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Posts posted by sumeragichan

  1. Okay, my two cents...

    Star Wars

    Clamp-verse in general (shit ton rampant)


    D&D anything (greyhawk, dragon lance, forgotten realms, eberron, mystara, oriental adventures, al qadim, maztica, ravenloft, planescape)

    Wheel of Time

    Kushiel setting

    Weiss kruez

    Final Fantasy anything!



    Dragon Quest

  2. Jem blinked again as the fallen red-head picked up her jacket and a bloodied sword before replying. Well, if the woman didn't think the injuries were that bad then who was she to say otherwise. Still the situation did bother her, why were there so many fights breaking out in this place? Was this usual for here? She really didn't know as this wasn't her usual hang out. However she was never one for beating a dead horse nor letting someone hurt go without at least monitoring them for a bit. It took a heartbeat for the decision to be made, she shrank herself to her original size and grab a hold of the woman's jacket with both hands for dear life. The only thing the diminutive woman could wonder was if she was making a mistake at this very moment. She sincerely hoped not. Although, she had to bury her head into the fold she clung to as she heard the most horrific sounds accompanying a cannibalistic-looking attack from below. The fae had wondered if this was a nightmare she'd walked into again...

    "I can't look away."

    Jem shivered as she heard that admission from the injured woman she clung onto. This must be a nightmare after all, not again. She had swore to herself she'd never jump into another one again... It had been why she'd retired after all.


    That yell nearly made her lose grip as energy bolts started darting about. Gripping tighter to her precarious perch of a fold around the back of the jacket, she started saying the words of a barrier spell for both her and the one she clung to. This became worse when her newly found concern decided to take off like a bolt of lightning towards somewhere she couldn't see. The various bumps and jostles were making it harder to concentrate until the final jolt, which caused her to fall from her fold as it disappeared into a smooth pull. The ultimate irony of all this was that she had been squashed, painfully smushed, as the red-headed woman ended up rolling over where the small fae had landed. It felt like every bone in her body had been shattered as she swore she saw little butterflies flying above her head interspersed between stars and doves. At least she thought she had landed on a soft grassy area...

    When she could see anything else, there was a red blur, then a guy who looked like a bat... Was that the Batman? Well, she must have ended up somewhere new... Or someone was having one hell of a fucked up nightmare. Shaking herself as she stood up and dusted off her now nearly green, once white, dress- a small sigh came from her. Flapping her wings a few times, the pixie rose up off the ground to about eye-height on a normal being. Well, at least whomsoever nightmare this was might just regard her as an exotically colored butterfly maybe...

  3. Basics

    Name: Hopebringer Jem, aka Jem sometimes Ari

    Gender: Female

    Race: Fae/ Pixie

    Age: Ageless mid-twenties

    Height: 5' 5" at tallest (medium creature), 2" natural form (diminutive)

    Physical Description

    Hair: Slightly wavy, was mid-back but after current events is now above her shoulders

    Hair Color: wine colored with plum low-lights

    Eye Color: Indigo

    Body: Plumply Curvy (52",40",52")

    Wings: Swirls of purples, blues, and silvers

    General: Butterfly Winged with Fair skin, usually seen in very casual clothing and somewhat modest dress style. Sometimes known to dress up. May wear a flower and/or clips that have faux fox-ears in hair which may or may not be up

    Personality, Habits, Likes and Dislikes, Quirks

    Friendly .

    Easy-going usually.

    Somewhat adventurous.

    Open-minded in general live and let live usually (unless something cared about is threatened).


    Loves sweet things in general

    Opinionated about a few things, on that willing to offend if no getting around it.

    Forgetful at times and sometimes easily distracted

    Likes children in general

    Maybe somewhat pacifistic at times, but does possess the common sense to fight back in self-defense and defense of others.

    Almost bi-polar in mood shifts.

    Clumsy and not afraid to make jokes about it- even at her own expense.

    Often trying to lighten up a mood.

    Rather fond and protective of children or anything that strikes her as being rather child-like or innocent

    Rather bad tendency to make up excuses for things for people she cares about or considers friends at least.

    Somewhat has her head in the clouds most of the time but can think of tactical situations if pressed. One isn't an author for nothing!

