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silverdragoness21 last won the day on February 15 2012

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  1. So i have an important notice that I have for everyone who reads my stories. I have decided to put my e-mail here, it's specificlly used for my writing work and isn't connected to my private account. I figured it'd be a good way for everyone to get a hold of me, for example if you want a mailing list, or you want to e-mail me something about the story in private. It would also allow me to talk to you guys on a more personal basis if you wanted to see something. It's one of the reasons that I started writing the smaller AU stories, they aren't only about Natasha and Kayne/Adrian. they are also for other members of the stories. so if you guys want to see a story with a specific setting or people. I can possibly accomodate. I am sorry, i don't mix up couples who are in the story just because well I already have who is with who but I can still work with that as much as I can. so if any of you would like to contact me feel free. sanuraka@gmail.com
  2. Yay for inspiration! It does help quite a bit and i'm quite happy that it's back because it was a struggle to get the flow of the story to stick. It's amazing what a few good reviews and good ratings can do for the muses. So the story is getting a little deeper and the plot is moving alone. I'm not sure how many more chapters are going to be in this one but I know we're not there yet to the end. I'm getting quite a few chapters done but i won't deny that we're going to get to a point where I'm going to get stuck again but it won't be because of writers block, more a matter of the content and me have issues. I won't give more than that on the subject so as to not give anything away. In news for the third story, I have actually started writing the first chapter of that. Might sound strange to do that but because I already know how Heart and soul is going to finish i can move things for the next story. Though on that subject I'm still debating on what the title of that story is going to be. I haven't really figured it out yet. So I hope everyone is enjoying the story and that you all continue reading. As always I ask for reviews if only because well it helps pay the muses. They aren't exactly cheap.
  3. So I want to start by thanking those who have read my stories. Thank you it means a lot because I know how easy it is to just pass over a story because you don't think it will be any good. Second I'd like to give my thanks to everyone who has reviewed and who rates the story when they read a chapter. I love you for that and know that every rating gives me more inspirationt o write. Like i mentioned before in the chapter, it took about six rewrites and that's not exagerating a little bit. It was originally through Natasha's point of view but i could not get the scene right with her. Yes it was an interesting scene i won't deny but the end result didn't pan out and i just could not make the right transition to what i needed. Then i wrote it again from her point of view and still it wasn't any good. So i kept re doing it but to no avail. Then i decided that it was time to add zack back int he mix because he has the most complex point of view on things and honestly he's a pretty interesting character and his point of view helped but the scene still didnt' work. so I took it out completely after i realized that it wasn't needed and ended up with what was posted. Hopefully i did the right thing in how i did it but it's a bit late to change it now. So we've started a new transition on the story and I won't deny that there will be a new flavor of characters that are discovered and a few new dynamics that will be explored as well. Oh as always I am still looking for a beta i know there is a section for that and I'm seriously considering it but i figured if you know anyone or would want to let me know. As always I thank you for the reviews, i thank you to all of you who support me and want me to continue because I do love this story and the series itself and it means a lot that you haven't given up on it. Know i haven't given up on it either. Anyway, back to work and I will have somethign out soon.
  4. so lets start witht he obvious part, yes i've not added a chapter in longer than i would like. My mom was in from over seas so that made it impossible to get time to actually write anything out, then second my friend got around to findign my files off my old laptop and got themt o me so i had to read through all of those notes to make sure i was int eh right track. the last and most awful thing is this, i had to go backa nd do a rewrite on a few thigns. Reason being i wrote myself into a corner and couldn't seem to write myself out of it. I usually rely on having someone to bounce ideas off of and i don't really have that anymore so i had to do it alone and that honestly isnt' hte easiest of tasks to do I haven't given up on these stories just taking more time than intended also not really getting a lot of feedback so it's one of those thigns of 'eh' but like i said i'm getting there and should have things moving soon.
  5. So my birthday yesterday was a thousand times better than last year. Last year I was in near tears and this year had a pretty good time. My mom is visiting and she baked me a cake got a few nice presents including a couple of nice necklaces. And I took a nap and didn't have to clean.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kagome26isawsome


      happy belated birthday!

    3. WillowDarkling


      Happy belated birthday, Sanura. Good to hear that it was a fun day.

    4. botticelliangel
  6. So I apologize for the fact that chapters haven't been out lately, I am working on them I promise. I actually want to get a few chapters in at once and get some pushed out to give me more time to finish some more. It doesn't help i was really sick last month and sick kids has definitely not had me int he writing moods. I do promise I'm working on it though also I am still looking for a beta for this series if anyone knows anyone.
  7. So after a month of planning and setting up things my daughters birthday party had to be cancelled, one all three of my creatures decided they needed to be sick, second well I'm not feeling so great either. So after about two hours of calling parents i have never met to rescheduale three weeks from now I'm wondering why me!

