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Status Updates posted by LadyMoonStone

  1. If I have to deal with one more rude person, so help them.

  2. In the span of 3 weeks I've lost everything. And it's all due to another person's selfishness and stupidity.

    1. LadyMoonStone


      The most painful part was having to let my nieces and nephew go after raising them for 16 years.

    2. sumeragichan


      okay, what happened?

    3. LadyMoonStone


      My sister had a stroke due to her cocaine addiction. She used all our rent money and left me no choice but to turn the kids over to foster care because I have no job and nowhere to live. I'm staying with my sister and brother-in-law temporarily until I can figure something out.

  3. In this world there are so many underrated pleasures and so many unseen treasures.

  4. Infatuation has got him running through my mind.

  5. It is late and now I must retire.Goodnight moon,goodnight to everyone everywhere.

  6. Just spent a very tiring week with a very sick four-year-old. Sleepy, sleepy....zzzzzzzzzz

  7. Life is very often bitter. When someone offers you something sweet, take it.

  8. Listening to J Holiday singing about putting me to bed while I think up a juicy lemon for my story. Which isn't easy, considering I don't have much experience to draw on.

  9. My nephew's biology teacher should be slapped upside the head with a loaf of stale french bread.

  10. My older sister is the laid back type. Until you bring up the price of gas. Then she could make Satan cry.

    1. DemonGoddess


      Who can blame her? Gas prices are ridiculous. The companies are making OBSCENE profits and have been for the last 6 or 7 years.

  11. My sister's dad came home today. With oxygen, 9 medicaions ( one of which I have to give him as injections ). Now to don the nurse's outfit.

  12. Now the floor of heaven is laid with stars of brightest gold.

  13. Okay Satan. You and God can call off your bet now.

  14. On I will go though the Hakken Kraks howl.

  15. One of those days when a fluffy girl just has to sigh.

  16. Plot bunnies are multiplying rapidly. Just gotta figure out what to do with them exactly.

  17. Sex is one of the nine reasons for reincarnation. The other eight are unimportant.

  18. Smiling because of a lovely surprise.

  19. So bloody tired of the same damn thing.

    1. Shadowknight12


      Use ice. Or fire. But ice usually works best.

    2. LadyMoonStone


      Hmmm....you know,I just might ( grins evily)...

  20. So much shit has hit the fan.

    1. sumeragichan


      Okay, before I'm off for the night... What's happened?

  21. So tired of dealing with emotional fruitcake. I'd rather have beefcake.

  22. Stars shining up above you. Night breezes seem to whisper I love you.....

  23. Summer colds. How I HATE them.

    1. LadyMoonStone


      Not that they're fun anytime of the year. It's just more difficult to breathe when the air is hot and humid.

    2. sumeragichan


      That's true enough. Then again, viruses seldom give a damn about the weather. *huggles and offers hot tea with ice cream*

    3. LadyMoonStone


      Oh sweetheart, thank you. I starting to feel better already.

  24. Thank you so much for the kind reviews and rating of my story. I've got such a warm fuzzy feeling.

    1. And Your Little Dog Too

      And Your Little Dog Too

      You're welcome. Now go write another. Don't rest on your laurels because then your laurels get sore, and we know how you are when you have sore laurels.

    2. LadyMoonStone


      Thank you. As soon as the collective shit that is my life stops hitting the fan, there's nothing I want to do more.

  25. The only choice we make when it comes to love is whether or not we express it.

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