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Everything posted by Anesor

  1. Pick something new then, there's plenty of bad published stuff out there. I ran across two especially obnoxious ones that had the added annoyance of extra cost to read them. Maybe you should limit these reviews to a dozen chapters at the beginning, selected bad ones, and a few at the ending, to help preserve you sanity. Chapter by chapter is above and beyond the call of duty...
  2. A friend of mine who knew I liked some vampire stories insisted I get and read these stories when they first came out. A cynical part says she was a bookseller, but that was silly and I never failed to get as many as I could afford then. But I do know I dropped the series after about book four despite urgings for years. Then I didn't really read anything critically, and Sue was concept I mostly applied to Trek novels. With all that I was beyond disappointed in these books, but leaning towards angry. Leads can screw up or have flaws, but I really didn't give a damn about her. I was rooting for the other characters to kill her, even if I like leads winning.More than anything else I dimly perceived was wrong, I didn't like her or care if she won or survived the plot. Apathy in the reader is a killer flaw. And the sexy scenes were not kinky consenting adults but creepy. Anita is a nasty nympho without a scrap of morals in search of a plot. If I want sex and flat characters, there's always Harlequin, they at least have basic editing, empty sex is the porn shop downtown. I'm enjoying your summaries... I'd managed to bleach most details out since then. Though JC was one of the more interesting characters, not interesting enough ti keep more of my money. Her Mary Gentry is more of the same and makes me wonder if her research consistes of watching porn films from the 70's...
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