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Everything posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. So apparently AO3 is suffering from a DOS attack at the moment. It was posted on FB in one of my writing groups. Just thought i would put this out there 

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    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @Deadman Channeling Mad Eye Moody’s rant about keeping constant vigilance, stay out of trouble!  :)

    3. BronxWench


      We don’t allow Patreon here, exactly because there’s no way for us to be sure that members are only receiving donations for original work.

      It is a clear and distinct violation of copyright law for anyone to profit from copyrighted material without written permission from the copyright owner. So, a toy company can make a Harry Potter game, as long as they receive permission from JK Rowling, but if someone sells Harry Potter merchandise without having obtained that permission, the lawyers will swoop in, and generally the person violating copyright law gets to pay their lawyer and the copyright owner’s lawyer, substantial fines, and possibly could receive a jail sentence based on how much they earned.

      The same thing applies to fan fiction. If someone sets up a Patreon on a fiction archive, and publishes both fan fiction and original work on the archive, there’s no way to tell what the patrons are donating for. The patrons might think they’re doing the author a huge favor by donating, so the author can work on that fan fiction they love so much, and if they mention in a review that they donated for that reason, well. I would not want to be in that author’s shoes when the copyright owner finds out.

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @BronxWench “Money attracts lawyers” is my more succinct way of putting it.  If @Deadman wants to pay a copyright lawyer to sit in their conference room learning the finer points of copyright law to research a theoretical loophole … I’m guessing there’s better ways to spend time & money.

      Me personally… I don’t seek money in my writing, so exploring into copyright & fair use is more of an academic brain teaser for me.  I do keep my fanfic and original pen-names distinct, so there’s less to muddy if I were to setup a Patreon for under my original writing pen-name.  BUT… I do have a good day job with vacation/insurance benefits so monetizing writing isn’t a necessity.

  2. for the first time in a long time while working at Wally world, I have a day off on the 4th of July. Its on a Tuesday and that is my normal day off so i FINALLY get to enjoy the 4th off! wooooot 

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Congrats.  (Though I won’t say how much time I’m taking off for July 4th…)

  3. So im doing something good for the Children! I get to dress up and be strange to raise money at my store for Children’s Miracle Network! 

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I know… dress up as a witch!  They always love children, and I think it’s atkins compliant :)

    2. BronxWench


      Children are definitely keto-friendly, as long as you don’t eat their candy. 

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