    Also, if left to come up with her own explanations for something... Expect them to sound either oddly thought out or so unplausible it might break a brain.

    Bizarrely hard to believe things tend to happen to her. This is somewhat normal and will lead her to find other more plausible explanations for some of them as she is soundly under the belief that no one would believe her if she told them.

    Highly creative and imaginative (without saying usually... but this plays into the above two traits)

    Sometimes has the bad habit of thinking out loud or ends up saying something other than what she meant to say due to some odd brain/mouth filter issues

    Has a tendency to dance to random song in head or music playing in the background at times

    Does not like nuts in her chocolate


    Healing- Uses a holy/light energy similar to moonlight to heal wounds and ailments as per the cure spells, heal spells, regeneration spells, and the occasional resurrection spell. Effectiveness does depend on the moon (better on full moons and crescent moons than new moons) and emotional state.

    Protective-Can create shields of semi-effective ability for a limited period of time as akin to protection from evil/chaos/law spells up to circles. Also some force shield and mage armor type spells. Abjuration spells take on a gleaming effect similar to twinkling stars on a misty night sky with moon light.

    Smoke- can manipulate existing source of it into minor illusions and screens. The amount can be increased or decreased. Her natural elemental affinity other than light/holy.

    light/holy- Mainly some barriers, but also attacks equivalent to holy smite and other such spells. Empowered Magic missile and some similar spells. All have a shimmering twilight type of effect to blazing sunlight depending on intent.

    Shape changer- Can switch between natural form to a medium (human)-sized humanoid of human features or with wings. However has a glowing effect about it.

    Equipment and Gear

    Flat-space pouch that goes around her lower rib cage or waist if worn under something, carried as a purse otherwise.

    A mithral chainmail dicebag that holds several dice. Some with pointy parts.

    A realm-hopping cell phone that may or may not be in service range depending on the verse (obviously does not have service in DC so far)

    Several Novels

    Odd collection of a few assorted jewels, coins, and what not for currency or the ability to exchange it for such

    Now may carry a spare set of clothing if possible

    Music player with ear buds

    Cigarette ID case with ID and credit cards

    Pictures of friends and family back home


    All abilities are based on emotional and mental state... In a bad relationship souring quickly- problematic due to fact race can only fall in love once even if it doesn't work out thus lowering effectiveness of abilities Skills and physical attacks work similarly to a bard in pathfinder with some cleric and ranger aspects.

    Pic of build. Scantily clad as she gets. GIMP'ed the color a bit and not originally mine, just found the picture on an image board and cannot credit original artist unless someone knows who it is.



  4. Wide eyes took in the orgiastic clusterfuck of violent conflicts as Jem stepped into the shady looking bar's interior. Jem sighed as she looked down at her rather inappropriate for the fighting gear. Somehow, the wine-haired woman didn't think purple strappy sandals and a knee-length buttoned down white halter dress were intended for such occasions. Maybe she should have decided on somewhere else to see if they had a decent drink or just given up the idea all together. Still she could see that were some hurt on the floor, oh well, time to see if you could help those who needed it. She ended up going to a fallen red head laid near a sword and a blasted apart blonde. It seemed the easiest place to get to while skirting the other areas. Yanking off the fuzzy fox ear clips that were in her hair, she went over and crouched down next to the fallen woman. "Need a hand?"

    She looked about to see if there were anyone else she could at least get to if she wasn't needed here, again wishing she had thought to wear her cut-offs and a top with sneakers instead of attempting to have dressed up. Then again, the pixie often made those mistakes to make herself feel a bit better after an argument with the human male that she had settled down with. A situation that could make one curse the inability to fall in love with any one being more once in one's life time. It was also sad that her emotional state had a bad habit of affecting her ability to do certain things... Well, it was thing to know who you wrote for might feasibly do something but lack the ability to do it yourself. Rather large but folded down butterfly wings twitched against her back as remained as still as she could. If one played a certain type of game, you might say she was a bard-ish type of girl in the fact that she had more protective type abilities of healing and shielding with a few sound attacks, a few holy or light elemental type attacks, or some deal with smoke of all things. Well, she wasn't a fire pixie really or a water one for that matter. "You look like you might need a bit of patching up... I could do that if you needed."

