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KerantliDreamer last won the day on March 8 2014

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  1. blocked from AFF and the forums on my laptop cause someones jealous that I talk to people that share my intrests. bloody fun. not.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. GothDarkkeDragon


      Sorry to hear that. A load of bull if you ask me.

    3. KerantliDreamer


      Marley, I'm just glad he can't get hold of my laptop and delete everything on there, I would go absolutely crazy at him then.

      Goth, it is a load of bull, its not made me do anything around the house out of protest. He can deal with that himself.

    4. BronxWench


      Heh. My daft bugger made a remark one night, and I offered to turn off the computer and we could go see a movie, and go out to dinner, and then for drinks... he did the math and shut up fast.

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