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Everything posted by Miss_Stephanie
I wasn't aware of the other two profiles... But you can get rid of the old copy of Aphrodite's Curse, and thank you. I appreciate you looking into it, perhaps it was just a problem with my computer.
Hello! I have a small problem I was hoping someone could help me out with. I've recently posted a new story on the aff.net website, and I got a few ratings, but then I stopped receiving them. This continued for some time, with me assuming that people may not be reading the story, since it is a sequel. But after the story got so many hits, I started to wonder. So I started another profile, and tried to rate the story myself, but I was unable to. I would rate it, and it would seem to process than at the bottom of the screen it said that you could not rate the story more than once. But when I went to my original Author's Page it did not show that the story had been rated. I tried this several times without success. Please help me! I want people to be able to rate my fic. I tried rating my other fic, and that one worked just fine. Reviews also seem to be working fine. I would really appreciate your time and consideration. Thank you! Author Name on aff.net: MissStephanie Story Title in Question: Hades' Redemption Genre: Harry Potter/ AU
Just dropping by to leave a couple of Review Responses before jumping over to add another chapter to the fic. *skullz* It is so wonderful to have your continued support. I'm glad to hear that you are continuing to enjoy the story, and rest assured, the chapters will be getting back to their normal length as the story progresses. Promise. I'm trying to ease everyone into my character's displaced mind-sets and since I have so many character viewpoints, this can be a bit tedious and overwhelming, so I am trying to present the information in absorbent bits. Anyway, have no fear. The next chapter it longer, and the next even more so! *Lordyu* It is so great to hear from you! And I can't express how much it means to hear that this is your favorite fic. I have had every intention of taking the story in this direction, from the beginning, so I am so glad to hear that you like where I am going with it. I hope that things continue to please, and I can't wait to hear more from you! Alright, then, onto the fanfiction site to drop the next chapter off. I hope that everyone enjoys, and I LOVE hearing what you guys think!
Of course I always appreciate and take to heart the feedback that I receive from my readers! That is why I am always so eager for reviews. This is a WIP that I have every intention of turning into a long and epic series. I also intend on revising and reposting this fic for years to come on any sites that will allow it. It is a dramatic and violent story that is wrought with angst and darkness, and in need of a lighter tone and viewpoint. This is what your delightfully flawed Ronald Weasley has provided. Plus he adds a depth of emotion to this viewpoint with his feelings of ineptitude and jealousy. Not to mention the fact that I can't wait to tell the horcrux hunt from his perspective. The horcurxes seem to be twisted extensions of Voldemorts personality, which have developed their own instincts in accordance with their creators magic and will. We must not forget Harry's second year, in which a horcrux sought out another redheaded pure blood with the surname Weasley. Poor Ginny Weasley was nearly possessed by Tom Riddle in an effort to give the disembodied wisp that remained of Voldemort a home. Why then would it not seek the same means in order to protect itself from the Dark Lord's greatest enemy? It only makes sense to assume the horcruxes center on pure bloods in accordance with their alliance to Voldemort's sick bigotry. I have already finished a couple of entries with Ron and I am more than pleased. He will be making an entrance into the story in the next couple of chapters. Thanks again, *alquimista*, it's always great to hear from you!
Hello to All! I am back, with the sequel to Aphrodite's Curse in tow. I would like to start off with a few general warnings about this fic. If you have already read Aphrodite's Curse, none of this should be a shock to you, but nonetheless... This fic contains superfluous amounts of the following: Angst Graphic Sexual Encounters Which of course entails Nudity Forced Sexual Encounters (Rape) Sadism and Masochism Violence Disturbing Rituals Death Bigotry Uncomfortable Material That should just about cover it... I think...Oh well, any surprises will just add a bit of spark, eh? Alright then, on to the Review Responses. I have had a lot of readers come to me upset about the lack of Ronald Weasley's influence in my story. It has been pointed out more than once, that Harry Potter is a story of friendship, between the trio, as much as a story about the strength and valor of the Boy Who Lived. I would like to say first, that this is not Rowling's story, this is my fanfiction. It is set in an Alternate Universe and adheres to rules that I have set. Yes, it is based on the brilliant works of J.K. Rowling, but it veers wildly from her story in more than one area. My version of Severus Snape is only remotely like the noble character in the books, and my Ginny has given into feelings of angry judgement and selfish denial. Not to mention the existence of Ancient Magick which adds an entirely new idea of powerful magic being inherited through bloodlines. I have always viewed Ron as a bit of a prig, even J.K.'s version. Don't get me wrong, when it comes down to it, he is thoroughly loyal and dependable. But he has selfishness and bitter jealousy bred into him by years underneath his colorful brothers. It is a character flaw that is necessary and keeps the story rich and vibrant with drama. Ron is often the pivot point of arguments and fights, although Hermione is often on the other side. Still this is a richness and vivid clarity that any story could use, and I have been needing a new POV for my sequel so...in order to keep my readers happy and enliven my story, I will be adding a viewpoint shown from Ron's perspective. This may prolong the arrival of the next story update, but since I have only written ten chapters so far, it should not be too difficult to incorporate. Thanks to *alquimista* and *Anon* for bringing this to my attention with their detailed reviews. I really appreciate your feedback you guys, and hope that you are happy with the improvements I try to incorporate. I also think it would be very interesting to hear the story of the Slytherin locket through Ron's eyes, for you brought up a good theory, *alquimista*, regarding pure blood possession. And a special thanks to *Skullz* for continuing to follow my story, and always giving feedback and praise. You can't know how much I appreciate your loyalty. I can't wait to hear what you think of the idea to add Ron on as a POV for the story to continue to unfold.