    1. NoirSmiles


      I know this is pretty random but I hope everything works out for you!!!

    2. BronxWench


      Yikes, love...hope you're all on the mend quickly!

  8. So chapter twelve being worked on as much as posible. things just get in the way called life. hopefully i can get it done and posted before the end of the year. i would really love to have this story moving on before then and then of course i have finalized the idea that there is going to be three books to this story. I will also be working on the small oneshots that will add as short stories in an AU format. anyone is free to add their own stories there by the way i would love to see that happen since I'm curious on how you guys would see things. Also after this set i'm working on a different story with new characters and situations. hopefully everyone will enjoy that.
  9. so i just finished chapter elven. Yay, amazing what a little verdigo will do to you. It's eleven pages which for me is short hopefully it's okay for you guys. I am now working on chapter twelve and hopefully it will work out quickly as well. I have decided that i will definitely need to break this into a trilogy. too much, way too much for one story and breaks into too many plot points if it stays in one. So I am looking into names for the final book. I will be happy with suggestions from anyone if you've got them. I am actually writing chapter one for it, I may even eventually post it on here if you guys want but i will put spoilder alerts for everyone cause well yeah. It will be a must. Anyway i have abotu enough energy right now to call it a suger rush so i'm going to go write some more now. Please review if you haven't reviewed and for those who have. YAY i love you.
  10. so started writing the next chapter of the story today. Hopefully it will be good and won't take too long. I hope you guys enjoyed the last chapter. Still working through some concepts of what to do and some new ones. Sadly i can't remember all of the information i was going to do. Also i have decided after this set is finished i will be writing a story about the original channel and her life. that one will be split into three seperate books. haven't figured out a name for it yet though. May be slightly au from this series but only very slightly since it happened so far back in the past and history distorts some facts. Anyway, back to heart and soul. I'm not sure how many chapters are going to be in this story but there will be quite a few. I am also considerign going back and doing some revamping of the other two stories but i haven't decided on that one either.
  11. I'm almost done with this chapter and it's a long one. hopefully it is good. though i really do miss reviews to be honest. It does help me figure out what i'm doing when i get some feed back so that would be awesome if you guys could give me a little more than what i'm getting. doesn't have to be anything too detailed. Something that has come up though is I'm using a lot more draconic language in the story and well even i can't translate it without a translator. I'd write the translations in the chapter at the bottom but there is a restriction for Author notes. So, I'm going to give you guys the link to the translator I use. That way you can figure otu what is being said. http://draconic.twilightrealm.com/
  12. Okay, a few little things. One i've taken a readers advice and started a little AU thing for the dragon's might series. For the most part it's one shots that would take place in different settings between Natasha and Kayne. I also am keeping it open to other authors to add chapters so i don't mind seeing what authors can come up with as long as you follow the disclaimer rules. In other news, as I've had to start from scratch on all my concepts it's given me a chance to run through all the possible events that could and need to happen in the dragon's might series. Two things are sure. One, I will definitely be finishing it no matter how long it takes and two I am looking at the possibility that it's not going to just be this sequel but i may have to make it a trilogy. I thought about it long and hard last night but the arc is just too much information for one book. It will be a hundred chapters if i don't split it and i thinkt hat each story should have a different feel and theme and i have figured where the arc needs to seperate. I'm not sure on how this one will end but it will not be THE end. it will be a to be continue. I wouldn't mind your opinion on the matter actually. Maybe I'm over thinking it and shouldn't do that. I'd love any comments anyone's got.
  13. Okay to anyone still reading my story I am very grateful and I'm so very sorry it's taking so damn long. But a very terrible thign happened. My laptop completely crashed and burned. Lost absolutly everything including all my chapters, all my character sheets and all my thoughts and ideas for the stories i had. Including five chapter that i had written for Heart and soul and the layout of it's ending i was working out. I know i should have put it on a flashdrive but i hadn't been able to go buy one and the laptop crashed before i could get it. I am now forced to start from scratch, all my possible chapter adaptations are gone and it's a process of starting over. Again i am so very sorry and i hope to be back up and running really soon.
  14. while doing research on the subject I have realized that there aren't many places online that really give you a check list of things that should be in your bag if your a woman. If your a guy there are at least twenty sites that cover all the things a guy should take, how he should act and what not to do but very few for women. One comment was that women naturally know what they are going to need and how they should act but I have to wonder if that is actually true or if we as females manage to fake it a little better. I'm curious since I haven't been on a first date in well about a decade of what should be must have's on a first date other than the obvious money in your purse and a mint. FYI i think a travel toothbrush should be in that list personally. Also what makes a good first date for a girl verses a guy other than the obvious potential of sex at the end of the night?
  15. You know the worlds really against you when even your cat decides it must screw with your computer

    1. BronxWench


      Ouch! Aside from that, how's life?

    2. silverdragoness21


      Not too bad, could be worse

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