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Everything posted by tehuti88

  1. Thanks for the encouraging comments. (Sorry it took me so long, I wasn't notified of replies for some reason.) And for taking care of those other ratings. I couldn't be sure about the others, but that one on the story I'd only just posted was suspicious. Unfortunately I think they're back, as all of the three items I posted tonight were quickly rated with one star. (Two others were a while back but it took a bit to get those ratings, so they're likely just somebody who didn't like what they read.) *sigh* I'm kind of getting the feeling there's somebody who simply doesn't like seeing my name on so much writing. It's only too bad such people, instead of doing this, don't just go out and post more of their own writing! ETA: What's doubly weird (I only just noticed this) is the three items are posted in two different genre categories, so whoever this is would've had to either browse or check out my profile. Strange. :/
  2. Explanation & Personal Disclaimer for "Keeping In Line" http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600104499 : EXPLANATION: I can't remember exactly where the idea of Didrika came from, but once she developed as a Trench Rats character, I fell in love with her. Platonically speaking, of course. ; She is probably THE toughest, most take-no-shittingest character I've created--and what's more, she's a WOMAN! (You would not believe how wimpy most of my females are...well...unless you've read any of my other erotica, I guess.) She's brash and brazen and beautiful and unapologetic, which made me like her even more following some of her history which she revealed in a scene with Reseda Rat (not an erotic scene, but I may include it later on to illustrate her character--it has nonconsensual themes). Pretty much how it goes is, Didrika was a member of a Gypsy clan who was kicked out by her own father after being raped by a gadjo (non-Gypsy). She had been out walking without a chaperone, so the deed was proclaimed to be her fault. As a teenager she sustained herself by prostitution until she made enough money to live quite comfortably--and then she fled to the countryside to fight with the partisans. She came across Boris, a Russian soldier who had been captured and was being tortured by the Nazis; Didrika managed to shoot every last one of them unaided, freeing Boris, and thus earning his eternal respect. She still had to earn the respect of the rest of the male partisans in her part of the woods...which she easily did, through a combination of sex and intimidation. She is now the female leader of an all-male partisan force, of which Boris is her second in command, as well as her primary lover; although fond of the rest of the men under her command, she doesn't really have romantic feelings for them--it's just business as usual. Her relationship with Boris is rather odd as well, as for the most part the two are not jealous of their other relations...well, except when Trench Rats are concerned. (Boris has a thing against Trench Rats--you'll have to see the upcoming "Copper Rat/Didrika," whenever it's finished.) Reseda, whom Didrika alternately treats as a little brother or potential conquest, is in disbelief to learn she has no shame or guilt over any of her choices--she knows where she stands, and doesn't bother dwelling on things that can't be helped. To paraphrase what she tells Reseda at one point--she doesn't care whether she has to use her fists or the rest of her body to get obedience, just so long as it works--and it does. So even though she's had a rather lousy life, she's probably one of the most mentally balanced characters I've created. ANYWAY! I just had to write some of her scenes with Boris...and a few others...to show the odd dynamic she's got going on, which keeps her unit working. Reseda is understandably bewildered. You probably would be too if you were him. Check out the most likely out-of-continuity "Gangbang" for more fun Didrika smuttiness. PERSONAL DISCLAIMERS: Reseda's "Why do you do it?" question, near the end, is repeated in the so-far unfinished scene I mentioned above. So either the scenes are alternates of each other, or Reseda is really dense. o_o "Keeping In Line," BTW, is a combination of related scenes; I didn't feel like writing the material that comes in between them. This scene is from circa 2003, so some details and the writing style may be out of date.
