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Everything posted by DraodoirMna

  1. Hi again, I can't see your message, because I keep on getting this - [#10226] You are not allowed to use the private messaging system. - up. Sorry! :( x

  2. What's on your mi[#10226] You are not allowed to use the private messaging system. How do I get through this? WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JayDee


      May be because you are still in the Validating group?

    3. DemonGoddess


      JayDee is correct, it's because you're still validating.

    4. DraodoirMna


      Thanks guys!! All sorted. I feel like such a dunce. :D^_^

  3. Hey there! ^_^ You added me the other day? As Spellspinner? Pleased to meet you. :) x

  4. Okay, try this again. Just letting you know, this is 'Spellspinner', AFF won't let me login as spellspinner, nor with my email, despite having all the links at my email address. So, new profile it is, and start again, eh?

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