  5. Pen Name: Hopebringer Jem

    Story link: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600086449&chapter=2 Torm's Tears, Sacrifice's Gift, Angel's Life

    Review replies link: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/21152-hopebringer-jems-reply-thread/page__gopid__228624#entry228624

    Type of fic: Flash Fic

    Rating: Adult

    Fandom: Forgotten Realms, Dungeon and Dragons

    Pairing: OC (Thistle/Seth)

    Warnings: Het, Angst, Death, Implied Torture and mental traumatizing of a small child, No Sex

  6. Torm's Tears, Sacrifice's Gift, Angel's Life

    Notes and explanations: Alright first off, this is based off a few happenings that occurred in a game I was dungeon mastering/running in the 3.5 rules set. They clearly state that outsiders such as celestials cannot be brought back via resurrection and raise dead. It takes the equivalence of a miracle(divine) or wish(arcane) spell. For a god to do as such, it takes a drain on his divine level and power available to do his job. This can be difficult on gods in Forgotten Realms. I know some probably know this like the back of their hand, but just in case. XD


    none yet

  7. <div align="center"><u><b><i><font color="#800080">Lathander's Light, Angel's Love</font></i></b></u><br></div><font color="#800080"> Jay Dee: Thanks! ^_^  I know it's a small font, but that's the size of the font on my text editor. I'm glad that it got that across.<br><br>Bronx Wench: You will, rest assured. Along with an interesting cast.... I'm hoping to eventually use Fzoul even... Maybe Halaster Blackcloak. XD<br></font>

  8. Author's notes

    Okay, this is sort of a intro/character guide to the gem game arc… or the arc that has Diamond in it. Or in other words, the story arc that starts of with Running the Gauntlet. Basically, RtG deals with three tellurians who are taken from their home against their will, and is told through Diamond's point of view. Thus, it does tend to be seen through her biases and feelings. This story idea was started back five, six, seven years ago and has evolved much since it's conception. So, as I progress with my learning, it still changes all the more. For the most part, it'll be action/adventure, with a touch of humor and sarcasm. However, I am hoping to explore some more philosophical things in this too, just a bit, since it's almost a prologue to the Gem Game arc, or it's very beginning. So, every now and then, the style will seem to change, but I guess it's to be expected. There will be several cameo appearances by characters in the Star Wars continuity and extended time lines that is considered the most "cannon" just after the movies. Yes, I'm even in time hoping to explore the villain's psyche through the ever changing perspective of that of a not quite mature, but maturing teenager in some scenes as the arc goes onto it's fruition. We all do have to grow up sometimes- I guess.

    Anyway, onto the original characters so far introduced.

    Diamond Berchange


    15 at start


    A south-eastern part of her country


    She has curly auburn hair with blue eyes and fair skin. Plus is fairly spirited. She's the narrator of the story for the most part as the story is told through her eyes. In time, more is revealed about her. As a side note- Diamond is not her real name. It is actually just a nickname given a hasty last name.

    Courtney Du'pre


    19 at start


    A south-eastern part of her country


    Strawberry blond with brown eyes. Is actually a distant cousin to diamond and Mitchel's ex-girlfriend. Both she and diamond are short

    Mitchel Keats


    18 at start


    A south-eastern part of his country


    Dark, tall, and fairly good looking. Courtney's ex-boyfriend and a friend to both her and Diamond.





    Telluria, presumable an Inglish speaking part of it, possibly country of origin debatable at this point.


    Translator, will find more about him as story goes on, but is average looking with brownish-blond hair and hazel eyes.





    Telluria, several hundreds of years in its past as compared to Merolin. His native tongue has yet to be discussed.


    A kind seeming man who once was a solider for a great empire in Telluria's past. He now serves as an instructor to help others adjust to their new environment. A job that both causes him great pain and sorrow as many of those he teaches do not survive for long periods of time. He possesses a near Etruscan look about him with olivine skin, hazel-green eyes, and dark brown hair.

    Mystery Hallway Man


    Apparent Mid-twenties


    PossiblyTellurian from an unknown period and location, only his accent seems to be relatively close sounding to Mitchel, Courtney, and Diamond. Any other information has yet to be determined.