  3. Explanation & Personal Disclaimer for "Role Reversal" http://books.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094930 : EXPLANATION: Quite a long time ago I came up with the scenario that the Egyptian wolf god Upuat had undergone some severely messed-up things in his past. This is hinted at in the in-progress novel Osiris, and just BARELY hinted at in Horus (when the character Sokar asks Horus something like, "Does he still howl in his sleep?"). Actually the Upuat/Seii scenario (one of my very, very few scenes in which a female is the victimizer) came after a somewhat similar, unwritten kinda scenario involving Seii and Thoth, back when I spelled the character's name as "Sce." (At first she was meant to be a sort of evil female counterpart of Set, but then I changed her to an unknown foreign goddess, and then changed the spelling of her name. It's pronounced "See," BTW.) In that first storyline, Seii was attracted to the god Thoth, and made advances on him. Appalled that he was even slightly attracted to such a bad element, Thoth rebuffed her, and created a crystal to entrap her should she try it again. When she did so he imprisoned her in the crystal...however, he also imprisoned her palace and everything within it, which included the relatively unknown god Upuat, whom Seii had previously kidnapped as a sort of substitute to take Thoth's place in her sick games. And so Upuat was entrapped right alongside his captor...and, realizing what had happened to her, Seii unleashed her rage upon him. Thoth, meanwhile, had no way of knowing what he'd done wrong, and as Upuat was not well known, everyone else...just forgot about him. Until another mistake on Thoth's part (he was going through a stupid phase, I guess ) accidentally released Upuat and not Seii. Finally freed, Upuat told of what had happened the whole time he'd been imprisoned in Seii's palace...and it wasn't pretty. (See the non-erotic novella "Escape" for this part of the story, and for Upuat's version of events.) He had to become reacclimated to neteru (divine) society, and had a few false starts (see "Chosen" for one example) before fitting in as best as he could, though his bad reputation with women persisted for a very long time (see this in Osiris). Upuat, like Det. Kristeva in the D Is For Damien/Minot-crossover storyline and Lt. Djuta in the Ameni Chronicles, is one of my damaged characters who have nearly ended up becoming just like the people who hurt them, only to turn away at the last minute in an attempt to redeem themselves. They've all made horrible mistakes (things which in real life I probably would not forgive, myself), but are still living with those choices they made, and are plagued by them constantly--this drives much of their present-day behavior. As with Kristeva and Djuta I wanted to pair Upuat up with somebody who understood him...and that happened to be the lynx goddess Maftet. (See "Apophis's Day" for her story, and "Let Me" for the two of them together). After enough false starts it was about time he settled down...though there was that huge gap in his past that still needed to be filled in. This scene, and the followup "Master For A Day," are just a small sample of what happened in that time period; Upuat tells a little more of what happened himself in "The Painful Past." PERSONAL DISCLAIMERS: Upuat's and Seii's very first scene together, when he refuses her attentions and is first attacked with the "stick," is not included here as it has not been written. By the time these scenes take place Upuat has already been "broken in" and plays the part of a submissive, something which does not really suit him. Perhaps someday I'll write some earlier scenes to illustrate the transition he goes through. Also, most of Seii's screaming fits stem from her rage toward Thoth. Just in case that wasn't obvious. This scene is from circa 2003, so some details and the writing style may be out of date.
