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Everything posted by Miss_Stephanie
Sorry about the delay, I just started a new job, and I've been busier than usual. No worries, though, the new chapter is ready and waiting, I hope that you enjoy it, and I cannot wait to hear what you think! I might as well answer a couple of reviews, while I'm here. *Masterspike* Thanks so much for both of your reviews. I am really trying to portray Kalista and Harry as a real couple, a couple that everyday, real people can relate to, in spite of their extraordinary fates and powers. It's great to hear I'm succeeding on that point. Snape is quite the bastard, and has just the worst, or best, timing! Dark times are looming in the future. Will the bond that Harry and Kalista have formed be strong enough to withstand them? I hope that you'll keep reading to find out. I can't wait to hear more from you. *Salon_Kitty* Don't worry about missing the post, you're probably used to me posting every other day, practically! I'm always happy to hear you're opinion, it has come to mean a lot to me. I am so happy to hear that you are engaged by the Harry I have presented, he is a rather difficult character to get right. Harry is a good person, pure and simple, not perfect, not ideal, but truly good. I try to portray that. Sedah is quite something, Kalista is lucky to be free of him, and doubly lucky to have Harry by her side in his stead. The two of them do create quite a stir, and the ripples they cause are sure to induce waves in the long-run, be sure Glad to hear I popped Harry's cherry properly... and thanks for the texting typo you pointed out... I am a firm advocate of texting and sex being separate activities. Can't wait to hear more!
Just dropping by for another Review Response *michelle* Thank you so much for your review! I love it when I snag new readers And I am so happy to hear that you're interested in the characters and story that I have created, because I have put quite a bit of time and effort into both of them. Double thanks to you for your continuity correction regarding the canon material I borrowed for my fic. Of course you are absolutely right, it is Amortentia! I suppose I intertwined some of the Greek mythology with the canon facts accidentally. I have read all of the books several times, but little details get mixed up sometimes, especially since there are so many books in the series. I went to the lexicon Harry Potter site, which said Amortentia, and then looked it up in the Half Blood Prince to be sure. I went back and fixed the mistake as soon as you pointed it out, and again, thank you. I always appreciate any reader input regarding grammar or continuity mistakes, since I don't have a Beta. Salon_Kitty and Daye are two of my readers who have helped me from the beginning, and really I can't thank all of you enough. Thanks again for your review, I hope that you continue to read and enjoy and I can't wait to hear more from you! The new chapter is still looking to be up by next week, I already have one section of it done.
Just dropping by for another Review Response *michelle* Thank you so much for your review! I love it when I snag new readers And I am so happy to hear that you're interested in the characters I have created, because I have put quite a bit of time and effort into both of them. Double thanks to you for your continuity correction regarding the canon material I borrowed for my fic. Of course you are absolutely right, it is Amortentia! I suppose I intertwined some of the Greek mythology with the canon facts accidentally. I have read all of the books several times, but little details get mixed up sometimes, especially since there are so many books in the series. I went to the lexicon Harry Potter site, which said Amortentia, and then looked it up in the Half Blood Prince to be sure. I went back and fixed the mistake as soon as you pointed it out, and again, thank you. I always appreciate any reader input regarding grammar or continuity mistakes, since I don't have a Beta. Salon_Kitty and Daye are two of my readers who have helped me from the beginning, and really I can't thank all of you enough. Thanks again for your review, I hope that you continue to read and enjoy and I can't wait to hear more from you! The new chapter is still looking to be up by next week, I already have one section of it done.
I just wanted to drop by and give a couple of review responses. *Skullz* Great to hear from you again, of course! I am so glad to hear that you are enjoying Harry's perspective. I feel most comfortable writing within he and Kalista's POVs so that really is a relief to hear. Snape, Hermione, and Draco have so much inner-turmoil and Sedah is just...Well, Sedah. I am trying to keep Harry and Kalista's relationship realistic while interesting at the same time. Happy to hear I'm succeeding with you so far. And I think that you are quite right about Harry deserving an incredible girl. He is our hero, after all. Ginny never really quite fit the bill in my opinion, either. I will surely try to arise to the task of attempting to fit that bill with Kalista...She does have quite a bit looming up against her, though...no? Well, I really always love hearing from you, and I am so happy to fill your reading needs with my fic! I hope that you continue to love it. *Daye* Sorry about the dirty off-scene action, but I don't want to drown the plot in sex and smut ...There is still quite a lot of that coming up. You are right about the quickly-moving sexual relationship, but Kalista does not have an exactly 'normal' sex-drive and Harry... Well, Harry is a teenage boy so, yeah. I'm happy to hear you're liking the interaction between Kalista and Harry. I am trying to keep their relationship as realistic as possible. Kalista's doubts are something any teenage girl can begin to relate to, something every human being has experienced even at least a bit of. Shame is can be a dirty emotion. I always love hearing from you, of course! And I can't wait to hear more. I should have the new chapter up by next week, I hope that you all enjoy it as much!
