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Posts posted by Anesor

  1. Pen Name: . Anesor
    Story Link: . Unwanted Interference: Chapter 13 of Griffin's Walk

    Review Replies: . Replies to the Griffin's Walk Story
    Type of Fic: . FlashFic
    Rating: . Adult
    Fandom: . Games > A-F > Dragon Age Origins

    Pairing: . Cousland/Alistair

    Warnings: . Angst, M/F, WIP, ChallengeFIC, NoSex

    Chapter 13 of Griffin's Walk. Despite the jostling and maneuvering within the Landsmeet, the Queen has not opened the sessions for business. Weeks passed and the Bannorn cannot leave the capital, despite the Templar-mage war abroad.

  2. pittwitch's lovely review said for Griffin's Walk ch 10:

    I am in awe. The story advances and all three words! Amazing work, Anesor. :D

    Thanks! Recent words have been trickier, haven't they?

    (I'm just glad I've been able to cram in some other writing with my ambitious NaNo goal....)

  3. BronxWench's review of Griffin's Walk:

    Chapter 10

    I always feel somewhat sorry for Alistair when he gets caught between these two strong women. A gamble that lost, yes, but it isn't just Alistair and Attryne that have lost here, I think. Anora's shown a great deal of weakness in her unrelenting drive to force Trinna and Alistair apart, without showing clear political gain since Trinna most likely won't have an heir. Nothing worse than an ill-informed leader, not to mention one who's oblivious to the Tevinter threat right under her nose. Not that I won't snicker happily when Anora fails as publicly as she's humiliated one of her noble subjects.

    Lovely and deft use of the prompt words, as always! :D

    Alistair's a nice guy, even hardened he's not going to change his basic nature to be a player. I'm glad I've gotten venom for how Anora acts, means that I think I've gotten her just about right. :D

    Thanks, I was worried about finding justification for the ship. I'm hoping the 'R' words will be cooperative with this story... Thanks for the review!

  4. Pen Name: . Anesor
    Story Link: . Griffin's Walk: Prestige

    Review Replies: . Replies to the Griffin's Walk Story
    Type of Fic: . FlashFic
    Rating: . Adult
    Fandom: . Games > A-F > Dragon Age Origins

    Pairing: . Cousland/Alistair

    Warnings: . Angst, M/F, WIP, ChallengeFIC, NoSex

    Chapter 10 of Griffin's Walk. The queen did not appreciate being blindsided by Trinna's ploy and makes this very clear at Landsmeet opening. Enter another complication: a Tevinter Magister masquerading as an ambassador.

  5. Sorry, this is a little confusing, but Griffin's Walk is a longer story about the Warden and Alistair. Griffin's Walk: Inconvenience is the prequel, but they are the same leads.

    BronxWench's review of GW:Inconvenience

    Chapter 3

    The mystery deepens, but I have faith in the detecting abilities of Trinna and Alistair, and the ever faithful Mouser. And yes, it pays to get the very best runes. :D

    Wonderful use of the word prompts!

    Yep, locked room/inn mystery, and no tradition of Agatha Christie or Ellery Queen. It's a different mindset that today's forensics and evidence paradigym. Thanks for the review!

    BronxWench's review of Griffin's Walk

    Chapter 9

    Oh, how the plotting grows, and the demands of bloodlines trump the realities of Grey Wardens. I'm rooting for Trinna and Alistair to pull off a firm rebuke, and go for what's truly important, rather than dance to such a sour tune.

    Superb use of the prompt words - very deftly done! :D

    It would be so much easier if they weren't attached, wouldn't it? :D A good general shouldn't let sentiment lead, and that's what Trinna was raised to.

    Thanks for the review!!

  6. Pen Name: . Anesor
    Story link: . Griffin's Walk: Inconvenience, chapter 3
    Review replies link: Griffin's Walk Review Replies
    Type of fic: . Flashfic
    Rating: . Adult
    Fandom: . Games > A-F > Dragon Age Origins
    Pairing: . Cousland/Alistair
    Warnings: . ChallengeFic, NoSex, UST, WIP

    Wardens Cousland and MacTheirin took shelter at a country inn as a blizzard hit and found an old corpse in their room. How many suspects were there for the murder investigation and how quickly can Alistair and Tinna get back to bed?

  7. Pen Name: . Anesor
    Story Link: . Griffin's Walk - Dignities

    Review Replies: . Replies to the Griffin's Walk Story
    Type of Fic: . FlashFic
    Rating: . Adult
    Fandom: . Games > A-F > Dragon Age Origins

    Pairing: . Cousland/Alistair

    Warnings: . Angst, M/F, WIP, ChallengeFIC, NoSex

    Chapter 9 of Griffin's Walk. Trinna and Alistair are feeling the pressure between Queen Anora and Arl Eamon's manipulations. Still the show must go on, and they emerge for the start of Landsmeet.