The first chapter of the Sequel to Aphrodite's Curse, Hades' Redemption, has been posted on AFF. I will be starting a new thread for that story, which I will post under the same name on this site for Review Responses. I can't wait to hear what you guys think of the first installment! And Happy Festival of New Life to everyone!
The sequel excerpt has been posted on Aphrodite's Curse. I can't wait to hear what everyone thinks
Hey, Skullz, I know that it has been a while. but rest assured, I have not been standing idly by. I've been a bit busy, but I have managed to get about six chapter done in the sequel to Aphrodite's Curse. I just want to make sure to get a nice solid backing of storyline before I start posting the story, because I don't want to have to go back and edit after it is on public display. At least not if I can help it. Still, I expect to have an excerpt posted by the end of this month, and the first chapter should be posted by the end of May. Thank you for being patient and loyal to me, and keeping dibs on my progress.I always, Always, ALWAYS love hearing from you!
Aphrodite's Curse has been completed! I have left and Author's Note expressing my gratitude for all of my readers, but I would like to reiterate... THANK YOU!!! All of you, every single one, even those who have never left a review, although I do not know your name, I still cannot express how much I appreciate you following this story, which I have worked very hard on. I will be posting the next story in this series as soon as I have an adequate start-up. It should only be a couple of months. I will post an excerpt on Aphrodite's Curse when the time is upon us. Even still, I would like to leave some Review Responses, and express even more gratitude! *skullz* It has been a ride, no? I can't believe it is over! Thank you so much for sticking by me, through to the end. You have been a rallying force for me, prompting me to write when I was so swamped with life I couldn't think straight. Thanks again! I know that you are eager to see Kalista and Harry together, but you are right, they still have a lot of trials ahead of them. We'll have to see how they make out through the darkness and chaos, if they can fight through to one another. Is love enough? Is it enough to baffle the entwined forces of evil, gnashing at our heels? Hmmm? I bet you can't wait to find out! Still, love has deep powers of its own, Kalista herself has made this abundantly clear, no? *Kiana Tavers-Mereel* *Assists in flamer bashing* (I hope you'll let me borrow your beskar staff!) Thanks so much for sticking up for me, those flamers were really getting me down. It truly heartened my spirit to read your review and praise. You can't know how good it makes me feel to hear that you truly enjoy and connect with the original characters I have created. I know that Snape has some heady issues... But I always thought he was just a bit too noble. It is unrealistic that someone who has gone through what Severus Snape has and push forward with the most sacrificial resilience, ever toward and through the plans of the very wizard the cost him his greatest love, and reason for redemption. Still, the sadness and broken valleys of his life are only a reason, not an excuse, Severus may himself be blinded to his own selfish ministrations upon the world, but the world itself does not turn a blind eye. He is a very different character in my story, a darker character, warped and altered by the world and it's doings, forever broken. I love Luna, she is one of my favorite characters, so I really enjoyed the Puddifoots scene. Glad to hear you liked it as well. I do hope to hear more from you, and can't wait to reunite on the boards of my next story, and the sequel to Aphrodite's Curse.
I have posted an Author's Note on my fic, in an effort to stop flaming attempts. Even still, here is a brief response to the most recent insulting review I have received, along with responses to my regular, and greatly appreciated reviewers. I will give Anon's review first, because they have always been polite, even if they had some criticism to make. Thank you Anon! *Anon* It is about time that she came out on top, in a different sense of the word then she has been experiencing as of late, no? I, personally, did not feel bad at all for what I've done to Severus. The slimy git deserved it! In fact, I think he got off a bit easy. She should have kept his member all shriveled and useless for a bit. But, she only meant to use her extreme powers in order to break free of the Vow. I am so happy to hear that this is your favorite fic, and I cannot wait to hear more from you! I will be posting another chapter next week. I hope the Author's Note didn't get your hopes up. *steve* If you have not noticed, your one-lined negative reviews have grated my nerves, just a bit. Even still, I would not want to lose a readers who really is merely trying to obtain clarification. The fact that you have never come on this thread to begin an actual discussion added to my annoyance though. You just left those mean reviews, and did not even give me and opportunity to explain the points of my fic you argue with. Not fair, not nice. Annoying. Bad Steve! Still, I do understand what you mean about her getting out of the Vow a tad too easily. But I did not want to have to involve Sedah in any way, his magick easily overpowers both Kalista and Severus. It would have been too easy for him to thrust the horizon of Hades death over his professor, and broker the Vow on his own terms. In fact, that was Sedah's plan from the beginning. He is still struggling to gain mastery of his own Magick, too though. I am trying to make this plot believable, and in order to do this, these characters cannot just wake up and all of the sudden be the most powerful beings in the world. Protagonists cannot be perfect, they cannot win and come through on top all of the time. That would be boring. And antagonists cannot be so overpowering and unstoppable that the protagonist has no hope of ever overcoming them. And you cannot just KNOW all of my characters deepest thoughts and plots, there are still many things going on behind the scenes that I know, and you, the reader, have not yet been made privy to. That is how books are written. Everything is not just put out on the table, their are layers and hidden paths in stories, moments in which the reader must think: Holy Shit! I didn't even see that coming. That is what I am trying to do. But perhaps you are right and I should come up with a more profound way to dissolve the Vow. Any suggestions?