    A somewhat odd fellow who seems to have a thing for appearing out of nowhere and being cryptic. Also a bit of an ass it seems. No one else has yet to acknowledge seeing him, so it’s hard to tell if he is real or just a rather mouthy figment of Diamond’s imagination. Other than this he seems to be a bit shorter than some of the other guys around him, still taller than Courtney or Diamond. His hair seems to be a darker brown with almost hazel-toned golden eyes. His skin tone is a bit paler but almost a touch hard to distinguish. So far he seems almost non-discript in dressing habits and appearance. This could still just be proof of him not being real.

    General Information

    Telluria is set in a different part of the universe, it's location as of this point is unknown if it is in the unknown regions or deep within the galactic core. As a result, scientific progress has varied in each area as well as how the force settles in and communicates with the different natives of each area and planet. For years each has lived thinking the other is no more than a figment of the imagination, until an inexplicable phenomenon brought Tellurians to their part of the cosmos, however, the time period and travels through the waves differ. This thusly alters some history, as it is known, by introducing the concept of "channels" or those who could increase the force capacity in others to the Jedi and dark Jedi, and Siths. Telluria itself is based on Earth, so for convenience sake a lot of terminology will remain similar for sake of familiarity and sanity preserving on the part of this author. However a few odd spellings and roots of words will be used.

    Review Replies

    Currently None

  9. Mine are more along the lines of:

    1) Those who don't read story codes and disclaimers, or take hints from summaries and titles, and are disgusted, horrified and so mentally wishing I was rotting in a ditch, and want to share this.

    2) Everyone else.

    That first one drives me nuts when I see that on any fic. If you don't like the subject matter don't read it! If you're too stupid or lazy to read a summary, title, or tags... Don't go on a rampaging rant on the author who gave ample warning.:samurai:

  10. They are nice to get, but I've never gotten that many reviews so I suppose it's never occurred to me to really meditate much on the topic. Although I have wondered about those who flame certain story types when the summary clearly states that it is that kind of story. :eyebrow: Oh well, it is a mystery me... I'm just grateful if someone decides to leave one or constructive crit if they even read my stuff. XD

  11. Okay then, I came across this letter to the editors in a recent political party periodical that gets mailed to my husband and I recently. It brought up a somewhat potentially controversial and provocative point on a- at times touchy- subject. Should hard drugs- and drugs in general- be made legal? Personally, I live in the USA, but I figured everyone had an opinion and might like to try and weigh in on this topic as well. I'll list some of the things mentioned in the article right now:

    1) If they were legal, couldn't reputable businesses sell them at lower than street prices for a higher quality product since they would obviously want to keep repeat customers?

    2) Wouldn't this free up scientists to do research and possibly develop safer, lesser lethal forms of these drugs?

    3) This could free up marijuana for medical use as well without the government red tape.

    4) For the drugs that require needles, couldn't the medical field OPENLY encourage using new and sterile needles (this would help prevent the spread of blood borne diseases)?

    5)There could also be places for these goings on (like how smokers have their hidey holes in some buildings) that would keep it away from young children and children in general.

    6) Reputable business would be far less likely to sell to minors due to steep potential penalties and other such consequences.

    What do you guys think about all this?

  12. Just a couple things I wish to ponder... things that are sending up warning flags.

    One thing I have to ask is WHY the mail was opened by customs officials in the first place? What reason did they have to tamper with a citizens private correspondance? Now, last I knew, law enforcement officials needed a warrent to open the mail of a citizen of the United States, unless it was clearly something that posed a clear and present danger to the security of the U.S. What kind of national security threat would a collector of manga be? I suspect that there is a lot to this story that has not been heard yet. Either somehow, the Feds have heard that he had been making purchases from a known dealer of contraband material (which they can watch for via the dealer's own records) or they have decided to randomly target collectors.

    Another thing that bothers me. It seems that the scope of these laws is ever increasing. One thing that I noticed is that one of the citeria mentioned is "what the community would find offensive". By WHOM within the community are they going to make that judgement of what is and is not offensive? I do happen to know numerous people who would find the mild (by today's standards) publication Playboy, to be highly offensive. A lot of these same people would rate a high percentage of the stories within the archives offensive. And, you have to admit, a certain percentage could fall under the scope of some of these laws coming out.

