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Status Updates posted by KerantliDreamer

  1. well, having a sick child frees up a slight bit more time to write while he sleeps

    1. KerantliDreamer


      to add to that... finished two stories, working on another 3...

  2. I wonder if I'll get used to having my name in green in the SB...

    1. BronxWench


      It took me a few days! :D

  3. Pooka's grandma passed away this aft. I hope she RIP

    1. BronxWench


      My sympathies to Pooka and his family.

  4. I took the plunge into making Notebooks! Surprisingly fun to do, and while I'm not getting much money back (or sales) it's good to have none mass produced notebooks scattered around

    1. BronxWench


      Ooohhh, I had to go and peek. They are lovely! :D

  5. So from not seeing my kids for a month, to longer... I FUCKING HATE THIS!

    1. BronxWench


      ::hugs:: I wish I was able to do more than offer a shoulder. :(

  6. Happy valentines day? Plunnies went mental when I woke up, then I had to tidy.. So no valentines fluff for you

    1. Daye


      don't worry. prefer smut to fluff any date of the year. :P

  7. Dublin on Saturday until Tuesday! First plane trip since I was... 20!

  8. how does one lose four pairs of glasses...

    1. JayDee


      Someone stole a short sighted spider's case.

  9. Please, someone stop the itching >.<

    1. DemonGoddess


      they have creams for that...

  10. my word documents had a heart attack... I've lost most of my recent work. so freaking glad I keep back ups on my phone!

  11. so.. i've been MIA for much of the last week.. good news.. school for eldest finishes tomorrow and more time to write then.

    1. KerantliDreamer


      bad news.. my return key on my keyboard is messing up.

  12. I swear I am the clumsiest person on my side of the family (only beaten by the Mr's mother).. Managed to push a needle straight into my cuticle..

  13. They say acquaintances come and go, but real friends stick around.. Seems like I only ever deserve the acquaintances...

  14. times like this where I'm GLAD I kept every single email I got from Chuk

    1. Chukru


      glad i could help.

  15. If just having a mental disorder was bad enough, it turns out that the genetic disorder I have is linked with autism... I'd be the perfect main character, wouldn't I?

  16. Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs.

    1. DannyCam


      I love that quote. l3

  17. Would you lay with me, and just forget the world?

    1. GothDarkkeDragon


      Forget what we're told, before we get too old

  18. Dear legs - I would like you to work so I can have a cigarette...

    1. hath-a-applecore2


      Could be easier if Accio was real. That way you could say, "Accio cigarettes!" heh

  19. RIP Alan Rickman. you were a HUGE part of my life.

    1. BronxWench


      ::hugs:: He'll be missed...

  20. The whole thing with the social services is coming to an end. in the next two or three months hopefully life will finally settle down...

  21. A new chapter for NAked in Hogwarts?! is underway.. Just need time to write it!

  22. here muse, muse, muse... i have yummy sex for you... *offers bait and gives up*

    1. DemonsAngel


      I'll be your muse for a day if you give me pocky >.>

  23. I seem to be asking people for help more than usual, but this is for a lovely friend with EDS. Please help if possible http://www.gofundme.com/7ph9m8

    1. JayDee


      A more worthy goal than the guy getting $40K for a potato salad - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/324283889/potato-salad

  24. Everyone has something they hate about themselves. But when push comes to shove, would you change it?

    1. Melrick


      Oh hell yeah! And laugh, then possibly cry, while commenting about being normal at last.

  25. Neeeeeed a cure for writers block...

    1. LockedBox


      Alcohol or sugar, take your pick.

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