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Everything posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. 19096
  2. so I know i keep saying this every semester but spring semester i only have two classes in the morning on thursday and friday so I will totally spend it working the stories! Also i am 11 credits away from graduation!

  3. 19086
  4. 19061
  5. 19046
  6. thank you all for your help with this debate! All of you made going points here and they will be used in my report in 3 weeks (keeps getting bumped back because people keep missing or quit coming to class). With me and my spanking, i will only use it if necessary to discipline the kids (if i have any). I will also only spank them on the butt 3 times and then tell them why i spanked them. I will not let my kids run around like the kids today (gosh i felt old typing that). They will learn right from wrong. My mom has told me that she will use the same technique she used on me and my sister if my kids act up at her house. would love some more feedback and more ideas for the paper if you are up to it! ALL are welcome to comment!
  7. 19042
  8. 19040
  9. 19038
  10. according to my psych teacher's test he had the class take and a quiz on my book, i have a binge eating disorder..o.0

    1. Raymy


      I thought that was the normal way to eat!

  11. here are some CM sites if you cant find it here: http://cmficfinders.livejournal.com/ http://thehookupzone.net/CriminalMinds/search.php unfortantly i cant find the story you were looking for
  12. 19014 even again
  13. 19011
  14. 19001
  15. 18997
  16. 18994
  17. 18981
  18. 18977
  19. 18944
  20. 18922
  21. 18920
  22. writers block and slacking on homework is not a good combo...ugh where is my motivation! :(

  23. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091861 and omg this is the one i have been looking for! XD hope this is the one you was looking for!
  24. 18912
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