New Chapter Posted! Chapter Nineteen: Wanting More Kalista must attend her first meeting with Professor Snape regarding her transition into Hogwarts, during which she reflects on her quickly becoming disparaging feelings toward her Defense instructor. Afterward, Kalista must force herself to face Ginny Weasley during one of Harry's Quidditch practices. She is surprised by the girl's sudden receptiveness toward her, but suspects that Harry is to blame. After a month together she and Harry have begun to eagerly enjoy one another, but Harry refuses to push her too far, too fast. Little does he know, Kalista wants to be pushed, in spite of being filled with shame for that desire. Please, let me know what you guys think... I hope that you enjoy!
Hello! Just here to see if I can get some more readers for my current fic! If you could drop by and look at the first chapter that would be great, hopefully you'll like it so much you will keep reading. Title:Aphrodite's Curse Author: Miss Stephanie Rating:Adult ++ Summary: Imagine that the Ancient Magick of Greece came to life in the halls of Hogwarts...What would happen if the descendants of some of the most amazing beings from the annals of history were to roam the flagstone corridors... Harry Potter and his friends soon discover that darkness unfurls from odd angles, and help can be found hidden in a beguiling disguise. They must overcome their own temptations and fears as they realize that the darkness that started in their own country has begun to spread hungrily across the world, striving to uncover the malevolent powers of foreign lands. It's going to be a bigger war this time... It is the end of Harry's holiday, the beginning of his sixth year. Harry is not the only one left numb by Voldemort's return. The entire wizarding community is still reeling from the havoc wreaked within the English Ministry's very doors...Still, the powers and influence of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named grow larger, seeking to saturate the entire world. An uncommonly trusted associate of the Dark Lord travels across continents and through sea-swept harbors in search of a man and a photograph. Ancient Magick is whispered of where hopes of immortality spark. The associates fathomless eyes flare with greed and longing. Feedback: Greatly desired and ALWAYS greatly appreciated, with a response. Fandom: Harry Potter URL:Aphrodite's Curse
I agree that sticking to one story is better than having several brain children that don't make it to maturity. Still, sometimes you could use a bit of a distraction when you are stuck on a certain aspect of your current project . I myself have only two fics posted because I like to put as much effort and thought in as I can. When you get used to your mind being scattered around it becomes hard to reign your thoughts back in. One of my fics is my brain child, the one I focus all of my energy into. The other is what I call my fun fic. It is written pretty much for my own amusement, and although the plot is solid, it was a plot that was provided by the fandom. It doesn't take much thought to come up with ideas because it is basically about writing down whatever fun, zany idea I happen to think of. Even still, you can find yourself going back to your story and frustrated with the lack of flow. Try reading, when this happens. Whether it be other fics, a favorite novel, or even a new read, it helps to distract you while keeping your inner-author whirring. I recommend a favorite novel, myself. Something about reuniting with familiar characters that you know and love inspires you to create characters like this, yourself. I think writing down summaries for your ideas is a very good idea for future fics, instead of just starting them. This way you have something at least to jog your mind. An outline would be even better, to try and get as many thoughts down as possible. Your own idea of pushing through is also a good way to get through horrid writer's block. You may be what's holding you back. You said yourself you write some paragraphs, read them and then delete them. Try to push through the scene, then go back and see if you can fix little things here and there to improve it. Those little things will add up, until the finished work is nothing like what you started out with. Wine is also a great idea. Try to unwind, listen to soft, soothing music while you write. Good luck, I hope that it goes well!
