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Posts posted by BoredStraight

  1. So, got a text back from sis, she's enjoying it, she's got to chap 3.

    First sex scene is in chap 4, seem to remember it's pretty vanilla, I work on the theory that you have to build (whole thing is 46 chaps long), but she has never read any of this stuff before. Her response to that is going to be interesting...

    Well it's good she likes it so far! I would be so nervous about her reading the smutty parts! Keep us posted! :hiya:

  2. A while ago I told my sister I had been writing stuff and posting it online, I knew she couldn't read it as she had no internet acess, but then recently she told me she was getting broadband and asked where my "novel" was, as she put it.

    I couldn't tell her not to read it, but I kind of needed to warn her as well, or she was in for a bit of a shock. I'm not sure how much she got of what I was telling her, she'd never heard of slash, or come across the world of online smut writing, and although I don't write it she'd never even heard of fanfic either (I guess you miss a lot not being online for years), and I'm not sure she got just how explict it is.

    I don't know if she's read it yet, I think I may text her right now to find out, I really have no idea what she's going to make of it.

    Wow you are braver than me! Keep us posted on her reaction!!

  3. I recently gave my archive profile link to a friend. She read my original stories, and said she was scarred for life. :lol:

    I don't think I have any friends (other than some people on here) who could really be accepting of my...smuttier writings.

    I'm starting to notice a certain trend for fetishes within my writing. XD

    I've never been brave enough to show anyone the erotica I write. I've only shown a few people some of my tamer stories, but I haven't given anyone my archive link. I guess I'm afraid they would judge me or just pretend to love it. Its hard to get honest opinions about your writing from people you know.

  4. I've never had to do that before but I think I will with the story I'm currently working on. I only have one chapter posted so far but I just got done outlining the whole thing and now the summary totally doesn't fit. I guess this happened because I usually outline everything before I even start writing. Oh well, the one I wrote before was shitty anyway. B-)

  5. I may have to revise my earlier posts because I just got the cutest little netbook, and I've already abandoned my old notebooks!! Still for outlines (I'm a big outliner), story ideas, my journal, ect I'm still going to write those by hand. I'm so excited, I haven't had a computer of my own for almost two years!

  6. I write longhand in notebooks then type it up. It's a convience thing, I do more writing out of the house than in it and I can't carry a laptop everywhere I go.

    I have an hours commute to work on the train and I often use that time to write, and I always use spiral bound hard backed note books as they are the best sort for balancing on your lap.

    I hate the typing bit, it makes my shoulders ache and gives me blurred vision. At work we do these DSE courses which are about how to set your desk up correctly to avoid RSI and that kind of stuff so I know that typing at the kitchen table sat on a small, hard wooden chair is not helping matters, but it's either that or balanced on the couch which makes things even worse. I wish I could touch type, at school we were given the choice of typing lessons or craft lessons, an hour spent hunced over a typewrited or an hour spent messing about with clay, which do you think I chose? Gah, I think it's too late now, I have too many typing bad habits.

    I know what you mean about getting excited by a trip to Staples (I also really like Ryman, not sure if they exist outside the UK), I'm very into buying pens at the moment as I go through a lot of them, I like liquid ink rollerball with the finest point I can find (less than 1mm for preferance) in either black or blue, don't like writing in fancy colours, and I never use biros, they make your notebook pages go all crunchy. Just read that back, I really am a little obsessive aren't I? Well, at least it's a cheap hobby, I have friends who are just as obsessive about things like snowboards and musical instruments, and they cost a fortune.

    I've actually read about some famous writers (can't think of names offhand) who wrote novels on their daily train commute. I also have about a 45 minute commute each way but I drive so the only writing I can get done is brainstorming in my head :)

    I've tried about every pen they make. I just bought a fancy Cross set that was on sale. I like the ones with rollerballs too, it seems like you can write faster with them. Lately (just in my journal) I've been writing with different colored marker pens. I think Bic makes them in the ultra fine point. I like matching my mood to a different color everyday.

    I don't think your obsessive, I know for me the right writing tools can inspire me to want to write more!!

