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Everything posted by TropicalFool

  1. Uh… oh, about that "when is it set in the game" -- I am about the most non-canon writer it is possible to be… I just kinda grab the setting and characters and do whatever I want… so… really I can't say. It is an interesting question and I may give it thought… but… well… sorry, just not canon. Many many thanks for the thoughtful review -- very literally… you now have me thinking ;-)
  2. OK, children, 1954… I'm so old, I don't remember anything… I just have to make it up as I go along.
  3. Savage Impulses Glad it's working for you, and thanks for the praise <blushes>.
  4. Reviews for Savage Impulses Thank. Yep, Anders is definitely not, uh, coming out on top in this one, at least so far -- with Hawke or anyone else… And yeah, Portable Orgy, I know the ones you mean… they get to me too… Glad you're enjoying this one.
  5. Reviews for Random Chance Many thanks! There's a whole novel that follow this -- will post soon, or it's over on fanfiction.net…
  6. Reviews for Blackpowder Dominance There will definitely be more Anders/Fenris in the next chapters… Fenders is just too much fun to not continue.
  7. Reviews for Maker's Abandon Many thanks bloodravyn! There will be more… I just can't resist the opportunity to torment Sebastian…
  8. Since there doesn't seem to be any way to answer reviews more personally on this site, this is where my answers will be for now… Please let me know if you have any questions or anything else you'd like to talk about too…
  9. TropicalFool

    Dragon age yaoi?

    Apologies -- I thought that I was registered than realized I wasn't, but am now ;-) Just learning the ways of this forum… and I can be a bit slow. And I must say, I've been on few forums so well moderated. Thanks for your help. So here are the links for my Dragon Age yaoi: Adult Fan Fiction - TropicalFool and Fanfiction.net - TropicalFool BTW, love your Arabian horse avatar.
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