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Posts posted by Techno-Ninja

  1. I have been lucky only one of my friends have asked to see my writing (he is also on the archive but not on the forum) but he knows everything about me, so it is natural to send him snippets or full chapters of my stuff, as he likes the kinks I write about himself. and if people have looked over my shoulder at what I'm writing, they haven't said anything and considering I write about kinks I'm into, I'm surprised they haven't said anything about it..

    I recently gave my archive profile link to a friend. She read my original stories, and said she was scarred for life. :lol:

    I don't think I have any friends (other than some people on here) who could really be accepting of my...smuttier writings.

    I'm starting to notice a certain trend for fetishes within my writing. XD

  2. It's a spambot thing. Fortunately, the forum automatically bans these un-users. Then, I go through the banned list, blacklist the email and IP for the spambot, and delete the rest of it.

    How evil. D:

    That's good to know. :3 It explains why some of them were banned instantly. :lol:

    That last part doesn't sound pleasant.

    Thank you, and every other mod/admin/crew member for staying on top of this stuff. It's part of what makes AFF a fun community, and I personally appreciate the effort you guys put into it all. :D

  3. I have written something while waiting for a bus (on a sunday, with loads of older people around) on my blackberry and emailed it to myself, but i prefer to write things out in notebooks mostly. recently have written more things on my blackberry as I like the feel and the sound of the keypad, and i find it easier to type on than my laptop while sat at my desk.

    So far I've not had any nosey parkers looking over my shoulder at what I'm writing, but theres still time for that to happen..

    I love the sound of my phone's keypad, too. It drives everyone around me insane, but I've always found the sound calming. :P

    Sounds like you're lucky so far. I hope that I am as well. But with the crowd I run with, it wouldn't surprise me if they just kept their mouths shut. :lol:

  4. Yeah, I'd imagine being left handed would cause a problem with wet ink, I get inky enough fingers and I'm not a southpaw.

    I spend so much of my life on trains it makes sense to do something useful with the time. On the way in at least half the passengers are doing work of some kind, I tend to get a very late train home most days and then half the train is drunk, which can either be entertaining or annoying, depending on my frame of mind.

    I often find people looking over my shoulder to see what I'm doing, I can hardly complain about this as I do much the same to other people, but if I'm writing a mucky bit I use a piece of paper to cover my work, I do find that worse the line the more it jumps out of the page, sometimes I shock myself that way!

    That does make sense. :P I wish I could use the time I spend (as a passenger) in cars wisely, but just being in a moving vehicle makes my head hurt and my stomach do flips. Fortunately, that's not the case when I'm the driver, which I find rather odd. O_o A train full of drunk people sounds...annoying, and possibly frightening. But I'm uncomfortable around intoxicated people. XP

    :lol: I know how that goes. I try not to let people see if I'm writing something naughty. If people have seen anything, they haven't said so. XD I also try not to look over the shoulders of others, and am not very nosy. (A good force of habit for my line of work, because I sometimes handle private documents, or see them being written.) But when editing my own work, I could be on a page that only has one even vaguely sexual reference, or bit of violence, or mention of drugs...or something. And it will jump out at me. XD

  5. I may have to revise my earlier posts because I just got the cutest little netbook, and I've already abandoned my old notebooks!! Still for outlines (I'm a big outliner), story ideas, my journal, ect I'm still going to write those by hand. I'm so excited, I haven't had a computer of my own for almost two years!

    Congrats! I'm happy for you. :D

    I haven't had a computer of my own since 2006. It's been...painful. x.x

    I thank the Powers That Be for my preference for handwriting over typing. :lol:

  6. If I could do it, I'd write stuff out on paper first, in pen. That way I couldn't keep going back and editing myself so much when the words should be streaming out of my brain. Of course I'd scratch words or sections, but in single space it's hard to add a lot. The biggest problem is that even at my fastest writing my hands can't keep up with my brain.

    To make it worse, my handwriting is horrible, so slowing down enough so that I could read it later would frustrate me to death. In the end, things go a bit faster with the keyboard even if I get distracted by tweaking as I go. (However, with my luck if I used a notebook I'd lose it and whoever found it would be able to decipher it...)

    Still, will use real paper for pre-writing and little notes when ideas pop into my head.

    When arranging story point on index cards I use different color Sharpies, but that's mostly for writing comics. (Nothing helps you trim a story like counting the page cards and multiplying by $50.)

    (BTW, Pentel R.S.V.P. Fine or Medium are among the few that work for the way I hold pens.)