Chapter Thirty-Seven: A Fleeting Happiness, has been posted. Now, onto Review Responses. *Kenobi* Thank you for the polite way in which you framed your criticism. I have had a bit of an issue with flamers, so I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. Constructive criticism is one thing, bashing my story, quite another. Anyway, I understand what you mean about the Sedah/Severus bit getting somewhat rundown. I'm getting a bit tired of writing about it as well. But I already have a set plan of action in mind, and I want to make it believable. Not like, oh, all of a sudden, Dah dah tah dah, Harry to the Rescue! You know what I mean? And Kalista can't just have a complete mastery of her extraordinary powers right off the bat. But have no fear, I promise the plots twists and thickens and spreads and does all sorts of fun things, very shortly. *Darthyulis* I am so happy to hear this is your fav. HP fic. I have worked very hard on it, and that is just the pay off I look for! I get what you mean about the Vow arrangement getting old, and I want you to rest assured, things will be switching up very shortly. I just want to have you know, this story has the makings of an epic series. I plan for much more to happen before anyone lives happily ever after... And you never really know who will even live, no? Still, I hope that you will continue to read as Kalista comes to terms with her newfound powers. She is under a lot of pressure, and she has just awakened her magick a few days ago. I am trying to make a believable character that is not so strong and resilient one cannot associate, plus, Kalista is beautiful, but she is not perfect. She has faults, and her weakness, especially when it comes to intimacy, is only one among them. I can't wait to hear more from you!
Alrighty, time for some Review Responses and a New Chapter Summary! First the Responses, of course, *steve* Why is she so weak-willed? Hmmm, perhaps because she has come to find herself in a situation where she is torn from her true love and repeatedly raped, not to mention the fact that nearly the entire school harbors ill-will toward her. I think that would make anyone a bit down-trodden, no? I wouldn't say 'weak-willed' , your choice of vocabulary leaves a bit to be desired. What would you have her do? Fight them, she's done that, pit herself against them magically? Have you noticed Sedah's wandless aptitude, or anything about him? Would you attack him? If you would, you're an idiot. And a dead one, at that. Should she tell someone, and simply die? Or can you think of some way for her to reveal the plot of Snape and Sedah without breaking the Vow? Please, do tell. Liliane's suggestion about the blatant diary was simply brilliant... God, people are fucking stupid... Anyway, onto more polite, and therefore more relevant and important, reviewers... *Bob* Glad to see you're rooting for Harry, but then, who isn't? Stay true and keep reading, and find out if Harry does as well... *MasterSpike* So glad to hear from you again! A lot has happened since the last time I heard from you. I hope that the complete 180 doesn't throw you off! I know that Kalista has been through a lot, but that is often the fate of the best heros and heroines. They cannot live stationary lives of totally comfort and happiness. That is just boring, no? Much more not-boring-stuff to come, so keep you seat belt strapped good and tight! *Skullz* Yeah, I thought I would treat you guys to two chapters since I took a bit longer. I know that I have taken a bit with this one as well. It has been a crazy, but very good new year. I got a new car and a new kitten! I hope that your new year has been just as good. And I hope you continue to enjoy the upcoming chapters. Alright, now onto the Chapter Summary for my most recent post. Chapter Thirty-Four: A Deeper Darkness Kalista struggles to take control of her powers before all if lost. Will she be able to find her way through the darkness that seeps to absorb her, and will she be able to unleash the power that the Ancients have spoken of? Meanwhile, Harry struggles to contain his own desperate worry and fear as he waits for Kalista to awake. He is assaulted by feelings of uselessness and guilt on all sides, feeling vulnerable to the unknown force that has attacked Kalista... So there it is, everyone! Please rate and review to let me know what you think! I really do love hearing from you guys. I will try to have the next chapter up within the next few weeks. Until then, Happy New Year, to everyone!!!