I just wanted to swing by and post another review response *Skullz* Thanks for another review, of course. So glad your liking my noble Harry. I'm not into making Harry a bad boy like some people do, we've got enough of those at Hogwarts, I think. I was thinking that scene with Snape might have been a bit off. He is one of my favorite characters, so I always try to get him right. At the same time, he can't really be entirely in character because he's mooning after a student of his. You will notice that Kalista tends to have an odd effect on men, making them obsessed and forceful. I did think the bit where he said, 'Do not play games with me, girl,' was a bit much...Perhaps if I just took 'girl' off the end it would help. I don't know, got any suggestions on how I can fix this scene? I always really appreciate helpful advice, so thanks so much! I can't wait to hear more from you. I just started a new job this week, so I am a bit busier then usual. But the new chapter should be up shortly :clap:
Here for some review responses on the most recent chapter: Hidden Desires! *Daye* It's wonderful to here that all of the little details I work to weave throughout my story are jumping out at you. That is exactly what I want to hear! I'm trying to keep Harry and Kalista's relationship as realistic as possible, because they are both so extraordinary, so I could see it becoming difficult to keep things grounded. I'm glad you liked the scene with Ginny, I was a bit worried about how I portrayed her. It was a low blow for Harry to bring Ron up, but that really was the only reason the two of them never got together, and I don't believe Harry wanted to lead her on anymore. He wanted to diminish her hope, while retaining her friendship, and reminding her of his loyalty to her brother might be the way to do that. Thanks again for the great review, Daye! Always wonderful to hear from you *Salon_Kitty* Of course I always appreciate getting helpful corrections from you and Daye! Seriously, I really can't tell how much. I don't have a beta, but you guys do such a wonderful job catching my mistakes early on, I don't feel I really even need one. I think you're absolutely right about the anger scene with Harry. I always start my chapters of with inner dialogue of character emotion, though. ie: Harry Potter was angry; Sedah Melanion was incredibly aroused; Kalista Karakinos was irate; Hermione Granger was annoyed. I always start my chapters off with sentenced like this. I like to give a basis for my pov and the emotions that are gripping my characters as they tell the story. Harry is angry, but not at Kalista, I try to make that obvious in his inner dialogue. Still, perhaps I can find a better way to frame things. So glad you liked the scene with Snape. I got the goosebumps when I wrote the line about a Potter taking his dream girl. It just felt poignant. And I did try to make the detention scene as sexy as possible, every male teachers fantasy, I'm sure I wasn't sure about the convo with Ginny either... I wanted to portray the fact the Ginny was being self-absorbed, but that she had suffered ostracism unnoticed for years. I also wanted to two of them to come clean about their feelings, and I wanted Harry to make an effort to let them go. That is why he made the hurtful comment about Ron. The part where Harry tells Ginny to be quiet, I actually considered having he be more aggressive, by saying "Shut the fuck up," or even just "Shut up," because she was being so vicious toward Kalista. That is why he offers the information about their nonexistent sex-life, her comment about Kalista being a 'slag' is what prompted him. I don't think I got across how much that comment pissed him off with ' be quiet' though...Do you know...Is shut up or shut the fuck up, American? And if not, could you picture Harry saying that? I don't know...I'll have to work on that scene... Harry is SUCH a sweetheart, isn't he? If you can't tell yet, I'm Team Potter...But I sometimes cheat with Team Snape, Team Ferret, and my own team...Team Sedah Great to hear from you, as always! The newest chapter should be up by the end of the week.
Yeah, I'm new to the whole forum experience, so I've never used them much before. But when the moderators of the site requested I use them, i thought I would give it a shot. So glad to hear from you again, I love getting your responses, Salon_Kitty The sleeping power I am referring to is the Ancient Magick, exemplified by the ancient Greek gods and goddesses who were really just incredibly powerful sorcerers. Sedah's powers have already been awakened, but Kalista has yet to discover her powers, if she has any. Ancient Magick has rarely reasserted itself, never in Greek society, where it is traced...At least not until now. Ginny was rather whiny, but she quickly reasserted herself in the sixth and seventh book, kissing Harry boldly in the Room of Requirements and standing by adamant as he tried to end their relationship. However, none of this has taken place in my version of course, and Ginny is a tad more vindictive and selfish, and a tad more realistic in my opinion. She was always left out of Harry's life and looked down on as somewhat of a nuisance, I would think she would be a bit spiteful because of this. Well, thanks for your response. I am always eager to have discussions, or simply just chat about nonsense. Hoping to hear more from you soon!
New Chapter Added! Chapter Eighteen: Hidden Desires Severus contemplates his newest trial, balking at the power of the young Greek boy that has approached him. He finds a distraction in the form of the other Greek transfer, Kalista...She owes him a detention, and he intends to enjoy every minute of it. Harry struggles to protect Kalista's reputation, facing his own friends who have now turned against him in an effort to curb vicious rumors. After only one argument, he finds himself emotionally wrung out. Severus is being prompted to continue his devious plans for Kalista by the unsettling Greek boy, Sedah...What will become of their intermingled desires? Will Harry be able to turn his friends in Kalista's favor? So excited to hear what everyone thinks! I hope that you enjoy it.
