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Status Updates posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. incase anyone wondered what happened, we lost power for 5 hours due to a freak thunderstorm!

  2. i am being told that i spend too much time on my computer, and you they are right but idc

  3. took a break to clear my mind....didnt really work! lol

  4. Doing great at school! still surviving! :D

  5. bridal party was bearable after 3 Mimosa (champagne mixed with orange juice) chilling in a/c because it is hotter than hell!

  6. FINALLY!! my FA went through, i got my books and my final grades! In my Thursday class i got a C and inf Fridays class i got a B!! Summer semester here i come!!

  7. kinda bored..wanna write but idk what..lol

  8. you know its cold when the bars in Wisconsin close! -60 windchills! I unfortantly have to go to work for the first time in 3 weeks and freeze my a** off! lol if i call in, it will count against me! ugh!!! 

  9. Finally the pesky car sex scene is done for the Coitus conundrum! whew!!!! :D

  10. 4 weeks left of Summer semester! I am now starting to understand Spanish and Psychopharm class is fun! lol then its off to look for a job so i can get the money to graduate!! ugh..

  11. I am alive, just work has been crazy!! but worth it!

  12. updated stories and now i rest :D and then start all over again! lol

  13. asking nicely for all to put their two cents in on my spanking topic! It will help! thanks to those that already commented and voted! XD

  14. working on a new story..actually its a sequel to my fic 'alone time'

  15. So glad i have tuesday off! I get to finish homework! I also have to go get my cosplay costume at the post office...i wish they had left it on the porch instead of holding it hostage at the post office when no one answered the door (i was at school, mom was in the bathroom) sigh

  16. been back to work for two days and boy did i get fall asleep when i got home! i slept 13 straight hours! lol my body isnt used to working again! lol

  17. http://sopastrike.com/ wont be back till Friday..hope no one missed me! also i start school tomorrow! XD
  18. please tell me i am not the only one who thought of the movie ‘outbreak’ when the news people said we have our first case of monkeypox in the US! Please i cant be the only one!!!

  19. snow snow snow....i think the groundhog got it wrong! Damn snow!

  20. yea! new plot bunny took the old plot bunnies place and now i am writing! now to come up with a good title lol

  21. I bored and stuck doing homework...

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