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Status Updates posted by Need2ScreamNow

  1. found out today that in times of famine squirrels will attack and try to eat people. I feel like I need to really re-evaluate our cracked out rodent friends.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shadowknight12


      Any famished animal will do that. It's called 'survival instinct.'

    3. Need2ScreamNow


      Yes, but...they're squirrels. I've never feared a squirrel will eat me.

    4. Shadowknight12


      You shouldn't. The only way a squirrel can eat you is if a hated foe has injected you with a paralysing toxin. Or if you've just fell down a flight of stairs, broken your spine and ended up quadriplegic.

  2. had nooooo freaking idea that user was sooo damn touchy. o.O

  3. I watched four hours of Ghost Adventures last night and laughed every time the guys jumped at some little sound. Once the lights were off though, I was afraid to pull the covers off my head.

    1. pittwitch


      I refuse to watch that anymore. Kids and I usually watch and scoff, but once ... :shudders:

  4. Sheep? Sheep? What am I going to do with sheep?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Shadowknight12


      Shaggy sheep shagging?

    3. BronxWench


      There are more cliffs in Scotland... just sayin'...

    4. Need2ScreamNow


      Hahaha! This definitely could have been phrased better, but the conversation is so much fun I'm glad I had that Freudian Slip.

  5. Still here, swear it. Life is a little hectic right now but I promise I'm still typing away a little every day.

    1. DemonGoddess


      understand all about hectic life...

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