  4. Explanation & Personal Disclaimer for "The Witness" http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600104448 : EXPLANATION: Potential spoilers. Again, I'm not sure where or why the idea was born, but I decided to give some backstory to my Manitou Island character Francois LaCroix. As usually happens (witness other characters like Trooper Broderick, Didrika, Lynn Leja, and Stan Brooks), I gave him a tragic background. He had actually had a family once, before discovering and moving to Manitou Island...a pretty wife and a young daughter, with another child on the way. As was the way in those times, this ended almost in an instant, with an attack from a trio of enemy Iroquois. Although I don't think I intended any other reason for the scene aside from providing a tragic background for Francois, I think this also helps explain why he went to live on Manitou Island in the first place, and maybe why he has become so at home there--his ties to the mainland have been permanently severed, and he wishes to start anew and try to move on from his past. I think Francois's need to escape possibly led to the Island accepting him as one of its own, and might be the reason why he can travel to and from it with such ease, unlike just about everyone else. The rest of this intro contains potential spoilers. Now, it's only shown here that Francois's young daughter, Oriel, has been carried off; what happens to her afterward is not hinted at. What was really going on when the natives were arguing was that the third native, the one who did not rape Angelique (the reason why he did not participate should be obvious now), wished to spare the girl from any harm, and took her back to the tribe with him, still alive. (The attack, if I didn't make it clear, was aimed at Francois, for being in Iroquois territory--but as he was not at home, Angelique and Oriel were the victims instead.) Oriel grew up with them, taking on the native name "Oriole"...and maybe someday I will write the story of how she and her father eventually meet again. And of her OWN adult-fodder, erotic scene with...well, you'll just have to poke around in the rest of my scenes for that. PERSONAL DISCLAIMERS: PLEASE NOTE! This scene was NOT intended to revile the Iroquois Indians, nor to paint them as brutal savages--I realize from my reading that almost ALL native tribes could be alternately friendly or vicious, depending on the circumstances. This scene was primarily intended to delve into Francois's past, and as the French in the Great Lakes region were allied with the Ojibwa, the enemy of the Iroquois, it just seemed more realistic that the Iroquois would have a reason to attack Francois's family. (Though my dates are somewhat off, seeing as Francois is a late 1700s-early 1800s voyageur, and I think the French had made peace with the Six Nations by then. *eep*) As described above, I hope it's made clear that I don't see any particular tribe as monsters--Oriel lives among them as the third native's adopted daughter, and another character in the in-progress scene "Stick-In-The-Dirt/Morning Star" is an Iroquois who has been badly mistreated, herself. FYI I have a tad of Iroquois and possibly Ottawa (brother tribe of the Ojibwa) in my own background...though I admit I really have a lot to learn about the Iroquois as a culture. I've just always been a lot more interested in the Ojibwa. o_o Also--some time after writing this, I read that rapes were NOT typical behavior of Indian attacks on whites, and were in fact considered cowardly--though I assume there must have been the occasional exception. This scene is from circa 2003, so some details and the writing style may be out of date.
  5. Explanation & Personal Disclaimer for "Last Warning" http://original.adul...hp?no=600104410 : EXPLANATION: During one time surfing online I came across an incident involving diver Greg Louganis. It turned out that he had once been raped by his boyfriend, at knifepoint, and had not reported the incident for various reasons--fear, denial, you name it. I was surprised to learn this...and that bit of reading turned into "Last Warning," the first scene given here. (This is one of the very few times I can actually remember where I got a specific idea from--I usually just get a random idea in my head and it grows from there, and I forget how I even came up with it.) In the unwritten Minot sequel Magic City, Det. Devetko's boyfriend, Stan Brooks (see "Consummation"), opens his apartment door to find...his old ex-boyfriend, Will. It's obvious almost from the start that there is bad blood between the two of them. I just wrote this scene as it came to mind, and this was how it played out--as an argument stemming from what looked to have been an unstable past relationship, which quickly escalated into a sexual assault. Brooks is normally one of the most levelheaded characters in my fiction, but in this case, even though his two closest friends are both cops, he decided to hang up the phone...and destroy almost all the physical evidence. Though it seems unbelievable, even rational people can make truly stupid decisions