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Everything posted by Tamda

  1. Beta needed! Arse kicker for if I get distracted a plus. Okay, folks, I tend to be wordy, I tend to get off on descriptive tangents. I tend to write run on sentences and will definitely goof up tenses at some point. If you have a firm understanding of English and want an author that will listen to all beta input, I want you! For my current fic I would appreciate a beta that has seen or read Yu Yu Hakusho past the Ma-Zoku transformation at the end of Season 3. A beta who has seen all 4 seasons would be a plus, but I'll take what I can get. I want a beta willing and able to go above and beyond simple grammar and American English corrections to giving me pre-post feedback like; "This section here "Blah blah blah .... blah blah blah blah." wasn't clear." or "Try toning back the senses a bit here, it's dragging down the scene." My fic, Fortunate Son, will be a LONG yaoi fic with lots of power plays, sex, sexuality and emotions. It will have threesomes, and explore fantasy scenarios of heavy D/s, abuse and even a planned NC dream scene as Yusuke fights himself over what he really wants. Fights with himself over wanting to give up a bit of control, a bit of his valued image, for what a part of him feels he needs. It will have bi-sexuality and even some het scenes, even reverse role het scenes in dreams. It will be mostly first person in life, and third person in dreams. I have planned side stories with Hiei and Kurama as my main characters, but they won't be integrated into the main story, and will remain side stories. My goal is to have a chapter or side story every 2 weeks. I am, in fact writing everything I have sketched out for the first 4 chapters now, and plan to keep working on everything as I post, so eventually I am 10 or so chapters ahead and able to sit polishing each chapter a few weeks in advance. (this means anywhere from 1-5k words a chapter/side story, every week or so) A beta with a week or so turn around time would be awesome! But if you're a bit slower sometimes it won't be the end of the world. In a way, this is my 10th fic, and my first, I haven't written fic in over 5 years, but I did a bit of RP about 2 years ago. As such I expect to burn a bit light at some point and need prodding or whipping to get back into shape.
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