    What will all of this mean for us? And, more importantly, what will it mean for the 1st Admendment rights of everyone in this country? We now stand upon the threshold of a dangerously slippery slope. A slopw which has a lot of sharp daggers waiting for us at the bottom. I for one pray that reason prevails, but I am fearful that it may not.

    Thank you! I agree with these points utterly. Why did they open his mail up indeed....

  13. Give me a fucking break, the reason people lable others as a troll for having a different oppinion is smiply becauase it is easy. Its an easy low blow becasue trolls are universilly hated. So just lable your enemy as a troll. Jesus, its no different than other low blows like comparing some one to Hitler, calling them "gay" or other such bullshit. Its like how the conservative garbage call Obama a socialist, its just a cheap, bullshit thing to say because they don't have a relivant way of brining him down.

    Hate to burst your bubble, but Obama's policies that he has put in and pushed to get put in are on a socialist agenda. I'm a moderate myself in this area, but still the actions support their statement. So it's not just a low blow anymore. Like it, hate it, don't give a damn, or can't be bothered as one wilt be... It's kinda there.

  14. So far ACTA has fallen through the cracks since, I believe, quite a few countries were not willing to play ball. Although, another issue for Americans using the board has come up. Net neutrality in the US was somewhat done away with around Christmas 2010. So I don't know if the FCC board will be a problem at the moment, it may be a bigger one for the Americans of the board and site later.

  15. What fixed it ultimately for me was installing Kaspersky. It catches IM viruses, and everything else. With the initial hard drive crash I suffered in 2009 from this, I was literally 2 regedits away from fixing it. When it ate the root sector, and my drive had to be replaced.

    That would be absolutely positively frustrating. The last Window system I used was XP and that drove me nuts with some things at times. Especially some of the unwanted stuff that snuck in on updates. I'll keep that AV in mind if a friend on windows has problems like this... But I would still stand by my suggestion of maybe a new IM client that could help filter things a bit.

  16. The media is largely ran by some very liberal-inclined people on the political scale. Of course they are biased as all get out. ^-^;; Try being a libertarian or some other third party supporter who would like a more moderate view in politics reflective of their own tastes.... You are a terrorist and just unpatriotic according to some media sources. Sad isn't it?

  17. First of all, this thing is a variant of Antivirus 2008/2009.

    It's got an interesting way of spreading itself, via IM, primarily MSN Messenger (any flavor).

    My daughter got my machine infested entirely by accident while chatting in MSN IM. Didn't click any links, accept any file transfers, nothing like that. She was simply chatting, and then all of sudden, there it was. :o So, been trying to clean this beastie OUT for the last few days.

    Here's the thing..

    I deleted all associated files, killed all associated processes, and deleted all associated registry entries. NORMALLY, that will then allow a user to then run their anti malware software. Well, this thing is also a TSR, so while I did all that, it still didn't kill it enough to disable it. Which means that none of my malware removal stuff would work. As it turns it all OFF. This also tends to turn off most antivirus programs. Two of the few exceptions that I know of are Kaspersky and Avira. With Avira (I use it, so have experienced what'll happen), it turns off the Antivirus guard section. Simple enough fix, you simple turn the service back on, and the program will then continue to work as it should.

    So, in an effort to de-infest my machine, found a malware utility that is free, and that this thing not only doesn't turn off, the program then finds it in the memory, deletes all instances, and then your machine is once again free from the nasty.

    A-Squared Free

    This program offers a 2-in-1 package, or simply the malware removal tool.

    Sounds like you got a root kit installed there for a bit. I'm glad you got that off of your computer. You might want to try a multi-IM tool to help avoid this in the future. I could recommend Miranda IM for windows. I think it should be compatible with upto 7 so it may be worth a shot. The formatting of it might help prevent a respread of this kit.

  18. This will probably be a bit of an odd request, but I use Open Office Suite for writing since I'm on a linux system and I'm having trouble getting the site to recognize files saved in it. Even using some other formats for saving the work in other than the standard .odt format it has. To be honest, I don't know if I'm doing something wrong on my end or if this is some sort of glitch, but any help would be appreciated.

    I've had to post by copy and pasting text to the text block as is, so I would like to be able to just post up the file if possible. ^_^;;

    Thanks in advance.

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