  8. Review for Griffin's Walk: Interruptions

    Chapter 1 review from BronxWench:

    A very charming little inn, complete with bodies in the rooms. Just what Trinna and Alistair did not need, especially after Antiva, with all its leather tanneries. (Thank you, Zevran, for that lovely bit of travelogue that will never quite leave.)

    Toss in some politics, and this will be a fine pickle for them... I'm looking forward to the rest!

    LOL, no this won't have a lot of politics. It is a locked inn mystery. Just be glad I decided not to model something on And Then There Were None... Thanks!

    Chapter 2 review from BronxWench:

    This has such an air of menace, even given that the Fereldan setting tends to breed menace, between politics, residual darkspawn and betrayal at every turn. I especially liked to touch of having Barr simply faint from the pressure he was under.

    Thanks, with the twin reasons for PTSD there of Blight and civil war, people would be wary for a long time. sometimes it's the small battles, not the Teyrns or Archdemons. (ie no extra clues for you! ;) here)

    Thanks for the reviews!

  9. Pen Name: . Anesor
    Story link: . Griffin's Walk: Inconvenience, chapter 2
    Review replies link: Griffin's Walk Review Replies
    Type of fic: . Flashfic
    Rating: . Adult
    Fandom: . Games > A-F > Dragon Age Origins
    Pairing: . Cousland/Alistair
    Warnings: . ChallengeFic, NoSex, UST, WIP

    Wardens Cousland and MacTheirin took shelter at a country inn as a blizzard hit and found an old corpse in their room. But Grey Wardens have limited authority to investigate...

    Note: this chapter is after the current monthly prompt.

  10. Review for Griffin's Walk: Inconvenience (should actually be Griffin's walk chapter 0)

    Melrick Nice use of the prompts! I'm not really familiar with the fandom but I enjoyed this, and it made me want to know more, which is always a good sign with stories. Good job. :-)

    Thanks. I've always liked murder mysteries where you don't have anything like a modern police force, which includes fantasy worlds and many SF ones. Your words just sound like a forensics case to me. :D

  11. Pen Name: . Anesor
    Story link: . Griffin's Walk: Inconvenience
    Review replies link: Griffin's Walk Review Replies
    Prompts Used: . all, I believe
    Type of fic: . Flashfic
    Fandom: . Games > A-F > Dragon Age Origins
    Pairing: . Cousland/Alistair
    Warnings: . ChallengeFic, NoSex, WIP

    Wardens Cousland and MacTheirin have other priorities than just seeking the occasional stray darkspawn still on the surface. But winter storms cannot be conscripted and taking shelter in an isolated inn should let them relax with each other for a change. Should is the operative word.

  12. Pen Name: . Anesor
    Story link: . Trio In Discretion
    Type of fic: . Flashfic

    Prompt Used: . lackey, lachrymose, licentiousness
    Fandom: . Games > M thru R > Neverwinter Nights
    Warnings: . No Sex, Challenge Fic.

    Bishop snippet after Machinations. After the furor of his partners' industry, Bishop meets with his new uncle. Even if the 'bad boy' changed, how will he handle scorn he deserves?

  13. BronxWench's comments:

    Chapter 4

    This was quite wrenching, to see Anders' pain as he did the only thing he could to protect Hawke. Justice is intransigent, as any spirit would be, but the contrast between his dislike for Hawke and Anders' love for her is very well drawn here.

    Lovely use of the prompt words! :D

    Yes, Vengeance is coming to see that warm and fuzzy feelings for Hawke aren't easy to dismiss. Of course if he convinces the spirit he may convince Hawke too. Good thing subtle meanings and feelings pass right over the spirit, right?

    Chapter 5

    And so it goes on, the careful dance. Anders dances on the edge of hope, as does Hawke, but neither of them will speak of it to the other. Just a lovely read! :D

    Justice is the worst chaperone ever, isn't he? :) Even when Hawke isn't on camera that much.

    Chapter 6

    Oh, how poignant his hope is, and how very fragile. That it's reciprocated, at least somewhat, is a small gift, but Justice will not sit easy. What a wonderfully telling line: "That she blocked freedom for all mages by herself." So much power Justice gives Hawke, and so little room to wield it.

    Wonderfully done. :D

    Or is it the self importance of the anointed fanatic, that blocking him will doom the world? Hawke would probably be relieved if she thought she was that important.

    Chapter 7

    Yes, out of order, I know, because I am addled.