Thank you, Skullz, for the Smiley appreciation! I like to think that I am quite talented when it comes to those little guys... Anywho, I finally got around to posting a new chapter, so I thought I would come by and give a little summary for a heads up. Chapter Thirty-Two: A Punch in the Face The tides continue to lash against the young lovers of Hogwarts, where Hermione soon finds her happy bubble isn't as thoroughly insulated as it seemed. Bastien's crass response to her friend's broken relationships causes a rift to rise and spread between them. Thoughts of Ron still dally around the back of her head, but she finds herself distracted, and not in the pleasant ways she's found as of late. Meanwhile, Harry continues to lurk on the outskirts of depression, flirting with dangerous thoughts. He begins to find his ire rising around his friends, but fights to keep himself from taking his own troubles out on them. He and Ron manage to broach their deepening relationships with a carefree stance, but they find they can't avoid their problems forever. Harry finds his problems coming to light quickly as guilt begins to eat away at him. Kalista is not herself, not at all, and when she passes out in a cold faint in class, Harry won't let anyone stop him from getting to her side. Alright, there it is, I hope you enjoy it, and I am sorry for the wait. Christmas is coming up, though, so it might be a while before the next post is up. Hopefully just a couple of weeks, I'll try to get it up before Christmas. But it might not get up until after New Year, depending on my schedule. I again want to thank you guys for sticking by me, and promise that no matter how long it may take, another post is always coming.
Alright, so with Thanksgiving coming up (yes, I am an American if you haven't figured that out yet ... Again, I'll put another plea out there for help with my attempt at portraying British accents in my story)plus the new Harry Potter movie coming out... Which was FREAKIN' AWESOME , by the way... But I am sure you already knew that... Ah, but I digress... What I mean to say is that I am going to have to postpone the next post for a tad longer. A couple more weeks. I know that it has already been a month, and I really do apologize for my lack of attention. But I promise, promise, PROMISE that I will not let this fic die, I have no intention of it dieing, I still have lots of fun ideas swirling around in my head, and we've just gotten to the confrontational part of the story. Anyway, I just wanted to drop a line so you guys didn't think that I was abandoning you or anything like that. And I urge you to resist turning away from the fic in light of the more disturbing developments as of late. I know everyone wants Harry to get the girl, and he certainly deserves her, but it wouldn't really be a story if I just gave her to him... And we still have to find out what he will do to attain her. Not to mention he still has that tiny little problem involving destroying a magical mass murderer and saving the world... That could get in the way a bit. Well, I hope that you guys aren't too upset about my recent absence, and again, I really am sorry. I love you guys, and I love hearing from you, and I will not let you down. I'm just a bit swamped in my life at the moment. Big Thanks to Skullz for sticking by me and keeping tabs on my posts, and for wishing and thinking toward my health. I really do appreciate it!
Hey, Skullz. So sorry to keep you waiting, but I have been so busy with school and work and the upcoming holidays. Plus, I have had a nasty flu as of late that has just been hanging on. I have started the next chapter it still may be a bit before I get it up to par. Hopefully by this weekend, definitely by the next. Thanks so much for being so patient, and faithful, I promise that I will not let you down. Here's to hating flu season
We had an issue with some regulations violations, but I took care of it, and the story is back up, unchanged. I had to remove a prohibited review. Sorry about that, I didn't get a notice or anything, so I didn't realize what was going on until I contacted a moderator and then it took a couple of days to diagnose and fix the problem. Quite the process ! Still, there is a new chapter waiting for you to make up for it. Chapter Thirty: Poisonous Love Kalista floats like a ghost among her peers, avoiding Harry, and the inevitable. But Harry comes looking for her and she has no choice but to face the stolen happiness she fears will be broken forever. She struggles to hold onto any semblance of normalcy she can obtain, before heading onto her Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Severus Snape is finding himself surprisingly uplifted by his assault of the girl. His deluded mind begins to relish her despair as he witnesses her in his class. He finds himself looking forward to seeing how far he can push her. I would also like to give a couple of Review Responses. *Flamers* There were a couple of flaming reviews that I deleted as soon as I saw them. I, therefore, cannot remember the names. I think it was Liliane and steve. They were attacking the story for its' portrayal of rape and unbelievable plot lines. These are feasible issues to have with a story, but I have made it clear that if you are unable to extend your criticism in a professional and polite manner, I do not wish to here it. I will address a couple of your issues, that I remember. The reviewer named Liliane believed that Kalista could easily get out of this situation by leaving a diary out or something. But she made an Unbreakable Vow to keep any knowledge of her involvement with Snape and those he instructs her to be with from anyone. My plot was attacked by this reviewer, but since she did not catch this simple thread of it, perhaps she was not following it correctly. If you are unhappy with my story and do not enjoy what you are reading, please feel free to hit the Back button and refrain from leaving insulting reviews. Steve was a bit more polite. He has issues with my portrayal of Kalista enjoying her forced sexual experiences. This is understandable, but it is consistent with my plot and story line and will be explained. I have left multiple warnings that there will be instances of a forced sexual nature and if you are not comfortable with this, please cease reading now. I am aware that women do not enjoy rape. Kalista is not like normal women. *IF YOU HAVE NOTHING CONSTRUCTIVE TO SAY, PLEASE, SAY NOTHING AT ALL.* *Stoner* Snape is very deluded in this story. That is something that you have to keep in mind. My Snape is not consistent with the canon Snape in his state of mind. My version of Severus Snape is a much darker man who has inherited deep psychological issues along with his physical scars and emotional torments. He has been altered and corrupted by his incomprehensibly difficult life, and is in return, very deluded. He has fought for years in an effort to fix a mistake he made when he was very young and very impressionable. A mistake that cost him the love of his life. He has come to find that all he has done is for nothing. Dumbledore will die, and he has a sinking suspicion that Harry may not survive, that he will not even be able to fulfill his final promise to Lily. He has come to a point where he is desperate to take something for himself, and has learned over the years that he is the only one that will truly look out for him; that the individual is the only one that matters. You have to understand that I present a plethora of characters for my readers with ranging beliefs and theories that they justify within their own minds and come to live by. There are many people in the world that have convinced themselves to believe that heinous acts are justified through certain thought processes. Murder is never justifiable, rape is never justifiable, but still, these things happen. And the people that do these things have certain thought processes. I do not claim to understand how these people think, or why, but as a writer, I try to understand the human mind. No matter how convoluted it may have become through life's unique passage. Sedah and Severus, along with Voldemort, are all deeply deluded and sick antagonists to my story, and although I delve into their thoughts and present their own dark justification and beliefs, that does not mean I share them. I present these characters in an effort to show how persistent one's own thoughts can be in life, how one's viewpoint can be so completely wrong, but yet explainable from their own sick standing. ~*~ The next chapter should be up within the next couple of weeks. Until then, Happy Autumn, everyone!
