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Status Updates posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. Its hot and im bored on the comp..Might as well get off and see if i can write new chapters. Hope the plunnies are ready to work instead of chilling in the pool

  2. Its never easy to say goodbye to a furbaby thats been with you for 6 years but I knew it was for the best when there was a 70/30 percent chance (70 being bad) :( i miss my tazzy!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JayDee


      :( Sorry for your loss.
    3. pippychick
    4. kagome26isawsome


      Thanks Jaydee and dafdes! Our other cat coffee I now sad and realizes his brother is gone! :(

  3. its official! IM GOING TO SUMMERFEST TO SEE DEF LEPPARD! got my tickets today! wooooot

  4. its raining here, idk if i want to write or watch tv...hmmm

  5. ITS THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT! no wait...false alarm...lol

  6. its too nice to write today, i know where im gonna go with the last 4 stories so ill write tomorrow while its raining here :D

  7. Just 3 more days of classes (tomorrow through Thursday then next Tuesday) and then Summer semester is over! Lets hope fall wont be this hard!

  8. just 3 more weeks left of fall semester! then two classes for spring! woooooottttt

  9. just came across some old drawings of mine..god i suck..wanna see go to the art room lol

  10. just came to say hi! working on first paper on death row!! XD its for correction processes class!

  11. just chillen watching football..thinking about updating some stories today and work with a new plot bunny

  12. just got a call from my aunt about my grandma, she has shrunken colon, she is hallucinating because of her meds, and has the phenomena..mom is crying and i am starting to worry

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. kagome26isawsome


      thanks BW..i always have a hard time pronouncing that word and typing it lol

    3. Melrick
    4. kagome26isawsome


      *hugs to you too melrick*

  13. Just making my rounds before i go back to homework...i know i am slacking but i do need a break once in a while between the papers, agency research, and whatnot lol

    1. spiralbreeze


      Hi! Enjoy your break!

  14. Just one more class...but sigh, just got loaded with HW for break..dang it why cant teachers just let us be free for Spring break! Good news tho, working on my first ever F/F story!

  15. just one more month and this horrible semester will be over! Yea!! hanging in there....

  16. Just three more classes and i am done! Happy but disappointed i still gotta do homework! :(

  17. just two more weeks left of fall semester....so cant wait! XD

  18. just waiting for the darn snow to come..they say only an inch but i bet it will be more

  19. kinda bored..wanna write but idk what..lol

  20. Last day of class for the semester...hopefully I will have an A at the end of this! Lets hope! Oh and MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND MERRY YULE! sorry not gonna be here till after Christmas due to having a guest coming tomorrow

  21. last normal night on here for a while! gotta get into the college state of mind lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kagome26isawsome
    3. BronxWench


      Just remember that projects and coursework come first, and make yourself stick to a schedule. That'll carry over into the job world as well, and make you do better there, too.

    4. kagome26isawsome


      thanks Bronx and i know that already! that is how i messed up the first time..not gonna happen agian

  22. Last two weeks of Spring semester! AAAHHHH lol

  23. lets see: Baby shower, rock concert, picnics, house sit, set up internship interviews, visit grandparents! Yep a busy busy August is upon me!

  24. listening to Johnny cash and I got some ideas...:D

  25. looks like 2013 is my year for updates and new stories! FINALLY!! lol

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