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Posts posted by StoryJunkie

  1. I recall the first time I came on site, this issue came up and someone then was suggesting that if you have to have a pic in your sig, make sure its short and long rather than tall and narrow. (I forget who it was. The image she used was of an anime girl wielding a sword. She had long dark hair in a ponytail and she wore a blue outfit) (There were pompoms too, I think)

  2. He gives good advice, and I am not taking half of it. Laundry, cooking, the rounds of slave-like devotional activities. I feel like I need a vacation. I want a stick of dynamite. I want to blow up things. I want to make a new something, but all I have to work with is problems and the helpless feeling I have when I'm powerless to solve it, or the worser feeling that I solved it wrong and could have done better. And I'm not talking about writing. Sure I could go back and fix some things and make them flow better, like re-arranging the rocks in a stream. I'm talking about life.

    There's something of myself in every story I write and I recognize something of the author in everything I read. I want to know these people, or I want to sneer at them, for they are not telling me a story so much as they are sharing a part of themselves and of how they view life.

  3. I smoke a cigarette a day.

    I make sure I say a prayer while I do so, in honour of the natives and shamans and medicine men who taught that this is sacred. A life without meaning is a meaningless life. For all things there is a purpose. For all things a place. My doctor asked me once: why don't you quit already? I was kind of surprised by his question, but it was this question that made me think about the meaning of everything we think, say and do. Whenever we visit the grave of Grandma Grizzly, it is a foregone conclusion that we bring tobacco and leave it on her grave.

    There are some cigarettes that taste like crap. There are some that taste like incense. Once in a rare while, I'll get one that actually tastes like tobacco. It is my peace pipe at the end of the day.

    That being said, there was a long while when I did not smoke at all. Then I would smoke again. But that's it. It's part of who I am, and the way I am. I remain pure as long as I do not partake of the world. When I partake of the world, I become the world.

  4. I don't remember two guys kissing in Big Daddy

    I tend to feel sorry for people who make a scene.* They are the ones that were spoiled rotten whenever they threw a fit (as a child), and their parents were too lazy to correct them and just gave in.

    *I can see it all in my mind's eye.* Does that ever happen to anyone else? Sometimes you can see people's history in their behavior. Poor baby. Never been spanked, and just yearning for it.

  5. yeah, that was funny. I even smiled a little. I liked the sound effect when he poked her breast. Reminded me of something something frog...what was that called again? *Legendary Frog* There's a clip of Ganondorf going to a sleep-over and Link is really mean to him.

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