Hahaha! Well, Thank you I love those little guys, they're so cute. I had a blast playing with them. While I'm here let me go ahead and thank you for your review for Chapter Seventeen! :clap: I'm glad you noticed the similarities between Hermione and Kalista, because I did work to make them present while not making them too obvious. I don't want two of the same character, after all. What Kalista is going through is painful, but I think it's also a situation everyone can relate to. We've all been the victims of cruel gossip before. I should have the next chapter up by tomorrow morning, in spite of my expectations that it wouldn't be done til next weekend. I am a bit of a writoholic sometimes... Any-hoo, it was good to hear from you once again, and as always, I'm eager to hear even more from you!
Here to answer a couple of reviews for Chapters 16 and 17 *Skullz* Thanks to you, firstly, for your review on Chapter Sixteen: The Sweet Release. I was glad to hear you liked Harry's introspective views on happiness. He seldom got to relish in happiness, so this is how I expected him to feel about it. Poor Harry... At least he get's a chance to feel better with Kalista in this chapter, eh? I hope you enjoy Chapter Seventeen: Broken Hopes, as much, I can't wait to hear more from you! *Daye* Hermione has always been so busy worrying, she never takes time to enjoy the little, wonderful things around her. She's so caught up on Ron that she can't appreciate a good snog when she gets one! Poor girl, indeed... B) Less and less people seem to feel for Draco these days, Rowling did a good job of portraying him as a weaselly, selfish prig...My version is a bit more suave and attractive, but no less self-centered and near-sighted. He internally laments the burdens his family has forced on him, but he does nothing to try and alter his place in the world. We can not control what we are born into, but we can control where we go from there. Draco has seemed content to reap the benefits of his noble birth, but is rather unwilling to fight for it. Poor hapless boy, he's just a spoiled prat, really... Thanks again for another correction, you and Salon_Kitty have gone a long way in being my impromptu beta's! Well, thanks again for your reviews, you guys! I am starting a new job, so I'm going to be working more, but the new chapter should still be up by the end of next week. And I'll be swinging by my thread to see if anyone wants to chat! Peace and Love!
New Chapter Posted! Chapter Seventeen: Broken Hopes Summary: Hermione struggles with her torn friendship as Ron distances himself from her, plunging the wedge of strife within Harry's inner circle. Kalista finds herself traveling down the same lonely course she's traveled, but forces herself to recognize and appreciate the kindnesses she did not receive before. Draco battles with his inabilty to complete his Dark Lord's mission, and quakes in fear as he contemplates failure, seriously, for the first time. All seem to be caught up in tarnished kindness and broken hopes. So, I'd love, Love, LOVE to hear what you think! You can get to my story by clicking on my profile link in my signature. And don't forget, reviews will be answered on this thread from now on, but ALL reviews will be answered! Please enjoy the new chapter!
That wasn't until the end of the seventh book, though. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against Neville. He ended up shining through in the end, he just always seemed rather clumsy to me. By the way, did you see the trailer for the movie? Is it me or does it look like Ron is decapitating Nagini? That's gonna piss me off if they do that, because it was a little bit of magic within J.K. Rowling that gave her the idea to make the boy who almost took Harry's place pivotal in the eventual destruction of Voldemort. They never really mentioned the fact that she was a virgin. When they called her Pure they were referring to her blood. Something tells me Voldemort won't be entirely disappointed if he ever does get to meet Kalista, though.
Lol! Thanks JayDee, I actually had to edit it several times because I had too many smileys at first... I had the best time playing with them, though. Like I said, I'm new the whole online-forum-thingy, so I have the enthusiasm of a child. I have to say my favorite emoticon is the ASS CLOWN...and I hate clowns... ...Tee-hee!
Oh, so you're a Neville fan, eh? You're a rare breed, my friend. I like Neville fair enough, I suppose. He was just a bit absent, like you said, and often used for pity and comic relief. I myself use Ron instead of Neville, usually. It did take me a bit to figure out the forums , they weren't letting me do anything at first, but then all of the sudden they changed their mind and decided to let me play. Kalista actually is not a virgin. I haven't made that abundantly clear, because the only sexual scenes between she and Sedah involved kissing and fingering. She does mention it a couple of times in her perspectives, but often refers to it as, 'sweaty bliss'. Don't get me wrong, though, Voldy does have plans for Kalista, and of course, Harry will try to foil them.
