BronxWench


      Melrick's world-building list is amazing! :D

  6. Went from 6-12 inches to 5-10, now we're between 5-12 and 10-20 inches. Where's spring?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench


      We had snow last night into this afternoon, and then the temps rose, it began to melt, and the sun came out late. And tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and 50F. -.-

    3. botticelliangel


      I agree Leania, I want spring!

  7. Went from 6-12 inches to 5-10, now we're between 5-12 and 10-20 inches. Where's spring?!

  8. I could've sworn when you stop a process, the physical memory percent is supposed to drop, not rise!

  9. Great, my computer is now acting up.

  10. Rain for now...snow tonight and through Thursday. Plus someone ran into the mailboxes, just a lovely day.

  11. Thank you Cuzosu, that helps.
  12. Wow, many thanks to lucretziathevagabond for that link; I'm bookmarking that! I do have trouble coming up with terms/words that aren't over used, 'slang', or just sound goofy. I'm great at innuendo's but then again if my mind is in the gutter something like, "That's a smooth ride" is suddenly sexual even if I know we're talking about the shocks on the car (my husband loves me for that). I feel even worse because I took a Medical Terminology class in college yet my recollection is shot. However I'll add a few terms I use (and read): folds: also a substitution for labia (majora or minora) love button: substitution for clitoris petals: substitution for labia (majora or minora) slit: can be used as description for either labia majora, though mostly used reference to the meatus. A lot of the other terms have already been suggested or are rather 'crude' terms and/or slang. I need to dig out my erotica book. *edit: I did have a question; can anyone clear up what mewling and keening are? Is it similar to a whine noise and used as a substitution for the term? Thanks.*
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