  7. It's set just slightly in our future, far enough that human-animal hybrids are common place, but not far enough that there has been a significant change in daily life or fashion.

    hmmmm... then robes and loin cloths would be a little strange. I would just go with regular cloths altered to fit human-animal hybrids. Like Jay Dee said to use zippers in the back, and sandals for big feet. If human-animal hybrids were common place then of course clothing stores would probably have sections just for them.

  8. A laptop I had a few years ago had some of my writing on it and crashed. :( Now I print off my final copies and put them on a flash drive to be safe.

    :lol: I'm the same way when it comes to buying that stuff. I love buying notebooks and pens, and also drawing supplies. It makes me quite happy. :D

    I'm glad to hear someone else loves buying office supplies as much as I do. I thought I was just weird. haha

  9. I write first drafts by hand in notebooks, binders, napkins, whatever. Partly because I love the physical act of writing, and partly because like you I don't always have access to a computer. PLUS I've lost a lot of work when computers have kicked the bucket on me. I edit when I type out the finished peice. I also like to write by hand because I love to buy notebooks, pens, even post its. I actually just went to Staples yesterday and I was like a kid in Toys R Us.

  10. This is the first time I've written anything for a prompt or challenge but here goes....

    Pen Name: Bored Straight

    Story Link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103022

    Review Reply thread: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?set=read&no=600103022

    Type of Fic: Flash Fic

    Rating: Adult+

    Fandom: Original

    Pairings: N/A

    Warnings: no sex, drugs and alcohol, oneshot

  11. Friends are overrated. Seriously, they are, this isn't a troll comment. People nowadays go to ridiculous lengths to please people who ultimately treat them like crap. This shit has to stop.

    There's almost 7 thousand million people out there. You can pick and choose. You can afford to be selective. You can afford to look at someone in the face and say "I have always hated the way you look down on [X group of people]. When you die, I will dance on your grave and spit on your grieving mother." Believe me, I have said it and it feels good.

    As an aside, you don't really need to ram your dick into the first chick willing to spread her legs for you. Like I said, 7 thousand million people. Keep that in perspective. People are disposable. You don't like your friends? Ditch them like yesterday's vomit and find new ones. Don't like those, either? Ditch and keep looking. Eventually you'll find people you can tolerate.

    And if you don't find anyone you like, guess what? There are no negative consequences for not having friends. You won't die if you don't get laid. You'll have more time, energy and money to spend on worthwhile stuff, like a job, studies, family (if you haven't cut them out of your life, of course), and those hobbies you always wanted to take up but didn't have the time.

    People are disposable? Sorry ShadowKnight, I'm afraid I'll have to disagree with that one. Speaking as someone who still has friends (best friends, that I still hang out with all the time) that I met in elementary school, and middle school people are not disposable! If I thought that, I wouldn't have kept friends over all these years. I think people can sense when you think their disposible or not important, and who would want to hang around with someone who thought that about them?

    Now I do agree with you in that I think its right to stop being friends with someone if you conflict with them on a moral level or something else major, but still I have friends who believe way different things than I do, and were still friends, friends who have lively debates.

    I do think there are some major negative consequences for not having friends, we're all human, and we all need human contact. And believe me this is actually weird for me to say because I'm one of those lone wolf types who value their solitude very highly. But lone wolves are also mammals who need companionship to thrive instead of just survive. I don't have a lot of friends, but the ones I do have I'm so close with, their like family, and I know they would be there for me no matter what, just like I would be there for them.

    What fun is money, your job, or hobbies if you have no one you love to share them with?

    Just a thought....

  12. Title: Hell's Most Wanted

    Author: ME BoredStraight

    Summary: NOW COMPLETE Satan hires an assassin to hunt down Dean, murder him, and drag his soul back to hell. But the half demon he hires falls in love with Dean and must decide whether to kill her love or face Satans wrath. If Dean doesn't kill her first.

    Rating: Adult+

    Pairings: Dean/OC

    Feedback: This story has yet to be reviewed, so feel free to pop my review cherry!

