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About Me

I am a couturier and costumer, mostly for cosplaying. I'm a nerd married to another nerd. Where he's a Trekkie, I am a Alien/Predator buff. I have several original works, but most of them are for profit. I write gay and het, and the range of kinks is broad whether for reasons of horror or pleasure. My favorite genres are romantic comedy, pre/post-Apocalyptic, sci-fi, Space Opera, gothic/classical horror and psychological horror. My favorite fanficiton to write is Predator and Star Wars. I do alot of tabletop rping, but not much Larping as I like the rolling of dice to decide things at times. Many of the games we play, players consisting of a small self-sustaining company of artists and seamstresses, turn into works of fiction. I would like to get some of them up on here, especially since a few of the games consisted of copyrighted materials. My problem is life gets in the way, and having too much on my plate, I rarely finish what I start.

I'm trying to work on that though, so bare with me :tomato:

My Fandoms: Star Wars, Predator, Alien vs Predator (novel and comic franchise), Firefly, Chuck, Star Trek, DBZ, Final Fantasy, Sailor Moon, Cutie Honey, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Robotech, Transformers (retro), JTHM and other Vasquez creations, BetterMan, anything Adam Baldwin, Alan Rickman and Sir Patrick Stewart.

I also have a DeviantArt page, name also girlyhero if anyone is interested.

Now some things that I hear and say that give a better sense of me::

Friend to me: "Peasants? You want to open 'peasants'? Are you a Viking?"

Friend: "Let's send one of your Predators to kill her or eat her brains or something. They kill shit, right? Predator! Go kill [not going to name her]!"

Me: "But the Predator says, 'I'm a Warrior. I've got principles'....He MIGHT beat her to death if she didn't stop talking."

Friend: "When would that happen?"

Me: "He would snap after she started on her retarded, emo-lyric-sounding wank-fests, and honor out the window, he'd just smash her face in... so I estimate eight seconds of her talking will do it....or he might just shoot himself."

Friend: "It seems the safest action."

Me: "Indeed. Those shoulder cannons could make it quick and painless. Just point it inward, and guaranteed to be deaf... and headless."

Team4Star: "I thought I smelled body glitter."


Hubby: ...........

Friend to me: "Put that Bible down and write some more porn!!"

Friend: "You're a bright girl." *sarcasm*

Me: "Like a LiteBrite with fresh paper!"

Hubby: [in reference to my Predator fanfiction] "Are they gonna have sex?"

Me: "Yes."

Hubby: "That's a little weird for me."

Me: "Says the man who bought manga of Android 18 getting tentacle raped in Cell's stomach..."

Hubby: "You liked it, too!"

Me: "And that's why it's not weird for me."

[A Facebook Conversation about voice-overs for our characters; the greatest conversation I've ever carried about my characters I feel.]

Friend: "So who would voice Yekita?"

Me: "Adam Baldwin-- AND NOT because he's my favorite actor, but because it fits. Like think if John Casey and Jayne Cobb had a baby... a Predator Baby..."

Friend: "A butt baby."

Me: "MaybeBaby."

Friend: "MaybeBaby. Naranarti?"

Me: "Dane Cook."

Friend: "Srsly?"

Me: "Only if he doesn't pretend he's funny. If he would talk like he knows he's not funny, he'd have the right sound."

Friend: "Dane Cook IS funny."

Me: "Lies. Next."

Friend: "Mhrende and his mom?"

Me: "Yari'mso is voiced by Scarlett Johanson and Mhrende is voiced by Emma Stone."

Friend: "And yet SEDA is voiced by Russel Brand."

Me: "But Seda's not a hermaphrodite. ENway YOUNG Seda is voiced by Katy Perry."

Friend: "Sexy. Don't change that. Denarde is....*drum roll*"

Me: "Alan Rickman."

Friend: "Nice. Naniyude?

Me: "The Duke."

Friend: "YES. We can do it. We have the technology."

Me: "We do actually."

Friend: "What about Yeyin? He's sounding like a cute character. I wanna ship'em with someone. Maybe Nara just to fuck with you."

Me: "You wanna fuck with me ship'em with Yekita. Tom Felton."

Friend: "Oooo, bringing out the S.S.Malfoy. I'll cast off with that *fap fap*"

Me: "Saw him at DragonCon. He has a lighter voice when he's not being a prick. Not that he is one for reals, just when he acts n such... idk Next."

Friend: "What about Seddar? I know you told me b4 but I 4got."

Me: "It's good you forgot-- I changed the casting. Liam Neeson."

Friend: "O Wow. Why?"

Me: "I could listen to him talk about the biology of an apple for 36 hours straight."

Friend: "O I know he's sexy speakin, but why cast him?"

Me: "Because I could listen to Seddar talk about the biology of an apple for 36 hours straight."

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