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  • Archive Penname
    Spiral Breeze
  • Gender
  • Location
    Newark, NJ USA
  • Interests
    I'm a domestic Goddess. I'm a mother to a little boy, I cook, write, and knit. I'm the perfect 1950's housewife... minus the husband. I'm still in the market for one of those.

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  1. I post as soon as I'm done with the first chapter. Hence why I have at least five fics just sitting there collecting dust cause I haven't gotten past the first chapter... oh well.
  2. Hey everyone, I know I've been absent for a while. I had to go back to school. I wrote ALOT since September, and it's all original. So I'm slowly posting it all. Please let me know what you think. I did tell my creative writing teacher that I wrote erotica and smut, but for the class, I wanted to not do that, even though it would have been allowed (thank god for going to school in Manhattan). So go a head and read, and tell me your honest opinion! Thanks! http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=14632&view=story&zone=original
  3. Finally posted some original stuff!

  4. It's official, I can't write while my son is at home any more... he reads EVERYTHING!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JayDee


      I could never write when my old cat was around. As he would always sit on the keyboard.

    3. spiralbreeze


      My cat has yet to do that... but seriously, I mean I'm an awesome parent for teaching my son to read and buying him so many books, but now it's backfiring!

    4. JayDee


      The solution: Make sure he's reading a really engrossing book while you're writing, and encrypt all of your files :D

  5. Sorry for the delay, but here is Chapter Eleven! http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600052428&chapter=12 Please read and review! Thank you!
  6. While I agree with you about him being sexy, I've often pondered what he's like in real life. I would probably write him as a closet cross dresser who likes to wear girdles, fully fashioned stockings and vintage dresses, but that's just me. I'm telling you, that man is hiding something!
  7. I've been enjoying destroying young minds over on a certain website, apparently the younguns want lemons! Aww, so cute.

  8. I'm tired of loosing on the Pokémon tcg site!

  9. Nah, I don't think a threesome will cut it for this story. I need to keep them separated.
  10. So I just thought I'd post a little something here, in case anyone has any ideas for the story, of course they would have to go along with the original challenger. I'm currently writing Chapter Eleven. This story hasn't always been easy for me to write I must say, although some of it flows at times, especially when I'm listening to a particular song. I have to do that a lot really to achieve a certain level of momentum. I also wanted to ask a question. What do people think about Tracey? See, I went to search on the interwebs, and I could not find very many Orangeshipping stories, including on this site. I began to write one back in the day called "Tying the Knots in my Heart" but I never finished it. I am a hardcore Ash and Misty fan, but something about Misty being with Tracey also intrigues me. I suppose it's also the forbidden aspect of going after someone who is not you're baby's daddy but treats you a hell of a lot better. (That's part of my story by the way) I'm pretty sure I know ultimately how this story will end, it's also going to be a long long journey. Currently I'm up to about 43,000 words, I haven't even reached the part of the challenge where Ash has to get his job, with all the hardships that will entail. Also, how does everyone feel about the minor amount of Ash bashing. I love Ash. I don't want to go too far with him, I think it's more that I want everyone to see that he's immature and naive. Anyway that's it for now. For those that haven't reviewed, please review, let me know how I'm doing, even if you think it's completely and utter rubbish.
  11. Alright, so I'm entitling it Papà. Here is what I have so far. Exactly copied from Pages. He longed to hear that word from the boy’s mouth, instead he had become hell bent on capturing his son’s Pikachu. Papà By Spiral Breeze “Figlio di puttana!” Jessie, James and Meowth backed away as their boss threw down the crystal tumbler he had moments ago been drinking from, shards of glass raining in every direction. He was outraged, again. Interested? I know I am eager to write the rest of it. More smashing Italian crystal wear!
  12. I've been neglecting my knitting.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sumeragichan


      I'm still working on a shawl I wanted to get done for my mother at christmas... :hug: I feel your pain.

    3. kagome26isawsome


      knit a baby blanket with misty on it! LOL

    4. spiralbreeze


      I would if I were having baby... alas.

  13. Oh, so you want it fluffy and happy endingish. I have some ideas, and I took down some notes so far. Let's just say I'm learning some curse words in Italian.
  14. This actually wasn't my first story with Giovanni as Ash's father. I also put it into my chronicles series. It was actually pretty good, cause Professor Oak did the DNA testing cause he thought he was Ash's father, turns out not. I had it completed but only 28 pages typed... alas the rest is lost. Anyway, I may take you up on this challenge, simply because Giovanni just HAS to be Ash's father! Is there any particular ending you'd like to see?
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