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Status Updates posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. I think i need to hide from people for a weekend! got sick somehow and missed two days of school *hides from things being thrown at me* dang people and their colds!!!

  2. I voted today, how about you? If you don't go vote, you can't complain about whoever wins!

    1. DemonsAngel


      Voted last month lol. Gotta love an Absentee ballot.

    2. Daye


      i didn't vote. i had no election. As a brit i still reserve the right to complain about all you colonial whippersnappers.

  3. I want to go hunt for the Milwaukee Lion and name it George and hug it and squeeze it and never let it go! LOL

  4. i will not wish harm on my classmates tomorrow...i will not wish harm on my classmates tomorrow...i will not wish harm on my classmates tomorrow.....

    1. BronxWench


      As long as no snow results, have fun! :P

    2. kagome26isawsome


      nope, i will have a hammer and and the spoon of doom ;)

  5. idk what to do, might take a break from the internet...just so bored...

  6. IF YOU DONT WANT THE REMAKE OF DIRTY DANCING TO HAPPEN, SIGN THIS!: http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?DD1987

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Melrick


      Because Hollywood ran out of original ideas in the '40's and have lived by rehashing old ideas ever since.

    3. AlexandraS90


      Let's stop this injustice before it has a chance to begin.

    4. kagome26isawsome


      I agree! spread the word! If you have a facebook click this link to a group i made: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Do-Not-Remake-Dirty-Dancing/130641577030104

  7. Im back! gonna try to update...lol the concert was awesome! XD

  8. Im back! sorry been dealing with the damn garage and then hanging with friends...still unsur about the def leppard concert now...:(

  9. Im back! sorry been dealing with the damn garage and then hanging with friends...still unsur about the def leppard concert now...:(

  10. im here...yea final proofing updates but probably wont upload them till the end of the month! sorry!!!

  11. IM IN LOVE! XD LOL man black butler is awesome! sorry but no 'happily divorced' fic till i finish the black butler anime! XD

  12. im pretty ahead on my schoolwork so i am making stopping for a visit! XD

  13. im staying home today reading good stories to get my plot bunny back..darn plot bunny keeps running away..i shoudl invest in a net or something..

    1. Techno-Ninja


      I would recommend non-lethal traps baited with lots of carrots. :)

    2. kagome26isawsome
  14. In and out today, its my sisters birthday and i am gonna be a good sister and spend time with her...

  15. incase anyone wondered what happened, we lost power for 5 hours due to a freak thunderstorm!

  16. is back on after two days because of the heat and now my muses dont want to agree with me *igh*

  17. is bored....idk what to do

  18. is bored...wanna write..but i dont wanna sit downstairs in the cold basement with my dad just to write...

  19. Is chillen tonight...its so nice out i might go read before we get rain..one more class tomorrow! whew!

  20. is cold from shoveling snow agian..ggrrr where is spring

    1. marley_station


      It's not coming...your city is now the Land of Snow!

  21. is done with psychology homework! all caught up now waiting on my money from Fafsa so i can get new clothes and glasses!

    1. BronxWench


      Glasses I can understand, but clothes? How about books? ::grins::

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