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Posts posted by Shunskitten

  1. Not guilty because I don't know where my recipe books are X'D And no one asks me anyways.

    Ever forget to do something because you're so mad then remember the next day and by the time you remember there is no one to help you with it? (guilty today actually...after I found out about pictures of my daughter disappearing from a camera, pictures I never got, got me so upset I never had my dressing c hanged, and my husband and I were so tired today from being upset that before he left for work he didn't change it! Now I'm waiting for the nurse)

  2. (I actually managed to get away with gaining 3 more pounds in my pregnancy. He understood I couldn't get out much. THANK YOU WEATHER.)

    Massively guilty. I still do it.

    Ever been guilty of putting on the heater despite the fact you have the heat on?

  3. Nope. Got my husband hooked on A Haunting yet none of his coworkers know, and if they did, they wouldn't care. They could say something but he'd shoot it back :P

    Ever been iffy about going to the doctor because you'll know he or she will have at you for something that is out of your control?

  4. Not guilty. I don't ever let myself get that drunk. The farthest I've been was to the point I was laughing then had a slight headache the next day. That was 2 years ago. Damn uncle.

    Ever been surprised at how well your doing at something?

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