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Status Updates posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. After so many years of filling out applications, I FINALLY GOT A JOB!!!! wooottttt I start tomorrow

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. kagome26isawsome
    3. WillowDarkling


      So, how was the first (and second) day of work? :D

    4. kagome26isawsome


      Interesting Willow! I got my computer stuff done and was at the fitting rooms for an 1 1/3 taking phone calls

  2. ah dang it...finally got ideas for updates, then i lose them..damn plunnies! why cant i keep you for myself!! :(

    1. Lisbet_Adair


      Buy yourself a notebook to keep ideas in a write briefly. No excuses then!

  3. ahhh weddings are stressful and i am just a bridesmaid! lol

  4. Another nice day, going to take the cats out, paint my nails and chill :D

  5. asking nicely for all to put their two cents in on my spanking topic! It will help! thanks to those that already commented and voted! XD

  6. Be back whenever...reunion tomorrow..going to take 6 hours to get there, hopefully this is what i need to finish my evil dance mom story! XD

  7. been a busy day, now i sit back and chill till 8pm

  8. been disracted by the wii to update...gonna try to work on that after i do my exercises..lol

  9. been on and off do to heat and lack of ambition to write as of late...sorry folks! might have to take a couple months off to clear my head

  10. Been thinking alot about my fics during work so hopefully on my 3 days off i will update finally!

  11. being sick sucks...:(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. kagome26isawsome


      Ive been sick since wensday, no worries BW! Midterms are over and thanks for the well wishes!

    3. BronxWench


      ::tucks kags in with tea and soup::

    4. kagome26isawsome
  12. Birthday started off bad, but i got out of class early and i got my farting hippo so im happy again but still have homework :(

  13. bowling with my sister (surprise party really) at 11 so im just here to say hi! be back tomorrow while i type my paper...ugh...

    1. JayDee


      That's cruel! You should totally put her down and bowl with bowling balls instead!

  14. bridal party was bearable after 3 Mimosa (champagne mixed with orange juice) chilling in a/c because it is hotter than hell!

  15. busy busy busy...still no word on my grandma..:(

  16. busy Saturday doing chores and reading chapter 1 for two different classes..tomorrow hopefully i can chill for a bit...one can hope....

  17. came to say hi! miss you all! :D XD

  18. Chapter 8 of coitus conundrum is up!!!

  19. chilling at home drinking dr pepper and eating my king sized kit kat..maybe i will write today idk tho

    1. BoredStraight


      King sized kit kat... now I'm craving chocolate!

  20. Considering moving from WI to Texas with my best friend

    1. Anesor


      Tired of WI or something planned for TX?

    2. kagome26isawsome


      No not really anesor..my friend lives in Michigan and wants to go down there and wants me to go with her...

  21. darn plot bunny keep escaping!

    1. BoredStraight


      catch em! Catch em!

    2. BronxWench


      ::passes kagome patented plunnie trap::

    3. kagome26isawsome
  22. despite it being hot, gonna update stories today....

    1. yukihimedono


      Yay! It's 100 here.

    2. kagome26isawsome


      sorry it reached 85 here...and i only did one update :(

  23. doesn't know what to do with herself today, she has the house to herself for 4 hours and all chores are done

  24. Doesnt know what to do with myself right now...

  25. doesnt want to go back to school tomorrow :( please dont let me go!!!! :(

    1. Melrick


      Okay, I'll let you stay home.

    2. Daye


      you'll enjoy it once you're there.

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