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djackgirl last won the day on May 3 2011

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  1. Making a Draco MV & using Tom Felton, Toby Hemingway (Draco 20s) & Alexander SkarsgÄrd (Draco 30s) ^.^ Am I good or am I good? :P

  2. Gah!!!! I can't think of a good name for my Harry Potter fic!!! *head desk* Nooooo!!!!

  3. http://hp.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600094229 My first ever Harry Potter fic, let me know what ya think :)
    1. nofairytails


      Just started reading. So far so good :)

    2. djackgirl


      :) Yay! Thank you!
  4. Hey all, well chapters 1 and 2 are up, I'd love some feedback in regards to how it is structure and the flow, etc, etc and whether it is an enjoyable read. It is multi-chaptered and a Scabior-centric story. Title: A Beautiful Lie Author: djackgirl Rating: Adult++ Summary: Lies never turn out well in the end and for Genevieve, lying was her way to survive in the beginning but it could end up her death sentence if she is found out. Feedback: Greatly welcomed and appreciated, I am new to writing Harry Potter fanfiction. Fandom: Harry Potter. URL: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094229 Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to read this and go to story It means a lot to me. Regards djackgirl
  5. Haha! Phew, once I get started on movies and the like, its hard to shut me up easily I love Jason Isaacs, such a frigging good actor. Dragonheart is a bad guy comical part, but funny as when he loses his pants during the "dragon attack", funniest scene ever! Haha. Yeah, it shockingly has been, dang even I can't believe its been ten years! Ah Hook, he did that part well. Love him as Lucius Malfoy though, just the air about him makes ya go, S.O.B to the core. I have never seen Fire Wall- adds that to list of movies to hire this weekend haha! Paul's best role is in Legion! God that movie is awesome in so many ways, especially with the take on the angels. I'm Australian... Haha! Its way hard to write in English or live in England cause we're like polar opposites to each other where I live. I know nothing or phrases or English slang so don't feel so bad
  6. Yes. Hands down. Haha. When typecast its easier to just imagine that one side of the actor; especially the villain typecasts. Like Mark Strong or Jason Isaacs, even Dominic West (300, Centurion, etc) to an extent because all we ever see is their nasty side and its what obviously appeals, if you're writing a fanfic about the character they're playing, to you. It also, I think, goes hand in hand with how well they do their job as a villain. I don't think Tim Curry would've sold being a baddie in Three Musketeers if it weren't for how damn convincing he is when acting. I so hope that made sense, sorry if it didn't, movies and I = tongue-tied long rambles. Haha! DJ
  7. JayDee: Lol! Too right they could field their own soccer team.
  8. Shadow Knight: They're my best OCs I've written into a fandom before. I do? Yes! Haha. Don't need to watch the movie haha, this takes place months before the movie occurs I'm glad you enjoyed the scene, it came to me when I read what cornucopia meant. Yeah I'm not, I generally write over 1,000 words, I normally dislike anything under but... This is a good way to practice getting into writing such short things
  9. Just wanted to reply to these cause you all took the time to leave 'em so I can definitely take the time to reply ^.^ pittwitch: Thank you Apollo: I never know when its just enough but not too much and I didn't want to cut it off because of the 1,000 word limit, I just managed to keep it under it, haha! Glad ya liked it. Fairy Slayer: Well I'm glad that came across right. I actually read that part and went does it need to be or doesn't it but I guess I forget to change it, haha, blame that on an 11pm post with little sleep the previous night. I'll fix up that spelling mistake too. Sophia is from the year 1887 Romania with little to no clue as to what most things in the year 467 are or represent so it was funny as for me cause she can be the total clueless at points but not seem dumb for it kisakimiko: Haha, these are just my OCs in the King Arthur fandom. 11 babies and Bors still hasn't married Vanora... running joke in the movie that I couldn't resist bringing up when it came to talk of babies.
  10. Pen Name: djackgirl Story link: Horn of Fertility Type of fic: FlashFic Rating: Adult + Fandom: Movies > G-L > King Arthur Pairing: Sophia/Agravaine Warnings: ChallengeFic, COMPLETE, Rom, H/J, M/F, OC
  11. Haha, I love Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr. did such a good job as him. Number two wasn't so great but I liked it cause Mickey Rourke was Whiplash ^.^ I'll definitely check out the fic when you put it up.
  12. Here are a few: Honey Babe Darlin' Sexy Cupcake Honeybunch Doll Pookie
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