    URL: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095934

    Thanks everyone for reading this, and a special thanks to those who actually clickity click on that link!


  13. Title: The Last Night On Earth Speech

    Author: ME BoredStraight

    Summary: COMPLETE oneshot that takes place the night before Dean and the gang try to kill the devil with the colt.

    Rating: Adult+

    Pairings: Dean/Joe

    Feedback: This story has yet to be reviewed, so feel free to pop my review cherry!

    URL: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095955

    Thanks everyone for reading this, and a special thanks to those who actually clickity click on that link! :flirtysmile:


  14. I've had a lot of pets, and my recommendation is to not get a ferret. For the most part my larger animals have always been afraid of my rodents, until I got a dog who was hell bent on killing my pet rat, which he eventually did. Not only might your cats become obsessed with killing it, but you might get tired of it. I've found having cats and rodents, then dogs cats and rodents, that at a certain point the rodents feel like a burden. When life is insane and busy nd miserable larger pets have a way of making you feel better The ferret, if it is not the only pet, won't rub up against you after a hard day and make you feel loved, it will on the other hand require food, water, cleaning, and perhaps bite you.

    Stick to the cats and visit the little guys in the pet store. That's my advice.

    I'm not sure. I've had my dog meike for two years now, she's a pit bull rotweiler mix. But I had always wanted a little chihuahua, so when I moved from my apartment into the house I live in now, I got a little chihuahua puppy (his name is Peabody, he's currently around six months old and only 3 pounds! Compared to my 90 pound pit bull!) Anyway everyone I knew said it was stupid, and my pit bull would eat the chihuahua. But I said fuck em, and I was right, both dogs get along better than great! The chihuahua actually likes to pick on my pit bull, bitting her ears and tail, walking on her when she's trying to take a nap.... its hilarious. So my point is sometimes you just have to say fuck em! And do what you want! BUT I never let them be alone together when I'm not there, and when I first brought the chihuahua home I watched them both like a hawk. So you do have to take the potential for danger seriously and be on your guard so no one gets hurt. Well thats my two cents ;)

  15. Hello all!!

    So like the title says I'm interested in a long term beta, what I really want is just a friend who is willing to read through my stories and fix all the grammer and spelling mistakes (and I'm sure theres prob a lot of them). I'm also looking for someone to give me a really honest opinion about my work, I'm tough I can take it, and I believe the only way to improve is to learn from my mistakes, but how can I learn when I don't know what those are. From reading other's posts about being a beta I gather that their number one complaint is authors who don't listen, or ignore their advice. I am willing to listen to all and any suggestions. Hell I would be willing to do a total rewrite if thats what was needed.

    Also I have a full time job and go to school on top of that, so I fully understand how real life can get in the way of what we'd rather be doing, so you'll hear no complaints from me about how long its taking to get my story back.

    On aff.net I have one story which is complete but I haven't uploaded it all yet, and also a one shot, both are in desperate need of another critcal eye. Both are about the TV show Supernatural, but I don't really think I need someone who watches the show as much as I do (if you do thats even better!) because I could just give you some short backround info so you know why certain things are happening. In both stories the pairings are het.

    In the future I plan to upload more of my original writings, and not so many fan fics. I'm in the process of starting a fantasy book, and I'm currently building the world for that. So anyone whose into worldbuilding would be a major plus. In addition to that I'm writing some original F/F oneshots which I've never done before so I also need advice about that.

    I hope all this made sense to someone other than me! And thanks for taking the time to read it all. My penname on aff.net is the same BoredStraight, you can see my stories by clicking the link under my name here, and you can contact me by posting here, pm me, or email me at almostboredstraight@yahoo.com. Thanks again!

  16. Oh wow! This thing is incredible, I have my world but nothing like this I was still building on what it needed now I can be more thorough and not miss anything little.

    This list was so helpful I printed it out (14 pages!). I had started my own world some time ago but gave it up after it just seemed like every other cliche fantasy world, but with this list I can pump some real life in it. THANKS!!

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