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Everything posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. All jacked up-Gretchen Wilson
  2. lets see: Baby shower, rock concert, picnics, house sit, set up internship interviews, visit grandparents! Yep a busy busy August is upon me!

  3. passenger-Trapt
  4. all jacked up-Gretchen wilson
  5. I want to go hunt for the Milwaukee Lion and name it George and hug it and squeeze it and never let it go! LOL

  6. is this it? https://www.fictionpress.com/s/1813303/1/Holly-s-Home-Invasion
  7. SEX- nickleback
  8. The vengeful one-disturbed
  9. Part of me wants to pull 'coitus conundrum' and rewrite it and the other part just want to pull my 'baby wo mitani'..anyone got a coin i can use to decide?

    1. BronxWench


      Pull both. If you can't decide, then they both need the rewrite. Go for it. Be bold. Pull them, and work on them both.

    2. Daye


      pull neither. improve by writing new things

    3. kagome26isawsome


      you both make good points...

  10. 32666 (oh no!! 666!)
  11. Not much changed except my mother being really sick for 5 days...working on chapter 3 of 'anything can happen country night'

  12. Do the bartman-simpsons collection
  13. No Orange Orangutans Live In Egypt SHAMIN
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