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About Me

Hi! How's it goin'? Call me Ain. What to tell you about myself. Hmm...let's see...

I like reading. A lot. A LOT, a lot. Fantasy, romance, thrillers, paranormal romance, books for teenagers, the Christian books my mom buys, fanfic... Love'em all (some more than others, obviously lol)

I like watching TV and movies, anime, cartoons. My latest obsession is Phineas & Ferb, from the Disney channel. Latest anime is Zero no Tsukaima (just finished Futatsuki no Kishi; now onto Princess no Rondo!). My favs for fanfic are Naruto and InuYasha (I'm rather picky when it comes to my fanfic...)

I also like spending time with my little girl, playing video games (Xbox LIVE, anyone?), sleeping, food, my kitties, my bf (most of the time lol), cable TV, my laptop...

Personality-wise, I'm friendly, hyper, loud, and helpful. Well, there's more to me than just that, but that's really all that comes across on the Internet, besides me being moody on occasion.

I'm not an author on here. Yet. My writing skills run more to self-reflection and poetry than making stuff up. I used to RP, though, so I'm not really sure what the problem is... I'm optimistic, though :) There're ideas rattlin' around in this head of mine that will hopefully manage to break out and get themselves on a Word document and then up on here.

You want to know more, then get to know me.

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