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About Me

I'm never sure of what to really say in About Me sections. I could ramble on how much I love something or whatever it is on my mind that I find to be a personal trend but I'll just get right to the point and tell you why I'm here.

I joined this site because I have a fan-fiction piece I've worked on since I was 15, 16ish. I'm 24 now, and somewhere between the start and present, I had forgotten that I had written this word document I started back in 2003 or so. Almost a year ago, while recovering some old data off of my very abused and very dead laptop, I found a document titled Part01.doc. Opening it made me remember that I once wrote a twisted story about my favorite game at the current time: Final Fantasy VIII. Not many people like FFVIII, I know, FFVII was way better in many aspects but this was the first console game I owned, and so it's held in a higher regard above all other games for me.

I still don't know why really, Rinoa was whiny and Squall was angsty but for some reason, I can never stop playing the game. I own it on PSP now and whenever I'm feeling nostalgic, I pull it out and take some time to enjoy an old game.

Getting back on track now, I read the story and wondered how it was I made it through English class with an A in the first place. Everything about it was horrible. I'm not trying to be overcritical, it really sucked. As I shook my head in embarrassment, I moved the document to the recycle bin. When my boyfriend came home, he asked me about the data I recovered and I decided to bring up the fact I wrote this plotless, whiny story and how I was mortified that I had written such a terrible p.o.s. so I tossed it in the bin.

My very understanding boyfriend asked me, "Why not just rewrite it? You started it, why not rewrite it and finish?"

"Why would I finish it?"

"I don't know, maybe it'll give you some closure on that part of your life. Don't delete it."

(This About Me is turning into a novel itself. If I've lost you, I completely understand. If not, thank you for sticking with me this far...)

So that's where I'm at thus far. When I actually thought about it, this was a huge deal to me back when I was a teenager. I lived out in the country so I had no friends living nearby and was really the only thing that I immersed myself in other than the norm. With much encouragement and a lot of "Honey? Will-you-proofread-this's, I've managed to rewrite the story and turn it into something decent. At least I think so. Now my final 'closure' is to see how others feel about it.

Part of me is apprehensive to the idea, because I don't have many friends who write fan-fiction, so it's kind of a skeleton-in-the-closet kind of thing, but so far, reading what I have read on this site, this place feels inviting, and seemingly welcoming to newcomers. So yeah, that's why I'm here. Looking at it now, this whole epic About Me thing was a little too much, and I'll probably erase it after a while but until then, I hope everyone here likes what I've written, and I hope I'm not too strange for everyone here.

- Synnøve

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