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  1. I think that if getting surgery will make a woman feel better about herself, then she can. However, I think we also need to take a look at a society that tells us our sexual organs aren't attractive enough. It's bad enough that we're hearing our waists aren't small enough, our breasts aren't big enough, or our muscles aren't prominent enough--now we're undergoing pressure to have our most intimate and pleasurable areas changed so that they "look better." I think it's wonderful that there are website like Vulva Velvet that teach people how to appreciate the beauty of vulvae. By the way, I understand it's not only women who are under pressure to make their genitalia "attractive." I often hear people say that circumcised or uncircumcised penises look "better" and that argue for one or the other based simply on how it makes a penis look. I'm not saying that penises or vulvae that have been operated on look "ugly" or "unnatural," of course. And obviously, sometimes people have their genitalia modified for health or comfort reasons. I just think people need to stop pushing one shape and size as the image of a "perfect" penis or vulva.
  2. Double
  3. The story behind my username is kind of boring. As I got more and more into the videogame Valkyrie Profile, I soon realized that I wanted to write adult fanfiction. The desire only grew when I realized that the Valkyrie Profile section was sadly lacking; when I signed up, only six had been written. But the first "adult" fanfics I came up with were different stories, each one involving a character named--you guessed it--Celia. For some reason, I felt I had to justify writing about Celia all the time by calling myself "Celia." I later realized that just sounds Mary Sue-ish, but I'd already decided on a pen name. "CeliaSpringfield" is my username on Literotica. "Springfield" was random. I chose it as a last name when signing up for a Yahoo! account. I chose my LJ name, "celialove," because "celia" was obviously taken and "celiaspringfield" didn't fit. And that's it, really.
  4. Rezalda


    My biggest beef with yaoi is how the yaoi fans seem to be the same people who are fans of inserting Japanese into their fics. Now, that in itself isn't too much of a problem as long as 1. They have a DECENT grasp of what kind of characters use what kind of Japanese (for instance, a big manly tough guy isn't going to say "Hai" or "Gomen nasai") 2. The characters are actually Japanese (this means few, if any, characters from Gundam Wing). This can be ignored if the story is actually WRITTEN in Japanese. 3. They don't just randomly insert Japanese words into English sentences ("Oh, Heero, you're so kawaii") Also, it's a little more believable if they don't use words and phrases that EVERY fan of anime knows ("baka," "arigatou," "sushi"). That goes for any language, really. I know I'm focusing mainly on anime here, but unfortunately I don't know enough about other fandoms to read, let alone write, their corresponding fanfiction. I'm also quite passionate about foreign languages, but even I don't feel competent enough to go around inserting Japanese phrases into my work.
  5. Um...I suppose I could do it by myself. Or is that not allowed? I'd probably forget, anyway. Even if I got a boyfriend tomorrow, I don't think I'd be ready for sex by then...
  6. I agree with Madame (heh), that it's best not to let it get to you. I mean, if someone's going to get mad at you because of something someone else said, that's their problem. Who knows? Maybe they're the same person with too much time on their hands.
  7. Is it possible to have anal sex without lubricant? Now, I know obviously that would hurt like hell for the person being penetrated, but if it was rape and the rapist wanted to cause as much pain as possible...Well, would it hurt the person penetrating as well, or would he get his penis stuck? I'm probably not going to ever write this into a story, but if I do, the rapist will be punished. Mostly it's just something I've been wondering about lately.
  8. Wow, I thought you were going to say a guy got his penis tattooed and pierced so he could more accurately write fanfiction! I was going to say, "That's one dedicated author!" I agree, it's good that you're wanting to make sure you know what you're talking about before writing something, especially if it applies to the real world. If only more people would do that, AFF would be a better place. I agree with those people who say you'd want to wait a little more than a week. Maybe two or three weeks.
  9. *jumps on the bandwagon* I, too, chose "female." But I never was good at guessing these things. Also, congratulations! I think I'm going to like it here.
  10. The catch? I have to have the author's permission. I don't think it's right to just take someone's fic and MST it without their permission. Either way, MSTing is something I want to give a try. This is my first post, so please let me know if it's the wrong forum.
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