when under enough stress. The outcome of the first scene here is given in the PG-13 "Random Scene 3," which was posted long before this ever was. There was meant to be a followup scene in which Brooks describes what happened to him, but it's too difficult to write. :/ Now, what about the SECOND scenario, "Rude Awakening"? This was in fact a much later idea. My idea of the past relationship between Brooks and Will just continued to evolve...and I learned NOW that it had been quite abusive...and that the events as outlined in "Last Warning" were not ENTIRELY accurate. Notice how Will's assault seems like this is the very first time this has ever happened to Brooks? It turns out that's not quite true. The attack in Magic City was only one in a long line of beatings and assaults which characterized their relationship. I just hadn't known it at the time that "Last Warning" was written, thus it's inaccurate and in need of revision. I've decided to leave it the way it is for now. ...All of that having been learned, "Last Warning" left some uneasy questions. WHY does Brooks let Will into his apartment like that, knowing what Will can do? Why does he turn his back on him, even after Will pulls out a knife? Would he still have done those things if I had written the scene with the knowledge of what went before? Well, apparently yes, because those things DO still happen in the scene; it's only what Brooks is THINKING that has to be rewritten. So why such blatant oversights? I think that by the time "Last Warning" takes place (a couple of years or so after the two of them had broken up), Brooks has actually managed to convince himself that what had happened in the past had been very minor, that he had deserved it, that he feels he's gotten over it and can defend himself better, or maybe even he's in denial that it had ever happened. To put it bluntly, I really don't know WHAT he's thinking when he opens the door and turns his back; I'm as confused as anything. If anyone ELSE has any ideas, I'd appreciate hearing them! Anyway...before these scenes were written, Stan Brooks was just a shallow, dippy character I didn't much care for; always cheerful, sometimes silly, and just "Dev's boyfriend," almost a token character. After writing these, I found that I admired him a whole lot more--imagine being as cheerful and outgoing as he is, while you're carrying all of THIS in your past. PERSONAL DISCLAIMERS: Mild inconsistencies in Brooks's thoughts here, before I knew that this was not the first rape (see above). I'm not sure about the length of time that elapsed between Brooks's and Will's breakup and when Brooks met up with Devetko, as well as how long elapsed between that and this scene; Brooks gives the time periods as six to seven months, and about a year, respectively, though I don't know if that's true. Also, even though I think I made it clear above--these two scenes are NOT in chronological order. "Rude Awakening" actually happened a couple of years or so before "Last Warning." This scene is from circa 2002, so some details and the writing style may be out of date.
  6. Explanation & Personal Disclaimer for "First Mates" http://original.adul...hp?no=600104376 : EXPLANATION: PLEASE NOTE--this scene makes a LOT more sense if you've read the Ameni Chronicles or browsed related items. Those should explain the whole deal about what the Apsiu, Kana, and Moru are, which would be too lengthy to get into here. The two scenes with Antakh and Kaia'at are all you're going to see of this pair; they were written to be standalone scenes. Kaia'at appears nowhere else in my writing, that I'm aware of, though Antakh appears in Horus and is SUPPOSED to have his own novella-verging-on-novel; the story behind that one's a bit more complex. There must have been like three versions of it so far. Eegh. Anyway, the skinny on this character: Antakh is an Apsiu, an anthropomorphic race who look like the Egyptian god Set, who supposedly created them in his image. They have a very strict caste society--flying males, who are known as Kana, and pretty much rule the tribes; and flightless males (even those with wings, such as Antakh) and females, known as Moru, who are pretty much the slaves of the Kana. This separation is so strong they even have their own particular dialects of the Apsiu language. In addition, among the Kana there are different ranks and occupations that earn one either high esteem or ridicule; as this is a rather bellicose race, soldiers/warriors are the most admired. The different Apsiu tribes frequently ally with and combat each other and loyalties are always changing. Both rank in the military, as well as occupation, are denoted by the color of lappets one wears on their skullcap; these lappets are so intrinsic to Apsiu society that to appear without them, especially if you're Kana, is considered appalling and can even be grounds for imprisonment. The lappets can also denote what tribe one belongs to and what house (family) one is from; such details are inscribed on the cloth in hieroglyphs. When one's situation changes so the lappets would be outdated, they're