In order to help reduce the usage of database space, I have started this thread to answer any reviews I get for my story Aphrodite's Curse. We can also use this thread to discuss the story, or just chat, really . I am rather new to this online fanfiction thing I didn't grow up with a computer, and I always wrote my fanfiction free-hand, so please be gentle if you notice any technological naivete. I am eager to meet new people, and I consider myself a be-easy, laid-back personality. So, if you are one of my current readers, or even if you saw the title of my story and simply clicked out of interest, Hello! Welcome to my thread, and let the discussions begin. Just a couple of WARNINGS about the above link (my story) before we begin. *There is definitely a lot of SEX in my fic. *Some of the SEX is forced *There is also quite a bit of VIOLENCE * SEXUAL ENCOUNTERS include instances of ANAL; DOMINATION; BONDAGE; RAPE AND ADULT/MINOR PAIRINGS *There is some SUBSTANCE ABUSE in this fic *Definite NAKEDNESS *This fic includes OC's of my own design Yeah, that was just as fun as I thought it would be... ...Yes, that is an ASS CLOWN I will start this thread off by responding to a couple of new reviews by Salon_Kitty and Daye, two of my readers who have stuck with me from the beginning of my story and always help to point out little (and big) mistakes that I sometimes look over. They have always managed to give me a nice warm fuzzy feeling with their complimentary reviews. Honestly, everyone who has reviewed so far has been so nice. I'd like to give a quick shout-out to my other reviewers: MasterSpike, Skullz, Julian Venere and YesICan. I really appreciate all the great feedback I've gotten from all of you! And thanks to Danyealle-Sama for bringing my attention to the server-problem and helping explain the forums to me. *Salon_Kitty* So glad to hear you're happy with my portrayal of Harry. He always was so self-conscious in spite of his popularity. Although J.K. Rowling didn't exactly describe him as the most attractive cat in the books( none of her characters were extremely attractive, besides Ginny, Rowling was much more realistic than I am ) I made him quite the fox in my own version. Yes, I believe I just used Cat and Fox in the same sentence...Go me! Anyway, I considered getting him obliterated on Butterbeer, but decided against it. Tipsy was good enough to knock him in Ginny's direction, which is all I really wanted. Glad that you liked the bit with the two of them, by the way. I know Ginny is a bit more catty in my version, but she never showed her ruffled feathers enough in the actual story, and I like to up the drama a bit. You were right in guessing that Kalista's whorish proclivities were instilled by Sedah, but they are greatly exacerbated by her sleeping powers. Poor Harry needed to pump the breaks in spite of his hormones. You're right, definitely NOT slow. But they didn't shag against the door, like I secretly wanted them to... Ron is quite the cocky bastard, no? I like to bring out the underlying flaws of Rowling's characters. Thanks for pointing out the bit about the girl's dorm, though. That is a bit forward, suddenly overcoming the wards of Hogwarts itself...I went back and fixed it as soon as I read your review. Thanks for being so prompt, you prolly saved most of my readers from catching the same mistake! You're questions about Bastien and the Lovebirds will soon be answered, and I can't wait to hear more from you! *Daye* Yet another needed correction from my faithful readers! Is my American showing again? Any help in my pathetic attempts to portray British characters is greatly appreciated. I'm gonna jump back and fix that BALLS mistake as soon as I get this thread up. Neville was a rather pathetic character up until the seventh book, wasn't he? Aside from the scene with McGonagall and Moody involving his Herbology talents, he is usually portrayed as an awkward character. Although he did come out with flying color in the end, don't get me wrong. Nonetheless, it made sense for him to attend the party as a server, and I did need a third-party to inform my characters of Ginny's Bat Bogey incident. Still, I supposed I could have used Lavender just as easily, but I like to include multiple canon characters when I can among my plethora of OC's. Yeah, I supposed they didn't exactly go SLOW...my definition of NOT SLOW: BANGING! Which they haven't gotten to yet, if only because of Snape's timely intrusion. In spite of my eagerness to get to the horny parts, I am glad it is still to your liking. I'm working on the next chapter now, and it promises to be packed with information. What will become of the intermingled, devious plans of Severus and Sedah? What happened between Hermione and Bastien? What is going to happen between Harry and Kalista? And When will Kalista's true powers be awakened? I always, Always ALWAYS appreciate reviews, ratings and new readers, so please, click on my link and give my story a chance. Brief summary below with link: Imagine that the Ancient Magick of Greece came to life in the halls of Hogwarts...What would happen if the descendants of some of the most amazing beings from the annals of history were to roam the flagstone corridors... Harry Potter and his friends soon discover that darkness unfurls from odd angles, and help can be found hidden in a beguiling disguise. They must overcome their own temptations and fears as they realize that the darkness that started in their own country has begun to spread hungrily across the world, striving to uncover the malevolent powers of foreign lands. It's going to be a bigger war this time... Link to Story:Aphrodite's Curse