I just posted another chapter, sorry it is a tad late. Here is a brief summary. Chapter Twenty-Nine: Broken Harry Potter struggles to deal with his confrontation with his anger, and the resulting unintentional reunion with Voldemort's psyche. With Dumbledore gone, he must turn to close friends instead to help him through his ordeal. Ron helps him deal with his problem until Dumbledore comes back. Meanwhile, Kalista is also doing her best to avoid Harry, but for much different reasons, though they are just as dark. She struggles to lie to those that she has come to know as friends, even though she knows that she has no choice in the matter. Hermione can see that there is trouble in paradise, but she comes to find that Kalista is quick to lash out at those that cross her boundaries. She instead approaches Harry and finds a much different reaction, that is ten times as disturbing... Now onto some Review Responses! *Skullz* Yes, Kalista does have quite a rocky way to travel, and it seems that she'll be quicker to be left alone than we thought... At least Harry is aware of his feelings... All he has to do is dispose of that pesky Voldemort and he was going to do that anyway...Oh yeah, there is that one little problem in the form of Hades reincarnate...Yikes! Always love hearing from you! *Bob* Snape is rather killable in my version, isn't he? Harry usually comes out on top though, don't lose faith just yet! Happy to hear from you, I hope I get to hear more... *Anon* The last few chapters have mixed things up quite a bit haven't they? Of course, that is what we like to see in a story. Poor Kalista does have quite the predicament, can't wait to hear your reaction to how things play out. *Daye* You are quite right about how careful Kalista is going to have to be. Doubly hard with her feelings and emotions getting all wrapped up into the matter. Poor Kalista, indeed! I do like to put my characters in a bit of a tough spot... Love hearing from you, as always! Alrighty, the next chapter should be up in one to two weeks!
So I have managed to cut away some time to post a new chapter. I forgot to leave a summary up fo the one before, so I'll get those out of the way before I continue onto Review Response Chapter Twenty-Seven: Virgin Territory Hermione decides to give into her own impulses, but once she manages to unwind her tension, she finds mind treading down paths that seem unavoidable. Although she feels truly happy and fairly intrigued by the handsome and charming Bastien, she can't help her mind from treading back to its' usual haunt, Ronald Weasely. Meanwhile, Kalista wakes from her potion stupor to realize the horrible situation she has been tied up into. Before she can even recoup from her shock and disbelief, Sedah sweeps in to force her into a state of submission. He threatens to force her where he never has before, unless she submits to him. Chapter Twenty- Eight: Tainted Sedah Melanion is content with his new hold over Kalista, and continues to silently vow to uncover her hidden magic. He seems convinced that it is contained somewhere within her and determined to uncover it. He ponders his need to include Severus in his plan, but appreciates the necessity for his presence. Meanwhile, Kalista continues to balk at her professor's horrid acts, but she soon finds that he is not one to be talked down to. She begins to realize how little power she has in her current predicament, but at the same time wonders who is truly in control. Her dark ex-lover and fellow student, Sedah, or her professor who is over twice his age and twice as experienced. She struggles to gain control of herself in order to keep her friends from the truth. To reveal her betrayal and the depraving acts of Sedah and Severus, is to invite certain death. Now, onto the review response: *Daye* Kalista does seem to be rather stuck. She's so frazzled right now she doesn't know which way is up and which way is down. Who knows what will happen... Well, I do But I'm not giving anything away! I wanted to input the scene with Hermione to offset the violent and traumatic experiences Kalista's going through. If you pile on too much downfall, readers tend to get a bit disheartened. Always great to hear from you Daye, and again, sorry for piling those chapters on so crazy. ~*~ I will try to post the next chapter some time next week, if not then, definitely the week after. UNtil then, toodles!