    But having said that, Anders finds a bit of hope here, just a ray or two to brighten the gloom. It's a much needed lightening of the dreariness of his days, and simply wonderful!

    While he has been forbidden going for happiness, he is getting enough for contentment. And enough that is living through the 'three years of aching for Hawke every night.'

    Chapter 8

    Ah, poor Anders. He ties himself in knots to give Hawke her space and keep her safe from Justice, and only hurts them both even more in the process. The ending was much more bitter than sweet, with only the faintest whiff of hope in the promise of a frosty Tuesday.

    Truly wonderfully done! :D

    He had been ignoring for a while that the months have been passing and Hawke will be pursued by others like he says he approves. This time the problem is all Anders' and not Justice's.

    Thank you! and thanks for all the lovely reviews!

  14. BronxWench reviewed:

    Chapter 7

    The gratitude of kings, and queens, is a fleeting thing. Anora shows a hint of weakness, though, for all that she exerts her authority. But Attryne has not taken advantage of that lapse, to her credit, and she shows her greater nobility.

    But I will admit, the delicate game of words was a delight to read!

    Well Loghain and Anora by birth were commoners, they weren't raised from the cradle to duty. For now the queen holds all the cards...

    Thanks for the review!

  15. Pen Name: . Anesor
    Story Link: . http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600088302&chapter=8

    Review Replies: . http://www2.adultfan...-darkly-series/
    Type of Fic: . FlashFic
    Rating: . Adult
    Fandom: . Games > A-F > Dragon Age Origins

    Pairing: . F!Hawke/Anders

    Warnings: . Angst, M/F, WIP, ChallengeFIC, NoSex


    Kirkwall for mages is getting worse but Anders is distracted. He treasures his time with Hawke, but Fenris is not his only rival, especially when Justice blocks anything more than friendship.

  16. pittwitch reviewed:

    I so enjoy these forays into such a foreign land, for me anyway. Well done in using all three words, and creating a very despicable queen. I like having someone to dislike in a story. Thanks for sharing! PW

    :) Anora is that way in the canon, she coldly used others to secure her own release from 'protective custody' by one of her usurper father's allies. Expedient and unsentimental, she was a beloved and skillful queen by her people when war came. If she's a cold witch, I've gotten her just about right as many players don't want to give her the throne because she is so good at the power games.

    'All the better to trap you with my pretty...'

    Thanks for the review!

  17. Pen Name: . Anesor
    Story Link: . The Queen's Audience

    Review Replies: . Replies to the Griffin's Walk Story
    Type of Fic: . FlashFic
    Rating: . Adult
    Fandom: . Games > A-F > Dragon Age Origins

    Pairing: . Cousland/Alistair

    Warnings: . Angst, M/F, WIP, ChallengeFIC, NoSex

    Chapter 7 of Griffin's Walk. Queen Anora gained the throne in her own right during the Blight when the last Grey Wardens, Attryne Cousland and Alistair MacTherein, defeated the archdemon. Now she has summoned one of the greater nobles to a private audience. But how long does the gratitude of kings protect even the Hero of Ferelden?

  18. Pen Name: . Anesor
    Story Link: . http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600088302&chapter=6

    Review Replies: . http://www2.adultfan...-darkly-series/
    Type of Fic: . FlashFic
    Rating: . Adult
    Fandom: . Games > A-F > Dragon Age Origins

    Pairing: . F!Hawke/Anders

    Warnings: . Angst, M/F, WIP, ChallengeFIC, NoSex

    Chapter 6 of the post-Deep Roads arc of Anders' lonely years. Varric took a hand, but how will attending a simple party help their fragile friendship?

  19. Pen Name: . Anesor
    Story Link: . http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600088302&chapter=5

    Review Replies: . http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/50143-review-replies-through-a-glass-darkly-series/
    Type of Fic: . FlashFic
    Rating: . Adult
    Fandom: . Games > A-F > Dragon Age Origins

    Pairing: . F!Hawke/Anders

    Warnings: . Angst, M/F, WIP, ChallengeFIC, NoSex

    Chapter 5 of the post-Deep Roads arc of Anders' lonely years. His fear of Vengeance is valid, but how long can he lock himself away from the light?

  20. Once again, a series intended to be one-shots takes on a life of its own. These short, shorts are for Anders, when he is a homeless apostate healer, Gray Warden, and near abomination... He isn't what he used to be and battles with his spirit even as he tries to do more.

    pittwitch: for Sacrifice (Unresolved Tangles Chapter 4)

    Again a seamless effort to incorporate the words! Well done!

    Thank you! Flange was the worst, it's just not a word I use on a yearly basis.

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