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Status Updates posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. 1 month and 10 days left of fall semester! I am surviving!! Also got a couple of ideas for updates when school ends! XD

  2. It just keeps getting better! I got another A! this time for interviewing class! so im up to 3 A's and one B- time to bust my butt to get that up XD

  3. 6 WEEKS LEFT OF SCHOOL!! When its all said and done, hopefully i will update and or revise some stories. Already getting ideas for updates :D

  4. Is trying to have a clear head for school tonight...

  5. Is pissed! Some A-hole cut wires off our Halloween decorations!! Its the 2nd time this has happened! Damn i think someone has something against my family or something

  6. Guess i missed everyone again. *sigh* Classes going great just hate doing Power point projects for 3 different classes...ugh..just two more months

  7. Still sick! Good grades so far! A in intro to human services and B- in psychology!!! :D waiting on other class grades! DEANS LIST HERE I COME!

    1. BronxWench


      Nice, kags! Keep it up! ::grins::

  8. Is still alive, but currently sick. Got midterm grades for two classes and waiting on others. So want to make Deans list! wish me luck! XD

    1. JayDee


      Luck! Also, health.

    2. BronxWench


      And? What are the grades? ::grins::

  9. IS NOT DEAD YET!!! lol...*shoots off cupcake cannon* HAHAHAHAHA im crazy!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      *looks at sniper rifle* does this mean I can't use this?

    3. kagome26isawsome


      lol willow...and try ebay jay1 lol

    4. DemonsAngel


      *retaliates with a mushroom canon* Ha! Fear the evil mushrooms of doom and their nasty flavor!

  10. Doing great at school! still surviving! :D

  11. Getting ready for Mid terms..ugh..money came in so getting new glasses..:D its turing out to be a good week!

  12. Stupiud FAFSA better send me my money soon! I need new glasses and clothes..yes clothes..oh and saving up for a trip lol

    1. DemonsAngel


      That money should be going towards school. Not clothes or a trip. Glasses I can understand. Can't learn if you cant see.

  13. is done with psychology homework! all caught up now waiting on my money from Fafsa so i can get new clothes and glasses!

    1. BronxWench


      Glasses I can understand, but clothes? How about books? ::grins::

  14. came to say hi! miss you all! :D XD

  15. im pretty ahead on my schoolwork so i am making stopping for a visit! XD

  16. saying hi to everyone and IM NOT DEAD YET!

    1. Melrick


      Damn it, I already paid for the flowers...

    2. kagome26isawsome
    3. WillowDarkling


      *checks left elbow* :D just wanted to make sure

  17. full steam ahead through school work! *whew* now time to chill and wait for class tomorrow night

  18. busy Saturday doing chores and reading chapter 1 for two different classes..tomorrow hopefully i can chill for a bit...one can hope....

  19. No homework yet so im making a quick stop here! Got class tonight :( wish it was canceled so i can watch the packers kick the saints butt again!!!!!

  20. last normal night on here for a while! gotta get into the college state of mind lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kagome26isawsome
    3. BronxWench


      Just remember that projects and coursework come first, and make yourself stick to a schedule. That'll carry over into the job world as well, and make you do better there, too.

    4. kagome26isawsome


      thanks Bronx and i know that already! that is how i messed up the first time..not gonna happen agian

  21. is spending last free week doing chores and working on one update before school starts next wensday. :D

  22. Is happy to be going back to school but sad cuz i cant write updates! Maybe when janurary comes i will write again..lol...:D Ill miss you all!!!!

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