Since I have been a fan of this web site for so long, I thought it appropriate to register myself and offer my services to any author. I am a grammar junkie - always pointing out errors in sentence construction and the wrong usage of words. I have this issue with words that are spelled incorrectly.
I have plenty of text editing experience which would include how to properly diagram a sentence to ensure proper sentence structure. I actually have books on this stuff lining my office space! I can even offer assistance in 're-working' sentences so that they make proper sense as well.
I am a fan of most all fiction - I would say that I try to steer clear of stories that I just don't understand and that would be anime and slash. I prefer romance, general, any fan fiction regarding movies, television show, etc, comics, cartoons, books, and celebrities.
Contact me if you are in search of someone to help you make your work of fiction really stand out!