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Status Updates posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. Finally was able to do some updates! Chapter 6 of Coitus Conundrum is uploaded!!! :D

  2. hope it rains tomorrow...we have a burn ban till we get a decent amount of rain..not sure if my city is having fireworks this year

  3. well this is the first time ever that my job and life has made me want to drink all 3 days off! i think i really need to change my life! 

  4. just waiting for the darn snow to come..they say only an inch but i bet it will be more

  5. hw done? CHECK! house clean? CHECK costume here? CHECK now waiting for Beloved Suki to come down for 5 days! XD

  6. I think i need to hide from people for a weekend! got sick somehow and missed two days of school *hides from things being thrown at me* dang people and their colds!!!

  7. has a sotry written down for 'happil divorced' finally! now to motivate myself to type it up and post it..*sigh*

  8. Going to start drinking tonight because i cant drink heavy tomorrow because i will not wake up with a hangover and go to class with one! lol mmmm wedding cake shot

  9. idk what to do, might take a break from the internet...just so bored...

  10. Su chico caliente en Racine hoy aquí!

  11. gonna try to update stories...dont know how long the plot bunnies will work with me...

  12. SPRING BREAK!! expect some updates for all my stories!!! XD

  13. Woot i got a job interview Tuesday! :D Hopefully i will get the job! haven't had a job since 2008

  14. Last day of class for the semester...hopefully I will have an A at the end of this! Lets hope! Oh and MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND MERRY YULE! sorry not gonna be here till after Christmas due to having a guest coming tomorrow

  15. No homework yet so im making a quick stop here! Got class tonight :( wish it was canceled so i can watch the packers kick the saints butt again!!!!!

  16. looks like 2013 is my year for updates and new stories! FINALLY!! lol

  17. 4 stories left to update and then work on a m/m oneshot lol :D busy busy busy

  18. OMG SAW GREEN LANTERN! TOTALLY WORTH IT! also got some of the garage done.....

  19. stupid snow...really wish for spring

  20. had fun with Beloved Suki! too bad we didnt update any stories! sorry!! XD

  21. im here...yea final proofing updates but probably wont upload them till the end of the month! sorry!!!

  22. busy Saturday doing chores and reading chapter 1 for two different classes..tomorrow hopefully i can chill for a bit...one can hope....

  23. My muses and i had fun this morning so they are ready to get back to work! yea!! now if only i could get out of scraping the garage :sigh:

  24. might actually do updates after Spanish midterm next week...getting loads of studying done so i know i will pass....66.7% grade so far :(

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