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  1. darkrage6

    Shego's Surprise

    Just thought i’d let everyone know the original author posted this story in it’s entirety on AO3: https://archiveofourown.gay/works/55871296/chapters/141868216
  2. Just wondering if we’re able to edit summaries for stories now?
  3. OK thanks, cause i’ve got a few tags and story summaries to edit.
  4. That’s good to know, hope i’m able to edit my stories soon.
  5. I’ve actually talked to her on Futanari Palace in the past, she told me she pulled her stories from here because she was paranoid about potentially getting in legal trouble for her erotic fanfics due to her living in Canada(since they revolved around underage characters having sex). However she did give me permission to post one of her fics-Shego’s Surprise on Futanari Palace, I don’t recall ever reading this particular fic of hers though. Unfortunately I don’t know if you’ll be able to reach her these days as she had some health issues that resulted in her becoming mostly blind a few years ago and i’ve not seen her on FP since. If you are able to reach her though i’m she’d be happy to repost this fic if you ask her.
  6. https://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600099942 Got really inspired to write this fic after seeing one particular episode of this show, I swear Dan Schneider has an omo-fetish as characters seem to get desperate quite a lot in his TV shows. The subplot with Kenzie being desperate to pee definitely felt like it was aimed squarely at omo-fanatics like me, though I was bummed we didn’t get any implied relief from Kenzie at the end even after she gets freed so I decided to write a fanfic about what happens to her after she runs off at the end, I had fun writing this one and i’m open to writing another chapter potentially. So if you’ve got thoughts on this fic by all means post them here.
  7. I sure hope so!
  8. Yeah there’s a lot of fics in that Yahoo Stories group I wish would’ve saved(Eva the Big Dick Diva being one of them). There’s a chance your story might also be on TSSA(Television Sex Stories Archive which went offline in early 2020 but you can still access it’s stories through the Wayback Machine)i’ve not read any of the Star Wars stories on there in many years so it might be worth checking them out.
  9. I was on a Yahoo Groups erotic fanfiction group and your story does sound vaguely familiar.
  10. bumping this thread now that i’ve changed the title and purpose of it.
  11. I might potentially be interested in writing it depending on what you want.
  12. OK thank you.
  13. EDIT: Now that we can post stories again i’ve renamed this thread and made it into a general review-response thread for all of my fics: https://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296857503&view=story Feel free to leave suggestions for stories in my reviews.
  14. how does AO3 “bully” anyone? So disliking “filthy” fics automatically means you have more “standards” than those of us who like those fics? LOL spare me that elitist garbage. You’re not better then the rest of us just because you’re morally against those kinds of fics.
  15. Uh no it is not run by “bullies” at all and it’s not “worthless” in the least, that's one of the dumbest things i’ve ever heard, I just question why you’d read non-filthy fics on an adult website instead of the more tame Fanficton.net?
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