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Posts posted by nintendodude

  1. Hey, I just posted my first story on here, and would like some constructive criticism on it. If you like Nintendo Characters and yuri and/or futa action, then please give this story a read and tell me what you think. Any opinions are welcomed and apprreciated. :)

    Title: Roslalina's Seduction

    Author: ADM

    Rating: Adult+

    Summary:Seeing a light spilling into the dark moon-lit hallway, Rosalina spys on Peach in her bed room at the Smash Bros. Mansion she is staying at. What will happen next?

    Feedback: Would like as much as you're willing to give.


    If this seems like you're kind of story, please take a read and tell me how I did. :)

  2. I know the writer Deathstalker charges one cent a word, with a rounding up/down process (so not asking for 43.45 or whatever) and seems to do okay business with commissions - their quality is very high too. Another writer I've seen taking commissions charges two cents a word, but I don't know how successful they are. At 15 cents a word, you'd be asking 150 dollars for a 1000 word story, so probably close to 350 for three pages. You'd not find artists wanting to pay that much, ("150 dollars for two hours work? Is he shitting us?") I think, not even if they were raking in quite serious money for each picture.

    Good luck, anyhow :)

    Okay, thanks for the advice. I'd feel comfortable asking 3 to 5 cents a word. Any less and I wouldn't feel like it'd be worth my time, to be totally honest. Do you think that sounds fair?

  3. Hey guys! I'm trying to get into some freelance writing for a couple of hentai sites. Basically, it'd be me writing porn stories that are loosely based on pictures that will be posted (and it would be for original art, and not something from an established IP). The length of the stories would probably be about anywhere from one to three pages worth of text.The problem is, I have no idea how much to charge. This will be my first time freelance writing, so I'm very new to all of this. I was thinking of charging 15 cents a word, but not sure if that would be too high. What do you think would be a fair price for writing porn stories?

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