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kisakimiko last won the day on May 2 2014

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  1. Still tied up with that dude in the kilt with his purdy jute ropes :P Polishing a short orig story for you as a result of it :P

    1. DemonGoddess


      Long time no see!

    2. kisakimiko


      So dang busy. Much good stuff so it is good. Hope I can stop in more.

    3. DemonGoddess


      well, from what you'd said before, this time of year usually IS busy for you!

  2. Ohhhhhhh yes, a cute man in a kilt wants to do shibari rope bondage on me... answer is ummm YES!! Don't tell him i am bringing a leaf blower??????

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kisakimiko


      I will be getting pics if they are not too risqué i would not deprive you all

    3. ApolloImperium
    4. marley_station


      Pay before you play.

  3. I guess one needs to define cheating. Some view the internet and its users as a giant interactive dildo. It is entirely possible he never physically cheated. Cyber proly. But physical, I bet not. And i sure don't know if I would want my bf off in cyberboink land anyhow, to me that is cheating. Sticky wicket here for sure. He is the father of her child. She is wise I think not to marry him. She may be biding her time until she can be comfortable on her own as well. This is a lil different than finding out your husband has been sleeping with your bff for a year irl. That kind of thing I have seen ppl forgive (both the bff and spouse - no rly not kidding...) and I sure as FUCK don't understand that. SK brings up a good point, perhaps the cheated on spouse has done something to think they deserve it. Hard to believe but possible. Kisa
  4. what a tard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Looking for Tightbottoms, Hi everyone, I am still trying to find a few more Tightbottom contributors, particularly a Mr. for vanilla and Lolita for well you know. thanks!!

    1. FairySlayer


      I hope the project doesn't fade away. It's been fun so far.

    2. kisakimiko


      It won't I am just busy busy with holidays and ppl at my house, harder to sit down and write ma smut like that

  6. Yay, I has twitter for my AFF stuffs. It is kisakimiko just like my author name. Please comment this with your twitter if you wish to be followed!!

    1. DemonGoddess


      too lazy to add it, but it's in my archive profile ^^

    2. kisakimiko


      okies DG I will find ya!! no worries.

    3. ApolloImperium
  7. Oh damn, who hid my brain, where is the coffee, is it friday yet?

    1. BoredStraight


      I hear that!! I'm so glad 2morrow's friday! YAY!

  8. Oh boy another day in which to excel er, procrastinate yeah that's it.

    1. Shadowknight12


      Procrastination, it never gets old!

  9. Woke up with lead in my head and an octopus in my belly, feels like the worlds worst hangover and I was not even drinking!! Rip off.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kisakimiko
    3. Shadowknight12


      Your apartment is very unsanitary!

    4. kisakimiko


      HAHA, what is wrong with free roving octopus?

  10. Pen Name: kisakimiko Story link: Horny Plenty Type of fic: TwitFic Rating: Adult Fandom: Original. Pairing: N/A. Warnings: Bad poetry, no sex
  11. If I did I don't remember!!
  12. OK, come on now. We all rape the characters we write about to a certain extent. Some fictions are better than others and not every person wants the same cup of tea. You may benefit from issuing a few requests or challenges in lieu of a weapons purchase. You could be assured that the character is written the way you prefer. But that is the operative word there prefer. Preference it is a wide and varied thing. Often I have seen characters in fandoms develop some of their more latent personality facets, it can be very interesting. I agree it gets tiresome when it is just a partner for mary sue/stu. Those stories show what they are fast and I don't read them. It also sounds like the HP fandom is plagued with this kind of thing. But it also has a lot of writers so you should be able to find more things to your taste. Unfortunately that means more that are not as well
  13. Oh there were a lot more in the shoutbox *giggle wish I could remember. Oddball foreign endearments would be grand! And Apollo if I knew the dude better that inspired this quest it would so be sugardick. sugarbritches princess baby sweetmeat hunnybunny pumpkin - bonus for anyone who knows how that got started (no googlin) pretty lover lovebucket professor - I use this one for a smart flirty friend, but it has a new twist now gordo and gorda - dunno why i hear this all the time it means fat papi mon chou - my cabbage!?! ok chere - this makes more sense apple of my eye a ghrá - love, kinda like the brit usage mo chroí - my heart leannan - sweetheart Ok I will remember more later I am sure. When I grow up I want to be a thesaurus.
  14. I am busy thinking about all the nicknames one can have for a lover. I just KNOW the ppl here are going to have some great input on this.
  15. Do you write better feeling lovey dovey or angsty pangsty?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shadowknight12


      Now, wankey wankey is an awesome state of being. Sex scenes practically write themselves when you're wankey wankey!

    3. kisakimiko


      oh geeze that is why I have writer's block?

    4. Shadowknight12


      Probably! Now you know the secret to writing smut! >P

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