Hello to all! I just wanted to drop in for a couple of Review Responses. *Skullz* Things are sliding downhill rather fast. Love is, perhaps, the most powerful drug of all. And the most influencing. It can be reshaped and altered into so many different forms, while damaging emotions rise in it's wake... Lust, jealousy, anger... Even hate. Things do seem to be hopeless for Harry and Kalista... Has Sedah managed to uncover her hidden magic, that he believes so hardily is hidden within her? And what will happen if he does? I do not think Harry will be naming his son, Seveus, anymore, though... That is probably a safe assumption. Lovely to hear from you, of course! Looking forward to hearing more! *Daye* I know, I've been writing like a crazy person, haven't I? I've slowed down now, though. Thanks for dropping a line, I love hearing from you! But I've grown confident that you won't abandon me now, so I wasn't worried Harry hasn't yet discovered the true meaning of his connection with Voldemort, and even Rowling never really clarified what happened to Harry's profound temper, and betimes fiery anger, after he destroyed he bit of Voldemort's soul that clung to him... Did he still speak Parseltongue? Did he maintain the connection to a darker part of his soul Voldemort had opened with their link? Don't worry, these are all questions I intend on answering in my own way. It is always terrific to hear from you! I hope that you continue to enjoy your reading! I am back at work, so it might be about a week before I manage to post another chapter. Until then, best wishes to everyone!
Alright, you guys, this is the last day of my impromptu vacation, so it may be next week by the time I get the next chapter posted. I've left you a nice juicy one to tide you over, though. Here is a brief summary: Chapter Twenty-Six: Tampering With Love Harry is beyond himself when he realizes Voldemort has been possessing his mind again, becoming aware of the fact after a violent episode with Kalista. A fruitless search for Dumbledore leaves him with many unanswered questions and a desperate longing to break free from his anger. Meanwhile, Severus is surprised when the potion he has been working on is completed ahead of time. Sedah instructs him to administer it as soon as possible... Kalista awakes the morning after her fight with Harry to find a gift at the foot of her bed. Thinking that it is an apology from Harry, she becomes excited... But all dreams are dashed when she discovers it is not, and walks right into the trap that has been set for her. ~*~ And now, quick Review Response: *Skullz* That was a harsh chapter, but I must warn, it tends to get worse from here. Poor Kalista... I am glad to hear that you still liked it. As to Draco, I always thought it would be interesting to understand what it was like for him to struggle through this. Don't worry, although it is very similar to his experience in the book, it is not the same Also happy to hear that you like my take on emotional magic. I always thought emotion had a llot to do with it. Bellatrix tells Harry that he can't perform the Killing Curse unless he means it. And the Patronus is impossible if one cannot think happy thoughts. I can't wait to hear what you think of the next chapter. You know I love hearing from you!
Hello, yet again! I know that I have been posting like crazy lately, but I feel that is not a bad thing. As I have said, I received an impromptu holiday, which I am taking full advantage of. I am getting ready to post another chapter that should be up in the next few minutes. Here is a brief summary. Chapter Twenty-Five: When Anger Runs Rampant Draco Malfoy continues to struggle with the nearly impossible mission that his Dark Lord has set before him. Realizing that he may be unable to fix the Vanishing Cabinet, he begins to search for other ways to dispose of one of the greatest wizards of all time. In the midst of his turmoil, he sinks in upon himself, becoming secluded and desperate. He begins to lose himself in the impending doom failure ensures. Meanwhile, Kalista Karakinos has resolved to keep quiet about Tom Riddle, seeking to diminish strife in her relationship with Harry. But in spite of her backing down, she can still see that his frustration and anger are rising. He is unable to master wandless magic, because of his inability to master his anger. Kalista struggles to help him let go of his anger, while simultaneously trying to give into her own darkest desires. But when Harry truly releases control, he balks at what he discovers. ~*~ I would also like to give a couple of Review Responses while I am here: *Salon_Kitty* I am so happy to hear that you are pleased with my deeper exploration into magical phenomenon. Magic seems like such a deep, elemental power, rooted not only in wizards, but all throughout the world. It has always seemed to have an identity of its very own, although it may be hard for us to grasp. I try to paint a more vivid picture of what goes into evoking magic, and why it is sometimes more powerful. I always thought that Voldemort was far too aware of magic to be blind to the connection that he and Harry formed. Although he belittled the magic that Lily evoked to protect her son, he still recognized it. And I think over time he would grow to appreciate its' power, especially after the episode at the Ministry. Also glad to hear you liked the scene between Harry and Kalista, again, I am trying to show the deep magic that ensnares both of them in very different ways. It may take them both long and tumoltuous roads to discover their own magic. Don't worry about missing chapters, it's no big deal. I am always happy to hear from you! Plus, I have been posting like a crazy person for the past few days. I have the writing bug! *Skullz* Impromptu holidays are the best kind in my opinion! I am happy to hear you liked the recent chapter, I know I have been piling them on lately. I know that the initial scene with Kalista and Harry must have taken you by surprise, but I hope that I clarified things with the connection between Harry and Voldemort that deepens when Harry is lustful. Harry is bound by a magic that links him to Voldemort, and sometimes they experience the characteristics of the other. Over the time that this bond has existed, Harry has adapted certain attributes of Tom Riddle into his own personality. Such as anger, impatience and violence... Sometimes these feelings can not be controlled, especially when he lets down his inhibitions to replace them with intimacy. Kalista does seem to have a curse regarding those that become obsessed with her, and I am sure that Aphrodite had this problem as well... Among others. I always love hearing from you, Skullz, and can't wait to hear what you think of the most recent chapter!