    I should try to just let my words flow, but I edit the hell out of myself. :lol:

    My handwriting is bad too. I have to write pretty slowly so that it will be legible later, but my patience rarely fails me, so it's ok. :P

    Index cards and Sharpies...that sounds like a fun idea. :3 It would be a space saver, that's for sure. I have too many notebooks, I love them too much. XD

  7. typing...if you write them out you will most likely loose the pages..i have had that happen to me a couple of times....so i stick to typing

    The only way I loose pages is if I forget which notebook I wrote them in. :P I suppose if I were to truly loose anything handwritten, it might be more frustrating than having a computer crash on me.

  8. I write longhand in notebooks then type it up. It's a convience thing, I do more writing out of the house than in it and I can't carry a laptop everywhere I go.

    I have an hours commute to work on the train and I often use that time to write, and I always use spiral bound hard backed note books as they are the best sort for balancing on your lap.

    I hate the typing bit, it makes my shoulders ache and gives me blurred vision. At work we do these DSE courses which are about how to set your desk up correctly to avoid RSI and that kind of stuff so I know that typing at the kitchen table sat on a small, hard wooden chair is not helping matters, but it's either that or balanced on the couch which makes things even worse. I wish I could touch type, at school we were given the choice of typing lessons or craft lessons, an hour spent hunced over a typewrited or an hour spent messing about with clay, which do you think I chose? Gah, I think it's too late now, I have too many typing bad habits.

    I know what you mean about getting excited by a trip to Staples (I also really like Ryman, not sure if they exist outside the UK), I'm very into buying pens at the moment as I go through a lot of them, I like liquid ink rollerball with the finest point I can find (less than 1mm for preferance) in either black or blue, don't like writing in fancy colours, and I never use biros, they make your notebook pages go all crunchy. Just read that back, I really am a little obsessive aren't I? Well, at least it's a cheap hobby, I have friends who are just as obsessive about things like snowboards and musical instruments, and they cost a fortune.

    I've never been on a train, but I imagine I wouldn't be able to write on one. I get motion sickness way too easily. :( I like to curl up in a chair or on the couch and write, so hard backed notebooks are my favourite. :3

    :lol: I would have chosen the clay, too. I've got some pretty bad typing habits. Like, I'm sitting in an armchair with a laptop, in the dark. The part about being in the dark isn't by choice though. x_x I like writing by hand better than typing for a lot of reasons, and one of the reasons is that staring at paper for a long time doesn't make my eyes water and burn like staring at a computer screen.

    I prefer ballpoints over rollerball pens for one reason: I'm left handed and I drag my hand through the ink as I write. I can live with the crunchiness. :lol: It beats having my hand covered in ink, and my writing not be readable. XD Though, I do dislike how much pressure ballpoints require. It hurts my hand a lot faster than just writing with a pencil or different type of pen would. I'm glad writing is a cheap hobby. :lol: My boyfriend has a video game addiction. It's pretty expensive. D:

  9. . I don't even really write down my ideas. I just kind of think them up and if I don't forget about them along the way, I'll try to get them down. I'm pretty chill about that. ^^

    I get kind of like that with my fan fiction, especially if it's a shorter story that I have in mind. I'll just make it up as I go, if I forget ideas that I had. XD But for longer stories, and/or original work, I write and type a lot of notes to myself. Character and world concepts, plot ideas, outlines, etc.

  10. Loki is an OC of mine. He's a fallen Deity, and is fire elemental. He can start fires just by thinking about it, and can burn through almost anything with his hands. Loki is calm, quiet, and intelligent. He isn't the type to talk just to fill a silence. Loki prefers to express himself with actions, rather than words, if it's possible. Here's a picture of him. Loki

    Caleb is another one of my original characters. Like Loki, he's a fallen God. His element is wind. Caleb can levitate, and often floats around on a cloud. He can create gentle breezes, violent tornadoes, and everything in between. Caleb is absent minded, and spaces out a lot. He's shy, and speaks quietly. He's tends to be polite...that is when he's not day dreaming and missing out on what the people around him are doing. :P

    This is what Caleb looks like.

    But he has the skin colour shown here.

  11. I write stuff too, on paper. Not for writing, per se, as I'm not a creative writer. But, for code changes and other things? You betcha. Besides, while computers are wonderful things, I always have a paper back up too. Especially when it comes to keeping track of what I've changed, and things like that.

    Makes sense to me. :P It's nice to have a paper back up because paper can't crash. :lol:

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