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Posts posted by Onihime

  1. "Ummm.. A little bit of everything?" Teilau asked. "And a refill maybe?" She downed the wine and leaned toward B. "I'm hoping to not be able to walk out of here very steadily when it comes time for me to leave."

  2. Teilau smiled and took B's other arm. "I tried to tell her that not all males could be as evil as my father is. Thank you so much for proving me right!" As they passed the a floating tray Teilau reached out and grabbed a wine glass. "Thank you." She said to the nothingness that the tray was floating on.

  3. "Oh no! Samantha, are you alright? Maybe we should head home. Can't return you looking all beat up can we?" Teilau asked as she helped her friend stand back up. "Unless you want to stay? In which case we can I'm sure."

  4. Teilau gasped and tears filled her eyes, "Thank you madam Wench! I will treasure this always." She would too, the girl might not look like a dragon, but piss her off and see the damage she could wreak. Woe to anyone who tried to steal the precious gift from her, including her father.

    She looked around for the only person she knew aside from Samantha, and smiled a shy smile when she saw Apollo surrounded by her men. "Come on Samantha, lets get some real food again. I'm so sick of eating what he wants me to eat all the time."

  5. Teilau burst out laughing, "Sand isn't too much different than mud when you think about it." She was laughing at a memory of herself playing in mud when she was a child. The trouble she brought upon herself was well worth the fun she'd had though.

  6. Teilau blushed and then giggled, "I wanted your opinion on the castle silly! Besides, you promised to keep the fact that I'd pilfered them to yourself, especially since I always return them before she ever knows they've gone missing."

  7. Teilau shrugged at her friend's question, "I don't see how every male could be as evil as he is. It's like the harem. There's several very nice women in it. And there's some complete bitches as well. I don't think it would be fair to judge every male in the world based on our limited experiences."

    Then the young woman hugged Samantha, "Don't worry, I can keep your form as it is if you get too nervous and transform. I won't be able to do anything about your voice if you go too far though." She whispered into her ear. "Now, we'd best get started on our castle."

    Once it was done, she stood up, "What do you think?"

  8. Teilau had heard about the festivities for today and convinced Samantha to join her in building a sand castle. But before they actually started their castle Teilau had a horrible thought and decided to share it with her friend. "Can't you just see Father doing that?" She asked as she used her illusionist magic to put her thought into a sand sculpture.

  9. "Anything? I've always wanted to try cooked steak. Where I'm from it is customary to eat meats raw." She shuddered and sighed, "I'll see if I can invite you to where I live. I'm sure Father would see that me having a friend from outside his harem would be to his advantage as well as my own. I only hope that he wouldn't decide to eat you or keep you as one of his pets." Teilau tried to inject a bit of humor, yet she couldn't because she knew her father wouldn't hesitate to eat Apollo or keep her and try turning her into just another one of his toys.

  10. At Apollo's question as to where she was from the young girl paled then answered as truthfully and as vaguely as possible, "Over the river and through the woods, my lady. As much as I long to escape and never return, I fear what could happen if I never face my demon even more than if I do."

  11. At Apollo's invitation she sat and sipped some wine. It tasted strange, not quite like anything she'd ever had before. "What sort of drink is this?" She asked as she reached for a strawberry. She too had put up with her father and his harem. Luckily, while she knew the basic idea of what happened behind closed and sometimes not so closed doors, she'd never had anything of the sort happen to her. Anytime she'd even tried to sneak a kiss from anyone her father heard about it and she was punished. "Hmm, strawberries, aren't they supposed to be an aphrodisiac of some sort?" In many ways Teilau was an innocent, in others, not so much.

  12. "Samantha! Thank goodness, come on. I want you to meet Apollo. She's the wonderful woman who put this shindig together. I wonder if I could talk Father into something similar to this." Teilau grabbed her friend by the hand and led her toward their hostess. "Just relax, okay? You look even more tense than I am."

  13. "It has been an eye-opening experience. Dragons aren't built the same as humans. Well, they are, but they aren't." She stopped speaking realizing that Apollo might think she was an empty headed, babbling young twerp. Her eyes traversed the crowd of people before landing on her friend Samantha. "Will you excuse me for a moment? I see one of my friends and she appears to be lost."

  14. "Greetings, Apollo. I'm Teilau, and in case you couldn't tell, this was my first time at such an event." The girl allowed the hood of her cloak to drop from her head as she shook hands with the lady. "My father tends to keep me caged up as best he can, but as you can obviously see I found a way to escape for a while." When one of the men came and asked to play the piano a smile crossed her lips. "I've always enjoyed music. The pipes were lovely and haunting, as they should be."

  15. Teilau was heading for the door, the sooner she got back home the less chance there was that she'd be caught. The less chance that she'd be caught the better. Father had started taking his anger toward her out on her little brother of late. The fiend knew little Raioku was her weakness and never failed to exploit it once he figured it out.

    But it would be rude to leave without thanking the hostess wouldn't it? And so she hovered indecisively waiting for a sign of some sort to tell her to leave or to entice her to stay.

  16. A rather short elf slipped into the back of the crowd gathered to watch the fashion show. It was painfully obvious that she wasn't full blooded moon-elf. Her hair was red rather than silver and her eyes, while being the typical golden color of her people, had slit pupils, like a reptile. She tried to blend into the background. It wouldn't due for her to be caught outside her father's palace for something like this. Gods only knew what he'd do to her if he found out. He was the dragon king after all, and she was bound by a contract of marriage to a demon. Teilau shivered and pulled her cloak tighter around her body.

    Hearing the cheering and rather raunchy remarks coming from those around her the elven maiden looked up and caught an eyeful. "Oh, gods!" She gasped, her golden skin turning pink as she gazed at her first nude male.

  17. The beta's back, ready, and willing to get back to work! Sorry about my laptop deciding it didn't wanna work as a wireless computer anymore everyone! That and I didn't really feel comfortable proofing the story on my husband's desktop. He wouldn't have cared, but I don't like the keyboard he's currently using. I'm a picky little individual when it comes to how I want my computer set up and such.


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