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    Music. Cellos. Beefcakes. Psychology. Writing. Chocolate. Coffee. Leather. Lace. Corsets. Cyberfalls. Industrial goggles. Pink hair. Typical Scorpio habits. Being the resident freak :3

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  1. Er sorry. That's "Worst *Cooks in America." My bad.
  2. So I was watching the new Chopped and I realized that Chefs Anne Burrell and Robert...something or other have this love-hate relationship. (they're also on Worst Chefs In America >.> ) Yeah. I ship them. Only problem? No fanfiction out there about them XD So...make it happen? Yeah, no other stipulations. It can be as long or as short as you want. PWP's fine, LOL. Grazie~~
  3. Really, really late here. Regardless, I pick Loz. [ I would've picked Angeal, but obviously, he's not in AC XD] I really like Loz. He's got that body [i've got a thing for beefcakes] and, yeah he cries, but it leads me to believe he has a sensitive side. He strikes me as the kind of guy [provided you got on his good side, gained his trust, etc.] that would make you dinner, give you all the sex you wanted, then give you a delicious back massage. Those hands, man...they'd be magical xD Second place is Zack. For obvious beyond obvious reasons.
  4. Have you tried here? --> http://www.fanfiction.net/community/Cleno/26122/ Oh and while we're on the subject of yaoi, anyone got any Genesis x Angeal suggestions up their sleeve?
  5. ...or is it? Alright, so there's one pairing I totally ship that no one else seems to. And that pairing is Loz x Cloud. Yes. Loz x Cloud My challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a Loz x Cloud. It can take place whenever; after AC, before AC, during--it doesn't matter. I've got two requirements: Loz x Cloud and smut. PWP doesn't bother me in the least. In fact, I encourage it. Happy writing!
  6. I'm thinking about this. But does Cloud HAVE to be SOLDIER first-class? I can make it happen, but I'm really not the biggest fan of his. Although, I guess it's a fair reason for Seph to take notice to him in THAT way.
  7. I'm sorry it took forever and a day to get this done (real life shit is shitty) but here it is~~ *epic "ta-dah" music plays* http://ff.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600082821
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