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  1. Hey I really loved your story Utopia but I think It's down now. I see you don't get on much but if you see this hit me up i would really like to talk about it!

  2. Hello, I hereby invite you to read my new original fic called 'Utopia.' I posted this story in Erotica section, it seemed like the most suitable place given it's pretty graphic nature. The story is plot driven however, just as much as it is smut driven. For the moment there are four chapters up, and I do my best to update weekly. I estimate the complete story will be somewhere between 12 and 20 chapters, depending on time, my inspiration, and your feedback. A little warning maybe; this is a story about a character losing all control, and the chapters will gradually go from D/s to, eventually N/C. Title: Utopia Author: Delvian Summary: For years Daphne's consciousness has been locked inside a virtual world called Utopia. She is the only real human among artificial intelligence. Frustrated and bored out of her skull she creates a new character, overriding some of the basic rules to give him intelligence, free will and an unquenchable sex drive. It takes quite a long while before Daphne realises she made a big mistake, one she can't fix. Rating: Adult ++ Pairings: Mainly M/F, also some F/M/M and in future chapters there will be F/F and probably F/F/M as well. Feedback: I admit it. I'm a review whore. Please, make my day and let me know if you like my story. All kinds of feedback, including constructive criticism are welcome. I'm also open to suggestions, though I may or may not follow up on them. If you want to message me but for some reason don't want to review, you're welcome to mail me. URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600101956 Thanks, Delvian
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