replaced/updated; to cut off or remove another Kana's lappets is considered a hideous offense or punishment. Not sure why I'm going on at length about that, so let's move on. For the most part the Moru are content with their lot, since it's all they know, but every so often there are situations where they--usually just one or a few of their number--rebel. This usually takes the form of slaves escaping. Antakh's situation is exceptional in that he was raised by a human (humans are the Kana's sworn enemy, and vice-versa) after being abandoned for not being able to fly, so he was raised with human values. He returned, in adulthood, to Apsiu society and managed to pass himself off as Kana until made to fly; when he couldn't, the rest of the Kana attacked. However, Antakh had been spending his time fomenting rebellion among some of the more ambitious Moru, and as soon as the Kana attacked, the Moru attacked as well, briefly overpowering their masters. Antakh and many of the Moru fled to an oasis in the western desert and over time created their own society, the Free Apsiu, who still retain occupations and occupational lappets but shun the concept of caste; even Antakh, the de facto leader of the main Free Apsiu tribe (for they split into different groups along the way), refuses the title of General and is instead referred to as, simply, "Leader Antakh." Over time the ranks of the Free Apsiu grew as more escaped Moru joined them, as well as Kana who disliked their own society, and former Kana seeking freedom (when a Kana can no longer fly, usually due to injury, or is punished by having his wings slashed, he's relegated to Moru status); there might even be the occasional human. The Free Apsiu welcome any comers who wish to join them, but are understandably wary of the Kana, who frequently raid them for slaves; the two groups are constantly in conflict. Also, old habits die hard, so even among the Free Apsiu there can be some contention. Among the Free Apsiu, Antakh is considered a legendary hero; among the traditional Kana, he's considered a traitor and an uppity slave. Antakh's and Kaia'at's scenes obviously take place among the Free Apsiu, though I'm uncertain as to the exact time, pre- or post-Horus. (They're definitely pre-Ameni Chronicles, seeing as, by the time of TAC, Antakh has been dead for maybe a hundred, a couple hundred years, and is regarded largely as legend.) Any other details you might find confusing, please check out the Ameni Chronicles dictionary or feel free to ask as this intro's way too long anyway. These two scenes were probably written prior to TAC being started, hence their tameness. PERSONAL DISCLAIMERS: Perhaps a bit outdated, not terribly so. This scene is from circa 2002, so some details and the writing style may be out of date.
  7. An item for my excessive author's notes. Trust me, things make a lot more sense if you read 'em.
  8. I feel rather stupid that I'm getting afraid to look at my profile page now, when before I enjoyed doing it.
  9. Sorry to hijack the thread with something either trivial or that can't have anything done about it. I've just returned to the site after being gone a few years and decided to start afresh. I'm not terribly well known, so my stories only get a few ratings, when they get any at all. Yesterday, I had a handful of fives suddenly; then, somebody rated a few stories with ones. It looks like somebody else stopped by today and rated with fives so the ones came out to be threes. That was thoughtful. In addition there were some more fours/fives. However, since then the ratings have dropped, including on the stories that hadn't been rated down, meaning since then, somebody has come back and rated poorly again for whatever reason. (No reviews so far.) My averages seem to be around two and three by now, when as I said yesterday it was mainly fours/fives. I posted a 23kb story earlier and before I could even click back to my profile from viewing it--i. e., IN UNDER ONE MINUTE--it had been rated one--WAY before anyone could have even read any of it! Meaning somebody seems to be rating my stuff poorly just for the sake of rating it poorly. I haven't been ratings bombed yet like the unfortunate people earlier in this post, but I wondered if this is a common problem among others? I find it greatly discouraging, considering that 1. I dealt with an online stalker who did the same thing to me for over a year on another writing site, and since he was anonymous the webmaster could do nothing; and 2. I only just came back here! Who could I have ticked off so quickly?? I'm practically unknown, I have no clue why I've been targeted. (I checked the other stories on the "Recent" page in my genre and they weren't rated poorly, so it really does look like somebody is after mine for some inexplicable reason.) I realize nothing can probably be done about this since it hasn't reached epic proportions yet, but I could use a little sympathy, and maybe some insight. It'd help if I knew if others often face this issue, I guess, so I'd be in good company.
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