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Everything posted by Emi

  1. Mhmm... this enforcement will likely filter out many underaged ones about. Which is a pretty good thing to us.
  2. What is your opinion about this? http://bookshop.livejournal.com/823790.html Basically, it can be summarized by saying legal issues oppressing incestuous communities on LiveJournal.com... some of which has been suspended and deleted. Also, there were things regarding to Fanlib lately. ;x Anyone heard about that as well?
  3. I think changing a few details and putting it under the "Original Section" would be better unless you are willing to change your original characters into actual canon characters. It does not really count as a fanfiction if you are using your own characters and putting them in a similar situation parallel to the canon plot. :x Seems more original than a fanfiction to me.
  4. Emi


    Celia-- I agree. Seriously, whenever I see random Japanese words inserted, I turn from the fiction right away. It makes my head hurt just switching back and forth. And... it's just. :||| urk. no words can express how frustrated I get because of that. Unless they are what the character would say, or in parodies. But those are also the exceptions, hmm? :x
  5. I havn't been approved yet. :x Is the post unlocked?
  6. Who's who on LJ? :x
  7. Happy birthdayy~ :'DDD
  8. Emi


    *hums* Alright. I am a huge fangirl for boy-love. And seriously, I have been pampered enough on LiveJournal to see little of these fanfics that are like that. When it comes to the original anime/manga, I agree with APP. I also get annoyed when it comes to shota where the little boys are practically little girls with dicks. :xx The whole idea is just... I don't know. :\\ Really, not all men are willing to stick their virgin ass in the air and accept a romantic impale without preparation and lubrication then whimper about how much it hurts. Or perhaps they get the typical three-finger-insert thing. The next scene/page will be them moaning and screaming and it makes my stomach churn unhappily. Seme/uke sterotypes just makes me want to cry. Why not just write het instead, really? :| Realistic sex ftw. However. Doujinshi are completely diffrent things for myself. :")
  9. Emi


    Yeah. Do you have LJ too? :xx And the kjfg;kjdsfhg <-- that. :xx Is a keyslam. hee
  10. Emi


    It's growing slowly, I know that for sure. :")))) dfj,hsg;rugs do you have LJ too? :x
  11. Emi


    I torrent D.Gray, so.... There are also dirct downloads for the subtitled files. :xxx What D.Gray-Man have in similar with FMA is that they are both somewhat Biblical. The Earl of the Millenium does not call himself an actual sinner, but that THEY are the ones who are chosen by God to rule the world while the Exorcists are the devils. And the Black Order's idea is a complete opposite than the one the Earl has. Not... really. That's not really what the plot is about. XD It's more about finding ways to defeat the Earl and prevent him from destroying the world and gathering all the Innocence before the Earl does so. XD Did that make sense?
  12. Emi

    Unpopular Animes

    I totally understand. It's when I talk about AIR. And people go. "Duhhh. whuts air lul" :\\ Really, it sometime frustrates me because AIR is such a beautiful anime.
  13. Emi


    HAS ANYONE HEARD OF D.GRAY-MAN ON HERE?! jhdsdhgjskd; Who's your favourite character? Favourite pairing? What do you like about it? My favourite character has got to be Kanda. And my favourite pairing is Kanda/Allen. I don't really appreciate Rinali all that much because she gets really annoying later. :\\\\ I used to like her, too. What I like about D.Gray-Man is that... it gives a completely diffrent taste of what it means to read something from the shounen genre of manga-- which is usually mecha, sports, supernatural. D.Gray-Man is a manga/anime where one make weapons called Akuma from a living soul, despair and a machine. Programmed to kill people in order to evolve to another level to defeat excorcists. A fight to gather Innocence and a race against time versus the Earl. It's very interesting if you haven't read it yet. I didn't think it'd be that good at first, but it COMPLETELY drew me in. I couldn't get out of it. It's just SO good. dflkghdskjghsreo
  14. kjdfhgskjdfhg oer I can't believe I missed this topic. :|||||| I really hate how the anime twisted everything at the end because they can't afford it anymore. dkjfghkjsfhguhrg BUT-- There are a TON of Ouran fics-- depends on where you look for them. Kyouya is my favourite character. :'))) I adore him so much and I squee everytime I see him. And regarding to het pairings, Haruhi is paired with everyone-- but I don't personally prefer fanon!Haruhi because she is VERY ooc. Which bugs the hell out of me. And there are some pairings I cannot see involving Haruhi. This is my personal opinion, of course-- Kyouya/Haruhi and Honey/Haruhi. First. Kyouya/Haruhi won't work, even if the end of the anime is like
  15. Emi

    Does Manga Belong Here?

    jhdghkdjlfhgsiu MANGA. *___________* D.Gray-Man. Skip Beat! Those two are the ones I'm stalking right now. And FMA, but that's already mentioned. ;P
  16. Emi

    Full Metal Alchemist

    Dude. LJ FTW. Al... Well, I liked him in the beginning. But this whole issue of him going: Am I real? Really pissed me off for some reason. :\ kdjfhg;skjkj;sdf KIMBLEY? He's so great. And Archer. omg. My favourite pairing has got the be Hughes/Roy, though. :x ... How does Al/Riza work? I haven't seen any myself.
  17. Emi

    Any Suggestions?

    What is your preferred genre of anime? :x That might help with me suggesting some anime series. XD
  18. Emi

    English Horror

    Actually, majority of them are not popstars. They are chosen because of their voices and not their looks and because of that, a lot of the seiyuus aren't... popstars because they don't looks good enough. For example.... Roy Mustang's seiyuu. No offense, but he is on the chubby side and hair is falling out though I love him all the same because he does his roles insanely well. Some seiyuus could pass as a popstar because they have both their looks and their voices. Though majority of the actual popstars are in Japanese dramas. -- As for dubs? They make my ears bleed and I can't touch any of them. :\ The Prince of Tennis dub came out earlier and I was near tears because they don't know how to pronounce their names. How they speak their lines makes me want to go bash my head on the wall because they sound so stiff and unnatural. It makes me feel that even I could do better than they can. Urgh. (You can tell I don't have much experience with dubs because I'm spoiled with subs.)
  19. Tomatoes.
  20. Thirsty.
  21. My avatar is created by PotterPuffs! And made by... I don't remember. O___o" http://livejournal.com/users/potterpuffs I found it oddly amusing to have a lingerie part involving Voldemort with a red bra and thongs. XD *shot*
  22. Food.
  23. Emi

    Introduce Yourself!

    *squee* My thread is so populahr! *bricked* I hope you are all having fun here! If you have any suggestions to make our board the best, feel free to create a new thread or spam me through PMs. :3 Again, I am Emi, your mod. Your extremely hyper mod that does not drink coffee. Because she thinks coffee if bad. And she likes icecream too, but she get stomach aches after. D: Her current fandom is PoT and is a pairing whore. No, she doesn't ONLY read yaoi. But after seeing hentai women with extremely large boobies(ahaha! I said boobies and not breasts! Shoot me if you can~), she decided that penises are more attractive. ... She also likes being bricked, because she is weird that way. =D *bricked* And my LiveJournal is the best way to check if I'm alive.
  24. Emi

    Introduce Yourself!

    BlueBlaze!! You, you!! I've switched my author name now~~ Please send your next update email to emi.yuuji@gmail.com. :3 *snuggles*
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