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Status Updates posted by spiralbreeze

  1. Finally posted some original stuff!

  2. It's official, I can't write while my son is at home any more... he reads EVERYTHING!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JayDee


      I could never write when my old cat was around. As he would always sit on the keyboard.

    3. spiralbreeze


      My cat has yet to do that... but seriously, I mean I'm an awesome parent for teaching my son to read and buying him so many books, but now it's backfiring!

    4. JayDee


      The solution: Make sure he's reading a really engrossing book while you're writing, and encrypt all of your files :D

  3. I've been enjoying destroying young minds over on a certain website, apparently the younguns want lemons! Aww, so cute.

  4. I'm tired of loosing on the Pokémon tcg site!

  5. I've been neglecting my knitting.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sumeragichan


      I'm still working on a shawl I wanted to get done for my mother at christmas... :hug: I feel your pain.

    3. kagome26isawsome


      knit a baby blanket with misty on it! LOL

    4. spiralbreeze


      I would if I were having baby... alas.

  6. I wrote a really depressing poem... I'm wondering if I should post it.

  7. Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday yesterday! You're awesome!

  8. Happy Birthday to me! Yay!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DemonGoddess
    3. Muse
    4. JayDee


      And a very merry unbirthday to you today, the day after your birthday!

  9. I'm running out of paper in my Moleskine... this is sad.

  10. Tomorrow is my son's fifth birthday! Yay!

    1. JayDee


      Happy Birthday to him!

    2. spiralbreeze


      Thanks! He's five now... he grew so fast.

  11. I love my new picture! It's Pikachu doing Spiral Breeze, well sorta, but you get it right?

  12. I love my new picture! It's Pikachu doing Spiral Breeze, well sorta, but you get it right?

  13. Chapter Eight is posted, finally! I had such a difficult time writing it, I think the next chapter is going to be even harder!

  14. Trying to finish this chapter!

  15. I love how BN lets me use my educators discount to buy Pokémon books. Das it!

  16. I swear I'm trying to get the next chapter written!

  17. My son say's he likes Cilan better than Brock and Tracey! Blasphemy!

    1. JayDee


      ...It's Jesse and James for me.

    2. spiralbreeze


      What not Botch* and Cassidy?

    3. JayDee


      Nah. They're wannabes who happen to have writers on their side!

  18. I bought my son Pokémon figurines, his favourite is Pansage. Why are there so many now?

    1. JayDee


      Because Nintendo execs like to drive expensive cars :D

    2. spiralbreeze


      Do you think they have Escalades?

    3. JayDee


      Nissan GT-R Skylines.

  19. I told this lady at work that I write porn and she was like, "No I don't believe it, not you, you're too nice." That made my day.

  20. I should be writing...

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