Hello, hello! I hope that everyone is enjoying their Labor Day I have happily gotten a little surprise vacation, four days off... So, I have been enjoying the nip of the writing bug. I have posted another chapter, and will probably have yet another posted today. Here are a couple of summaries for the recently posted and upcoming chapters: Chapter Twenty-Three: Waiting on a Fallen Prince Although Harry is still happy beyond belief with his new girlfriend, Kalista. He is quickly becoming grounded by the darkness of the world around him. He finds himself dreading his meetings with Dumbledore, where he must traverse dark memories. And the book that had given him so much aid throughout his first months brings doubts and suspicions to mind, not only within him, but also within those that he has grown to care about. Kalista also begins to grow impatient with his insistence that she remain separate from his destiny. Yet, Harry remains adamant; he will not allow her to put herself at risk. The strain continues to grow, but it is diminished slightly by Kalista's agreement to teach Harry and his friend's wandless magic. It recedes even more after a trip to Hogsmeade, where Harry arranges a meeting with Slughorn, finally. He and Kalista enjoy a pleasant time among friends in the tiny magical village. In spite of their growing quarrel, they continue to dote and thrive in their young love. Meanwhile, Sedah Melanion is becoming increasingly impatient, waiting for his weary professor to concoct the love potion that will ensnare Kalista. He struggles to distract himself with the other girls of Slytherin, but finds they aren't quite up to par. Also, he studies the young Draco, who he can see is battling his own inner-demons. ~*~ Chapter Twenty-Four: A Lack of Control Kalista's irritation continues to grow with Harry's insistence that she distance herself from anything that has to do with Voldemort. She believes that she has proven her worth and loyalty by helping to train he and all of their friends in wandless magic. She also believes that she will be better prepared to protect herself against Voldemort if she knows more about him. Unfortunately for her, Harry does not agree. She seethes while he is studying with Ron and Hermione, only to find him highly annoyed and forlorn when he returns. Harry, frazzled and disheartened by his fruitless search, lets his emotions get the best of him when Kalista tries to soothe him, and ends up hurting her worse then he ever has before... Voldemort is pleased by the vivid recollections he depicts from Harry's mind when the boy is angry. He is shocked to discover that the boys anger is often linked with his lust, and would reach out to the bond that connected the two, very different wizards. He ponders the connection that binds him to the Potter boy, while contemplating the deep magic that resides within the two of them. He also wonders what kind of magic the extraordinary girl in the photograph may possess, and just how powerful and deep it may be as well. When Harry awakes to find Kalista bruised and hurt, he mentally batters himself for his lack of control. Kalista will not allow him to beat himself up, and struggles to prove to him that they are meant to be together. ~*~ I would also like to give a Review Response while I am here! *Skullz* Thanks again for such a quick and appreciative response. I am sure you know by now that I love to hear from you. I am so glad to hear that the feelings I have tried to evoke between Harry and Kalista are proving substantial to you. I know that it is hard to believe that two people can feel so strongly about one another so quickly. But love is a powerful force. Also happy to hear that the dramatics I have inspired a between Ron and Hermione is to your liking as well. I always thought it was a tad unfair that Hermione never really got to have fun. Her better judgment always got in the way. But I think everyone deserves a bit of fun in life, no? Sedah is quite the character. He is a sadistic control-freak, with many much deeper and sicker issues, of course... The ultimate challenge for him can only be unbeatable... He is disturbingly obsessed with Kalista, and disregards everyone else with such shocking casualness, it is really quite disturbing. Can't wait to hear what you think of Chapter Twenty-Four. I hope to get at least one more chapter up during my impromptu holiday!
Hello, everyone! I just got the new chapter posted a few days ago. So sorry about the wait on that. Here is a brief summary of what the new chapter entails: Chapter Twenty-Two: When Trouble Brews Kalista and Harry continue to blissfully lose themselves in each other, while finally embracing the deep and binding feelings that they have developed. Kalista is ready to lay down her life to help Harry in any way she can against Lord Voldemort. But Harry becomes adamant about her need to stay separate from his fate and trials. The argument creates a rift that threatens to widen over time. Meanwhile, Severus Snape is finally able to collect the last of the ingredients he will need to brew the Amortentia, and begins to put he and Sedah's devious plans for Kalista into action. Trouble seems to be bubbling up in paradise... ~*~ While I am here I would like to give a quick review response. *Skullz* So glad to hear that you enjoyed the chapter, and the sex scene... I wanted to make it really good, because it is the first time that Harry and Kalista have really discussed their feelings and how strong they have become. I like to think that I have Harry down, he is a tough character to write, but I really enjoy trying! There are indeed ominous signs, things will be picking up shortly... I can't wait to here what you think of those things! I should have the next chapter up by the end of next week. If not then, definitely the week after. Thanks again for continuing to be such a loyal reader. And I do apologize for keeping you waiting.
