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Status Updates posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. Hiatus on stories yet again till i can find a Beta and working on a new family fic based on the death of Brian...my mind works in mysterious ways

  2. homework is done...now i am bored...:(

  3. hope it rains tomorrow...we have a burn ban till we get a decent amount of rain..not sure if my city is having fireworks this year

  4. hw done? CHECK! house clean? CHECK costume here? CHECK now waiting for Beloved Suki to come down for 5 days! XD

  5. I am about ready to give up on writing if i only get writers block and update once every year or so!

  6. I am alive, just work has been crazy!! but worth it!

  7. i am back! lol going to try to be on more! lol

    1. WritingDude


      Hello and welcome back

  8. I am back! no net for almost a month (stupid TWC)! Good news is i did some updating of stories! XD I guess my muses needed this! lol

  9. I am being told by my college that I am 95% done with the human services program! XD Meaning FA will pay for 2 of the 3 semester i have left to do! Guess whos graduating in Spring 2014! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench


      Congrats, kags! :D

    3. kagome26isawsome


      ty ty! now i just got to buckle down and work work work

  10. i am being told that i spend too much time on my computer, and you they are right but idc

  11. I AM FREE!!! for a week...lol..then i start summer semester....i got to keep reminding myself that it will be all worth it in the end.........

  12. I am in a great mood! I believe i got a C on the midterm test! now to write before the 4th or wait till after! No Spanish homework till Tuesday! :D

  13. I am still around folks and working on a new fic! Its called girl crush!

  14. I am stuck in a rut at the moment.

  15. I bored and stuck doing homework...

  16. I dont know what to do for my Birthday! should i write or watch two David Tennant movies! (hamlet and Casanova) :D

  17. I dont know whether to start writing now or wait till Tuesday when my mother goes to work. For those that didnt know, my mother had a bad asthma attack and was home for two weeks to get used to new meds and i took a break from writing so she wouldnt know lol

    1. yukihimedono


      Sneaky, lol. I'm curious, why hide it? Feel free to bop me on the head for asking. :)

    2. kagome26isawsome


      lol i wouldnt bop you. Um my mother knows i read romance novels but she doesnt know i write it...its kinda hard to hide it when ur mom is a busy body lol

    3. yukihimedono


      She could be a good critique. IT depends, of course.

  18. I finished my last assignment in Grant writing class! woot!! Hopefully I keep my A!

  19. I fought the three day cold, and i won!!! lol Hate being sick....

  20. i have a plot bunny but no idea what to do with it

    1. marley_station


      List out what happens and then try to write a few lines of text for each item in your list.

    2. Shadowknight12


      Write a rough summary and then save it. Come back to it when you have the time/inclination.

    3. kagome26isawsome


      already wrote the story..:D

  21. I know i should be happy i got a job after 6 years but seriously did they have to throw me to the wolves! I will be glad when Christmas is over so I wont be overwhelmed everyday!

  22. I love mother nature! I got my wish to have snow for my birthday tomorrow! :D too bad it isnt enough to go sledding..but oh well!

  23. I love surprise parties when I am in the loop! lol Going to have fun with my moms 50th tomorrow! MMMMMOOOOOOOO

  24. i might write updates today, i might not..gonna be another week or so for updates...:bash:

  25. I stopped believing for a little while this morning. Journey is gonna be so pissed when they find out..lol

    1. sumeragichan


      :rofl: Couldn't just hold on to that feeling?
    2. kagome26isawsome
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