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  1. ^^ Thanks
  2. One-shots are fine ^^
  3. I would just love some Yaoi for my Birthday (October 14th) That means plenty of time. There is a vague Idea I've gotten from a past Senpai of mine who used to rp PoT tons. Having a scrapbook of Ryoma's firsts. Though his firsts with the Seigaku Regulars. That being said, it'd be pretty much Ryoma x Regulars. This means it could be them looking back at the album altogether discussing and reminiscing his firsts (from first erection, and so on).
  4. 41 Days Til My Barfday =D *awaits Yaoi fics for presents >D*

  5. In a weird mood that mostly doesn't happen often. *takes advantage of it*

  6. I'd like any or all of these pairing choices: red/green(angsty perhaps but not too much) gold(Ethan)/Silver(humour/romance) Will/Lucian(lolol Will you whore ) Morty/Bugsy(I hearts some shota) Morty/Eusine(Humour C:) Lance getting picked at for overcompensating Gima/Arti(possessive perhaps?) N/Touya(Black) <--mmm so tasty *goes to check on Black Adventures Webcomic* ^Anything goes there C: Hope My little add-in's are helpful enough C: *Was originally a B-day wish TT^TT but that passed....Hint it is coming around again October 14th...same time as The Walking Dead =D* I want these in general at any given time ^^
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