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Everything posted by nofairytails

  1. Yay, its great to see so many people interested in movie fanfiction. Movie fan fics are the only ones I do. Since the movies are generally only up to 2 hrs long I think it gives you more leeway and a chance to be more creative. Right now I'm working on an Iron Man fic and that'll be my project for a little while
  2. You Aussie's are getting super strict these days. I remember reading that they're trying to pass a law (if they haven't already) forbidding porn with small chested porn stars to be distributed, saying that it too is a type of child pornography.
  3. I hate to follow up some of these amazing stories with somethings dull and boring, but, alas, that's all I've got. October Rust was an album put out by Type O Negative in...1996...I think. Anywho it was a great album and the name just always stuck with me. There's just something really foreboding about it and enigmatic. Around 1999 when I started online roleplaying, mainly PbP, I started using the handle October Rust for any main character I had and now its just attached to me...or vice versa
  4. Just started this one. Other chapters are sure to follow soon. Title:Death Watch Author: October Rust Rating:A+ Summary: In a future not too far away, a team filled with supernatural members must break in someone new and keep peace in a dying city. Easier said than done. Feedback: I like reviews so don't be afraid to leave one or drop me a pm Fandom:Original | Supernatural URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600098024 Thanks so much for your time, -OR
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