Sorry about the delays on the chapters recently, you guys. It has been a rather hectic few weeks for me, trying to balance school and a full-time job. Still, I'm sure you don't want to read my excuses, I will try to have the next chapter up by the end of next week. Thanks for continuing to read in spite of my recent absence. I might as well answer a few new review while I am here. *Daye* Does it really seem like she is corrupting him, I think Harry is giving into his own desires, more than a bit. Still, things are moving along in an interestingly intense fashion, no? Hermione has always had issues with giving into the pleasures of life. No matter how great or small they may be. She is always more focused on trying to follow the rules. Still, Bastien is quiet the candidate for the job of opening her up a bit. You are right about the Room of Requirement, I will go back to fix that, and thanks so much for pointing it out! *Salon_Kitty* It is a bit un-Hermioneish, but, I think the girl deserves a bit of freakishness. Thanks for the quick grammar lesson. I do always seem to mix those up, along with 'then' and 'than'. I'll go back to edit as soon as I get the time. As for Harry and Kalista, I think that the intensity spawns from their very natures. Kalista's is still being revealed, but Harry has always been portrayed as a rather intense young man with a somewhat short temper at times. You really do hate that Ferret, don't you! Sedah, oh Sedah... *Skullz* Glad that you liked the new addition. I thought Hermione has deserves a bit of unabashed desire. As tot he way a girl's mind works, well how does anyone's mind work really? We all develop our thoughts and ideas about the world based on our own life experiences and how we interpret them. I promise the next chapter will be up soon, and I really am so sorry for the delay. Thanks you so much for sticking by and continuing to check up on the story. I won't let you down! *hope* It is wonderful to have a new reader, and I am so happy to hear that you like the story. As to your questions about Hermione and her inability to own her feelings... Well, don't we all have those issues? It is much easier said than done to give into intense and often scary feelings that come from a deep, tender place inside. Ron and Hermione have a long and rocky relationship. They have both fought to deny their own feelings with one another. In my version, you must remember that Ron did begin to reciprocate those feelings. He got scared, though, he doesn't want to mess up the delicate balance of the friendship between the trio. They are often strife with fighting and arguments, usually due to Hermione and Ron bickering at one another, or Ron being spiteful toward Harry. Which leads me to my general view and characterization of Ron within my fanfiction. You argue with why I see him as rather, well, unimpressive as a friend. Ron has constantly been spiteful toward Harry for his unwanted wealth and stature. Yes, Harry has lied to Ron, but only in order to avoid his spiteful anger and unfair judgments. Harry did not ask for his life, he did not want it. But Ron could not help seeing it as a blessing, and couldn't help viewing himself only within the shadow of someone else. Perhaps Ron could not help his view points, which have been formed over years of struggling to shine among a family of magical brilliance. If he would ever just stop worrying so much and take a look at himself, he would see that he could be just as brilliant as any of his sisters and brothers, as brilliant as Harry or Hermione even. But he's so caught up in his own poor self-image and spite because of it, he often lets his loved one's down. As for the rocky instances of Ron and Hermione's relationship in their fourth-year, well, Hermione wanted to go to the Yule Ball with Ron, but he made it clear that the thought had never crossed his mind. He was too wrapped up in his blind obsession with Fleur. Perhaps one would argue that he was enthralled by the magical bindings of Fleur's Veela blood... But Harry was able to resist, and still went for Cho, even though he was too late. But the only reason he waited so long was because he was scared. So, I don't blame Hermione at all for accepting Krum's invitation. As for their age distance, well, honey, age is just a number. Still, I do admire Ron for his instances of bravery and intense loyalty that come about when it really matters. He has proven time and again that while he may bitch and moan and make life difficult, when push really comes to shove, he comes through in the end. I do wish to hear more from you, in spite of our differing views. I hope that you will continue to read.
Here to post a review response... *Skullz* Again, sorry that you had to wait for that chapter a bit longer then I anticipated, I am glad to hear that it was worth the wait, though. Hermione's part was a bit difficult, she is a strong character, and hard to portray in a vulnerable state. I am so happy to hear that you think I did a good job. I plan on delving much deeper into her conflict with Ron and Lavender, so now I will feel more confidant. I worked really, really hard on the scene between Harry and Kalista in the Room of Requirement. It was a crucial point in their budding relationship, struggling to be comfortable with the deep desires of their counterpart. Also, I wanted to write a REALLY hot scene between them, since their first time was a bit short winded due to inexperience. I can't wait to hear more from you, I hope to have the next chapter up within the next couple of weeks.