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Everything posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. busy busy busy...still no word on my grandma..:(

  2. ended up going out drinking with my cousin...no hangover but homework isnt done..lol...

  3. I bored and stuck doing homework...

  4. So glad i have tuesday off! I get to finish homework! I also have to go get my cosplay costume at the post office...i wish they had left it on the porch instead of holding it hostage at the post office when no one answered the door (i was at school, mom was in the bathroom) sigh

  5. doesnt want to go back to school tomorrow :( please dont let me go!!!! :(

    1. Melrick


      Okay, I'll let you stay home.

    2. Daye


      you'll enjoy it once you're there.

  6. Happy st Patricks day! XD going to hang with friend and drink green beer! woot! NO PINCHING! IM IRISH!

    1. BronxWench


      ::steals the Magners while kags drinks green beer::

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