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Everything posted by Stevo1711

  1. Hi I am look for a story with Harry a slave to Albus Dumbledore can anyone help me
  2. Here it is It called Salvation http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600023899&chapter=1
  3. Hey so im looking for BDSM and D/s fics not too fussy bout the pairings but i like my Robin as the bottom/sub The longer the better. Also would prefer it be complete i hate finding a good fic only to have it abandoned and i'll forever wonder how it ended lol Also look for Robin to be spanked / wear diapers / dress as a school girl / fam dom Thanks Stevo
  4. Hi am look for Harry Voldemort story where Harry is a slave/pet but dones not fell in love with Voldemort and are COMPLETE Place Help
  5. Hey im looking for Harry being a slut or bottom for the all male Weasleys or with Molly or Ginny where he FamDom use a stirp-on and with spanking in them Plasce help Stevo
  6. Hi I do not own anything HP related. It all belongs to JK Rowling, Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Inc., Warner Bros., and any other entities involved. Author's Note: So here is challenge for people to do, anyone can write for them just please e-mail me with the link to the fic when posted. What all is a Bottom!Harry. Story ideas come from me getting angry at fanfiction, for example: not a lot of Slave!Harry fics with him been a slave to Death Earters The poit is the war over the Death earters have won and Harry is a slave And with this in it Abuse, Anal, Angst, BDSM, Bond, D/s, H/C, M/M, Slave, Orial, Toys, Spanking, Rim, Violence, HJ, Tort, Humil And harry lose his body hair and his age is 19 Plasce help Stevo Just e-mail on my proflie here if it be posted
  7. Stevo1711

    Fem Dom

    Hi im looking for spanking story's teen boys in them with a Fem Dom im them also looking for teen boy wear girl things and teen boys in diapers Plasce help me STEVO
  8. Just read it i love it thanks
  9. Hi im looking for spanking story's gay teen boys in them with a MaleDom or FemDom also looking for gat teen boy wear girl things and teen boys in diapers Plasce help me STEVO
  10. Hi am look for a human teen boy who was captured by orcs or with Captain Gorbag (an Orc) And with this in it Abuse, Anal, Angst, BDSM, Bond, D/s, H/C, M/M, Slave, Orial, Toys, Spanking, Rim, Violence, HJ, Tort, Humil Plasce help Stevo
  11. Hi am look for a human teen boy who was captured by orcs or with Captain Gorbag (an Orc) And with any of this Abuse, Anal, Angst, BDSM, Bond, D/s, H/C, M/M, Slave, Orial, Toys, Spanking, Rim, Violence, HJ, Tort, Humil If anyone now a story wuth this and dont mind if not COMPLETE Plasce help Stevo
  12. Love read story with spanking and daipers in them with m/m in them but dont mind if the boy in them is getting spanked by a femdom Plasce help Stevo
  13. Hi am look for Wesley Crusher getting spanked by anyone and would also like reading story when he in diapers (as a teen) Plaece help me Thanks Stevo
  14. Thanks i have read that one before but thanks
  15. Plasce help me find a good story to read
  16. Plasce keep looking
  17. Plasce help
  18. Place keep looking
  19. i love these ideas. please till me if someone done that
  20. Hi am look for Harry getting spanked by anyone and would also like reading story when he in diapers (as a teen) also if there is one with harry and ron getting spanked together great Plasce help Thanks Stevo
  21. There is a good one called Submission It about After the responsibility of the war, Harry just wants to surrender control **COMPLETE** Anal, BDSM, D/s, DP, Oral, Rim, Spank, Toys, Voy HP/SS/LM http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600016325
  22. Hey i love read a adopt Harry Potter storys If you can find good ones plasce till me With Harry getting adopt Thanks Stevo
  23. Thanks very much
  24. Plasce keep looking
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